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“Are you her elder sister?” Du Yuesheng heard the woman’s words and remembered the killer.

I can’t think of these two sisters, one by one is hot, such a stunner is not in his own hands, it is simply unreasonable!

Now that she has brought her elder sister to her side, if there is a chance, it would be a great pleasure for the 3 people to turn up and down together.

But now he has to make things more serious, so that this Besari can only conquer her!

“Your younger sister is also brave enough to assassinate me. I am now thinking about whether I should kill her!”

“You dare!” Besari listened to Du Yuesheng’s words and turned pale with fright. She now has the younger sister left. If she dies, she will not be alive!

“Can you spare my younger sister and beg you! I am willing to make you a cow and a horse!”

Besari knelt down all of a sudden because she knew she was not Du Yuesheng’s opponent at all.

In front of this man, it is estimated that only his appearance can attract him, and he can only hope that he can sell his body and freely exchange for a younger sister.

“Hmph, death is inevitable and living sin is inescapable! You follow me first, and the rest will come back.”

After such a long time, there was no sound in the word array. Du Yuesheng withdrew the word array and saw that there was a mess. The bodies of those irrational cultivators were everywhere. No one can break the array and go out!

Xihai God Palace is over!

The entire Western Sea Territory was destroyed by Du Yuesheng alone! .

The melon-eating crowds around were all terrified, and each and everyone lowered their heads, fearing that Du Yuesheng would be wiped out if he was upset.

Du Yuesheng glanced around, and saw that everyone was faced with fear and respect, satisfied nodded, take a deep breath, and shipped from Inner Strength loudly said:

“This West Sea Territory will be my Du Yuesheng’s site in the future. Whoever dared not come here to search or make trouble, kill without mercy! Remember, don’t challenge my endurance.”

Everyone was hearing this, and words of respect continued to pop up. Du Yuesheng was also upset when he heard it. He brought Besari and Diao Chan back to Paragon Academy.

Kuqin Zhenren also glanced proudly at the others, his eyes full of pride.

Look, this is my discipline. If you want to move our college, you must also weigh your skills!

“Master, you are back! No injuries!”

Seeing Du Yuesheng’s silhouette, Liuli, who stood in front of Meilin’s door, immediately took his hand and asked long and short.

“How can I master something happen to you master, the Old Ancestor in Xihai is only strong in appearance but weak in reality, and I easily solved it.”

Du Yuesheng squeezed Liuli’s face and looked down towards Liuli, but he saw a bit of spring light through the gaps in his clothes.

Liuli found Du Yuesheng’s eyes narrowed and stared at his neckline, and also glanced down, suddenly found that he was gone.

“Ah! Master, you’re bad!” Liu Li’s blushed face turned around with a sneer and ran back to the room.

At this time, Real Man Kuqin also rushed to this piece of Merlin. When he saw this scene, he coughed and reminded Du Yuesheng to discuss the matter.

Seeing Kuqin real person, Du Yuesheng also put away the unreasonable, “Master, what are you doing with me?”

“Now that we have defeated the Xihai Old Ancestor, should we send the Academy’s discipline to guard it first to prevent those who are interested in spying?”

Du Yuesheng hearing this is also nodded. I think I still have that many Summon Cards that are useless. Now that the Xihai God Palace no longer exists, it’s time to master where I am.

“Okay, you send the Academy students first, and I will ask my own people to support me later, this Xihai must be in control!”

Kuqin heard that he was also satisfied and turned away.

“Du Yuesheng, where is my younger sister?”

Besari followed Du Yuesheng to Shuyuan, and was unable to bear to ask herself whereabouts of her younger sister. Now that she saw that both Kuqin Zhenren and Liu Li had left, she immediately stepped forward and asked.

“Come with me!” After hearing this, Du Yuesheng took Besari to the dungeon where Bessa was detained.

Beishahua angered Du Yuesheng because she almost injured Liuli with her shot. Now she is also riddled with scars in the dungeon, but because she is worried about the safety of her elder sister, she gritted her teeth and couldn’t reveal a word.

Du Yuesheng walked into the dungeon first and saw the red flag on Bethahua’s body being beaten by the whip. He couldn’t bear it. After all, he also fell in love with this little girl. Now Liuli didn’t pursue the matter, and he was angry Almost eliminated. A cure healed her injury.

“You! How can you treat me like this!” Bethahua saw Du Yuesheng coming in, both wronged and sad. She is a delicate beauty. This Du Yuesheng can actually bear to treat herself like this.

Du Yuesheng saw that this Little Hot Pepper is still hard-mouthed and wanted to tease her.

“Why can’t I beat you? I dare to attack Liuli. It would be nice if I didn’t kill you on the spot! Would you still not reveal information about Xihai Old Ancestor?”

“Impossible, I won’t say it even if you kill me!” Besha Hua gnashing teeth said. For the elder sister, I must not say.

“Don’t say so!” Du Yuesheng laughed cruelly. He lowered his head and said to Berthahua: “If you don’t tell me, I’ll find 10 ugliest men in the world to gang rape you, until they are exhausted, I don’t believe you don’t tell me!”

After listening to this sentence, Bessahua could not imagine such a situation. “Wow” cried out, and the voice became louder and louder.

Besari heard her younger sister crying outside, and immediately lost her breath. She quickly entered the cell and saw where her younger sister was crying and questioning Du Yuesheng loudly.

“What did you do to my younger sister?”

Du Yuesheng also had a headache. When the woman cried, she lost her mind and shrugged; “I didn’t do anything, she cried.”

Besari saw the elder sister coming and stopped her tears at once. “Why am my elder sister here with you?”

Besari stepped forward and told Besari what had happened.

Hearing the death of Xihai Old Ancestor, Besari wept with joy.

“Many thanks Du Yuesheng Young Master for letting go of my younger sister. I am willing to serve as Young Master’s maid to serve Young Master.”

Besari saw her younger sister had no worries about her life, and she knelt down to prepare to fulfill her promise.

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