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“The system detected the power of Time Rule, did you extract it?”

“The system has detected the regular power of fire, will it be extracted?”

“The system detected the power of the Water Rule, did you extract it?”

Hearing the sound of system ding ding ding~ from the bottom of my heart, Du Yuesheng was too late to distinguish exactly what the rules were, all of which were extracted into his body within the body.

After all the Spirit God’s rule abilities were extracted, Du Yuesheng lifts the head looked at the ember standing above the void.

The ember at this moment has become completely different from before, his aura is changing, and no longer belongs to this world.

“I didn’t think you could go to this step, I still underestimate you mortals!” Ei looked at Du Yuesheng without a touch of emotion in her eyes.

Aura from the time of Immemorial radiated around him. The aura that originally belonged to Ember has also been disappeared, replaced by an inexplicable wave of power.

“I can’t imagine that the origin of a World actually contains so many ancient powers. Such powers completely exceed the limits of the rules!”

Ember extended the hand, slowly clenching, and saw Annihilation Power overflowing from Ember’s palm.

“Now, I have touched the power of the law of destruction and the law of creation. What is your little rule controller fighting against me?”

“System, what did this ember obtain from World Origin?”

Du Yuesheng felt like he had never been so nervous!

I don’t know what power this ember has, and I can’t resist the Executing Immortal Sword and the rules of the rules!

If you continue this way, you are likely to roll over here.

And the time for Absolute Domain is also up. Now he is not an opponent of this product at all, which makes Du Yuesheng feel very helpless.

power! !

Du Yuesheng felt very eager for power at one time, and he couldn’t even beat a little ember. How did he find Xiaoyu?


“According to the system test, this ember has absorbed the marks of the rules of destruction and rules of creation obtained by World Origin at the beginning of its birth, thus mastering the power of the rules!”

Lying in the trough!

Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but swear out, this ash is now like this, how do you fight? Where is God World? No one in the upper realm is so powerful.

“The player has detected a mortal danger and it is recommended that the player conduct summon!”

As if feeling the BUG of Ember, system this time is also a rare reminder to Du Yuesheng.

When Du Yuesheng heard the system, he also knew that he could now say that there was no solution to this successful promotion.

“It’s just absorbing the origin of the World, I Du Yuesheng will let you know what is the real power!”

Du Yuesheng couldn’t bear to see Jang’s eyes to disdain as beneath contempt.

How dare you despise yourself.

Who is he!

He is 10000 invincible Heavenly Emperor.

Behind him, there are countless Peak powerhouse waiting for his summon.

What is trifling?

“True power?” Ei heard Du Yuesheng’s words and laughed unabashedly.

“I’m going to take a look today, what is the only orphan of God World, what winds and waves can you turn up!”

Du Yuesheng stood up next to Ember with strong fighting intent in his eyes!

Ember saw Du Yuesheng’s monstrous fighting intent, thinking that he had experienced that many battles before, and he could still face himself, and there was also admiration in his heart!

“Whether you win or lose, you have gained my respect! You are qualified to count as a powerhouse!” Ei said to Du Yuesheng.

After all, a mortal can reach such a realm, enough to marvel Ember,

“Sorry, it’s me who can soar! But I won’t remember you!”

Du Yuesheng loudly shouted, I saw Executing Immortal Sword suddenly fiercely shook up, and a red card appeared from his hand. The card seemed to be dripping blood and it messed up the surrounding Space-Time.

“What have you done!”

Ember loudly shouted, what exactly is this Du Yuesheng doing. But now the situation seems really terrifying!

The overwhelming pressure dropped from the tomb! The already torn space of the tomb collapsed instantly.

Du Yuesheng tried his best to run Space Rule to build a small space for himself to prevent himself from being eroded by Destruction Rule.

Ember is still safe and sound in the void because he has comprehended the law of destruction.

Although the space of the Divine Tomb collapsed, but the palpable coercion did not decrease but increase!

I saw a bright light suddenly appear in the sky, causing Du Yuesheng and Ember to close their eyes in an instant.

“Heavenly Emperor !”

“We meet again!!”

Meet again?

Du Yuesheng was surprised when he heard this voice. Did he summon to Old Acquaintance? Thinking of this, he lifts the head and looks into the void.

crap! !

Heavenspan Saint! !

Du Yuesheng looked at the old man who appeared in the sky, it was Heavenspan Saint he had summon before.

This fate is too…

Du Yuesheng didn’t know how to describe his inner shock. With Heavenspan Saint here, what are he afraid of?

Even if this God comes, he is now fearless.


This is one of the Great Desolate 7 Great Saint.

Lord of the cult.

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