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“System, then can I put God World people into Divine Kingdom to avoid the destruction caused by the fall of the original World?”

Du Yuesheng asked the system, because the Divine Kingdom within the body was refined by Heavenspan Saint, and it simulated the operation rules of the entire God World, while also discarding the defects in the Destruction Rule and the creation rule. , So according to this logic, I can put the people of God World into my Divine Kingdom.

“Yes host, this method is feasible! But the two worlds still have certain differences! Generally speaking, the people of God World can only enter and exit, but the host uses Godmon Card summon in God World The characters who come out can go in and out freely.”

“Only in but not out…”

Du Yuesheng thought secretly that if these people wanted to survive the Heaven and Earth catastrophe, they could only enter their own inner world except to enter the tomb of the gods.

But since this tomb of God is shaped by Spirit God and is the only vitality for ascension, it must be extremely dangerous. People with a lower cultivation base may not even have the qualifications to enter alive!

Now there is only one way before them, that is to enter their Divine Kingdom.

“Kuqin real person! Now the situation is urgent, you hurry to let the people of Paragon Academy gather, I have something important to announce!”

Du Yuesheng spoke to Kuqin.

Kuqin also knew that the situation was critical, and immediately turned and left the great hall, using the spirit strength of his body to call for the Academy disciple to gather.

After the arrival of the Heaven and Earth catastrophe, these students were all scared people were alarmed. Now that they see Kuqin gathering at summon, how can he not be active?

In an instant, everyone gathered together and looked at the dry piano in the sky.

Du Yuesheng was nodded to Kuqin, and a flashing body also flew into the clouds.

The students who gathered together to discuss spiritedly saw Du Yuesheng and immediately fell silent. After all, where is Du Yuesheng’s strength, Du Yuesheng must have some understanding of what happened now.

“Are you wondering, what exactly happened to cause the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi riot?”

Du Yuesheng scanned the crowd with scorching eyes, and asked softly.

The onlookers were nodded again and again, and their eyes were full of doubts. Among them, the powerful person showed his grave expression.

“Simple, this God World is about to die!”

“Why! What!” Hearing this, the students boiled all at once!

God World is going to fall as soon as possible! What does the fall of World represent? All creatures in the whole World have to die, no one can heaven defying!

The entire Martial Training Stage has become dead, and the disciples have lost their spirit in the eyes of these disciplines.

Strength! Only with strength can we find a trace of vitality in the desperate situation. The people below the World Lord are really like trivial ant.

Spirit God created something like the tomb of the god before death, just to let a small number of people in this world can stretch on whilst at death’s door, there is a chance of life, the world will only tell the world lord before it dissipates There is a tomb in the world, why?

Because these people with low cultivation base, even if they are talented, are peerless genius, but if they do not grow up, fart is not! The genius that survives is the genius!

Looking at the despair on the faces of these young, talented people, Du Yuesheng also felt a touch of touch. Fortunately, he had a system. Otherwise, he could not control his own destiny.

“Although the annihilation of this World can’t be reversed, I can give you the last hint of vitality!” Du Yuesheng indifferently said.

“What! Yuesheng, what did you just say!”

Old Man Qin heard Du Yuesheng’s words and moved to him in an instant, his hands clasped Du Yuesheng’s shoulder and shouted loudly.

Looking at the excited expression of Real Man Kuqin, Du Yuesheng is also able to understand. After all, the fact that he exists within the body in the World is simply unimaginable and unbelievable.

“I can save you!” Du Yuesheng said slowly to the real person Kuqin.

Hearing Du Yuesheng’s repeated confirmations, the tears on the face of Ku Qin’s real person flowed out, and he kneeled in front of Du Yuesheng.

“My Paragon Academy has you become the dean, really is the great blessings that the ancestors have accumulated countless Yinde for!”

Du Yuesheng can be in such a desperate situation, so that the Pao Academy’s Dao Lineage will not be gone, how can this make Kuqin real people not crazy!

“What Dean Du Yuesheng said just now!” a female student asked the man beside him.

“The dean, the dean said we can survive!”

The woman froze for a few seconds and wept with joy. The people around also cheered loudly.

What could be more exciting than avoiding a catastrophe!

“I will bring you to another Small Thousand Worlds like God World, but this World has a limitation, that is, you can only enter, not come out, I will tell you in advance, the rest depends on your choice.”

Du Yuesheng watched everyone’s mood gradually calm down, and also told them of World’s limitations.

However, this sentence did not cause any sensation, which surprised Du Yuesheng. After all, the people of cultivation are pursuing freedom between Heaven and Earth, not subject to the Grand Dao Rule.

“Where can we still qualify for freedom?” Ku Qin saw the surprise in Du Yuesheng’s eyes, facing Du Yuesheng said with a bitter smile.

“Life is the most important, because only by living can there be a future. Even if you are trapped in a World, there is no way out, it is better than dissipating between Heaven and Earth. If we do not leave this World, wait until God World is wiped out, Then the whole soul will be gone, and there is no chance of reincarnation, let’s talk about cultivation.”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng was suddenly in his heart.

Faced with the nodded real man, with a big wave, these people were put in their own Divine Kingdom.

“Oh, how about Longting?”

Thinking of the Dragon Race also in the Paragon domain, Du Yuesheng used Space Law to come to the Dragon Palace in Long Aotian.

“Heavenly Emperor, why are you here?” Long Aotian is also anxious at this time with 10000 points. Although Longting is in a small world, it is also built on the basis of God World. If God World is gone, the whole Dragon Race doesn’t know where to go.

Seeing Du Yuesheng coming to his dragon palace, Long Aotian also quickly greeted him.

After all, Du Yuesheng, but someone who can kill even Shilong, must have a way to deal with this time.

Du Yuesheng told Long Aotian about Divine Kingdom. After thinking for a while, Long Aotian put the Dragon Race juniors into Du Yuesheng’s inner World, while he took other experts to follow Du Yuesheng in the tomb of the gods. I’m swaying.

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