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But her mood is not calm. After a month of Du Yuesheng’s company, she has recovered from the loss of her father. She carefully looks at the disciplines below.

Du Yuesheng on the side stood there indifferently and looked at Bai Xiaoling. She was more mature. In the past, she basically wouldn’t manage things in the sect. She was just nothing serious about everything good and bad.

“Sacrificial Heaven Great Ceremony officially started.”

In fact, this is also the ceremony of Bai Xiaoling’s succession to Sect Master. As the ceremonial words just fell, Du Yuesheng smiled at the corner of his mouth and formed a cloud of 7 colors with a single hand wave in the air, which looked very colorful.

Under the background of this wonderful scene, Bai Xiaoling, an elegant and poised dragon robe, looks more imposing, and the disciplines below stand together in different levels and orders.

“News, Heaven Scaling Sect sent a congratulatory gift.”

“Report, the ghost Sword Sect sent a congratulatory gift.”

“Paper, the White Tiger door sent a gift.”


The voice couldn’t stop. The disciples each and everyone came forward to report it, and a team of people came from below.

After these sects came in, they were very neat and orderly. Everything was as if they were ready. They each and everyone walked to the heavenly material earthly treasure in their hands, each of which exudes a rich and light aura.

1000 years of ice and snow, 10000 years of blood, different precious medicinal ingredients are all taken out of the monument, there are some medicinal ingredients that are not usually seen, and there are some strange things, needless to say they are all good things.

“Wow, these sects are really great generosity. Some medical ingredients were not easily used before, but after the previous battle, the sect Hidden Treasure Pavilion is not as good as before.” A disciple was excited. Watch these sects to worship.

Many disciplines involuntarily gave birth to proud expressions. Under the leadership of Baiyang Dao Venerable, they basically contributed to the following sect every year in accordance with the requirements of the White Devil Palace, but these contributed things have just reached the standard every year. Only, it is far inferior to these things.

Among all the Sects that come to send gifts, the White Tiger door is the most powerful. The other Sects are almost all led by the White Tiger door this time.

“The strength of this White Tiger door is indeed not to be underestimated, but now it is coming, I really don’t dare to imagine.” An Elder’s eyes flushed slightly, all this should be attributed to Du Yuesheng.

The sects who came to the tribute this time were led by their Sect Master personally, showing how great the sincerity of these sects is, and each and everyone sect stood directly after finishing the tribute in order.

When they stood, many Sect Masters of the sect looked directly at the man on the stage. It was accurate to see what this Du Yuesheng was like, and he could kill Supreme God of Eight Great Sects.

Supreme God is not a Chinese cabbage that can be seen everywhere. This time Eight Great Sects is a heavy loss. It is said that some Sects have been concealed, and it is rumored that they will not be born at random because they are afraid of encountering Du Yuesheng’s strangulation.


An hour later, at least 100 sects came here. The ritual ceremony was carried out under the observation of everyone. With the help of Du Yuesheng, Bai Xiaoling was the most magnificent ritual ceremony in history.

Although these sects of Bai Xiao Spirit General were brought into the meeting room, Bai Xiao Ling still saw so many sects coming for worship for the first time, and her heart was slightly nervous.

“Hello Sect Leader Bai, I’m Zhang Biao from the White Tiger door. I’ve heard so much about Sir’s strength. We are here to see Sir’s true content, and to witness Sect Leader Bai’s Sacrificial Heaven Great Ceremony. .”

The sect Sect Master on the side also followed up, showing that they had no other meaning. They looked at Du Yuesheng nervously. To be precise, in order to see if the rumor was true, even if they were true, they should Seeing it with my own eyes is also a bottom.

“Humph.” Du Yuesheng stood coldly snorted on the stage. Where did he not know what these people meant, it was nothing more than to see his strength.

The cold aura burst out of Du Yuesheng’s body in an instant, and the infinite pressure came down from his body. After the breakthrough, Du Yuesheng’s strength was directly located in the cultivation base of Supreme God Grade 3, which is exactly a Early Stage.

The Sect Masters below have complexion greatly changed, Supreme God’s cultivation base, the cold sweat of each of them has flowed down, especially the White Tigers’ Sect Master Zhang Biao directly kneeled down.

“My White Tiger gate was originally intended as the Subordinate Sect of the White Demon Palace. Please don’t refrain from saying Sect Leader Bai.” Zhang Biao knew very well that although the cultivation base leaked by Du Yuesheng was only the cultivation base of Supreme God Early Stage, but the facts It’s there.

“Only relying on the White Demon Sect and his sect will be more powerful.” Zhang Biao looked at Bai Xiaoling and Du Yuesheng on the stage nervously.

Bai Xiaoling did not expect that the White Tiger club would be willing to do their affiliated Sect, and it is also a rare thing in the history of the White Demon Palace. She was a little unsure, and she looked up at Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng looked at Bai Xiaoling’s nervous look, and his heart was unable to bear. He smiled slightly at Bai Xiao Spirit Points and nodded sound transmission: “In the future you will be the Sect Master of the White Devil Palace, everything is up to you That’s it, you can do it boldly and I will support you later.”

Bai Xiaoling’s small face was a meal, looking at the Sect Master said solemnly of each and everyone Sect below: “Okay, in the future, you White Tigers will be our affiliated Sect of the White Devil Palace.”

“Many thanks Sect Leader Bai.” Zhang Biao was a little happy in his heart and finally got a big thick leg. At that time, he sent a spy to inquire about the news here. After hearing the strength of Du Yuesheng, he at first I don’t believe it.

Later, when news of the destruction of the other Eight Great Sects came, his heart jumped abruptly. He would not let go of this opportunity. After that, he contacted other Sects, and then these sects at first disagreed.

Of course, in the end, the news of Eight Great Sects spread throughout the domain of death, and finally this happened now.

After that, other Sects follow the White Tiger gate, and they are required to become the attached Sect of the White Devil Palace. After some of these sects become the attached Sect, the White Devil Palace will usher in a period of rapid development.

Close to the attachment of the 100 sects, the resources obtained by the White Devil Palace are massive, and the territory of the sect will expand to an inhuman level.

“I didn’t expect so many things to happen today.” Bai Xiaoling looked at Du Yuesheng happily, and she didn’t think about this scene at the moment.

Du Yuesheng gently hugged Bai Xiaoling and said softly: “Everything has been arranged, it is time for us…”

“What should we do?” Bai Xiaoling asked with a blush.


“Cavehouse candle night…”

Du Yuesheng picked up Bai Xiaoling and moved towards the room, his hands swimming on her from time to time.

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