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“Holy River?”

The scene in front of him couldn’t help but be puzzled, and immediately he knew that the root of everything was in the altar, Du Yuesheng’s eyes moved.

Emerald green’s rays of light condensed from behind him, and chains protruded from his back. The sound of crash-bang came from the void. The thick iron chain showed a metal-like texture, pointed finger towards the altar and Out.

Du Yuesheng intends to kill the altar just now. This strange altar makes him feel worse, and the thick iron chain is not in the sky.


The thick iron chain appeared in front of everyone, demented and shocked, but their expression dimmed. Who could destroy this altar? The power of Supreme God is the same as the difference between Heaven and Earth.

The iron chain forcibly hit the altar, and a white cover came out. The sky above the weird altar squirmed, and the power of the blood demon rose out of thin air. This was also the power of the Taoist Baiyang.

Without the discovery of the crowd, the cracks in the sky were forbidden, and the Executing Immortal Sword in Du Yuesheng’s hand pointed directly at the altar, and the accumulated power burst out.

The altar laid by the Taoist Baiyang was powerful, and he just carried Du Yuesheng’s attack down. Du Yuesheng looked at it with disdain. Shenghe’s had already begun to reverse, but it was forcibly blocked by Du Yuesheng.

Heavy coercion burst out of his body, Executing Immortal Sword’s formidable power became more powerful, Rule Power was blessed by him, as the saying goes, a strength breaking myriad laws, Executing Immortal Sword with endless The cutting power moved towards The altar attacked the past,

Rub it.

The whole Heaven and Earth was shaken. Executing Immortal Sword directly penetrated the altar, and the formation mark on the altar became unstable and gave a violent shock.

Within a second, the altar disappeared between Heaven and Earth, and there were 1000 sores and 100 holes underneath. After the loud noise, everyone became demented. They never thought that things would turn out to be like this. , All the heavy pressure disappeared from their bodies.

“cough cough.”

It is only now that everyone realized that they were saved, but they had already been poisoned by the Baiyang Dao Venerable. Some Elders had just gotten up from the ground, vomiting black blood, their eyes wandering, and finally turned into bones.


Du Yuesheng smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and recovered the Executing Immortal Sword. He also didn’t know that these were the things that Baiyang Daojun had done. His body broke the void and moved out with one foot.

At this time, everyone found that the crack in the sky had stopped, and even the holy river flowing backward in the sky had stopped.

“What’s the matter?”

Daojun Baiyang was standing on the top of the towering mountain. The scene in front of him really made him feel very angry. The flow of the holy river actually stopped. Forget it, now the holy river is running on its original track.

How many years the plan of the unfathomable mystery was destroyed, his daughter, all the painstaking effort, Bai Yang Daojun’s body trembled a mouthful of blood from within the body spit out abruptly, angrily attacked his heart.

“Come here, check it for me. I want to see who destroyed the altar.” Baiyang Daojun’s voice spread throughout the mountain, and the people above the God Lord of Peak in the White Demon Palace rushed out of the nest, Frightened some Sect nearby.

“If you let me find out who did it, then I will let you taste my anger of Baiyang Daojun.” A cruel smile appeared on Baiyang Daojun’s face, and his eyes penetrated into the depths of the space.

In the space, Bai Xiaoling has reached the final juncture, the nine holy veins are constantly merging, the Heaven and Earth are continually shaking, and Du Yuesheng stands on the side of the face showing a trace of tenderness.

The imposing manner on Bai Xialing’s body became more and more tyrannical, the brilliance of the body surface flowed, and layers of obscure Taoism appeared and flowed. This is a scene that has never appeared in 1000 years. Du Yuesheng stood by and looked at Bai Xiaoling’s hands As soon as he moved, a lotus with a large head was ejected at Bai Xiaoling.

“1000 lotus flowers should allow you to better integrate all these energies.”

Bai Xiaoling was surrounded by this lotus lotus leaf blooming. Bai Xiaoling felt that he had returned to the time when Heaven and Earth first opened. A warm and comfortable feeling came from his body.


I don’t know how long it took, Bai Xiaoling was like a fairy, with curved eyelashes and crystal clear skin, which made people impossible to bear to take a bite. Du Yuesheng stepped forward and grabbed Bai Xiaoling and said, “It’s time to go, I’m afraid I can’t hold on here. It will collapse in a while.”

Originally, the space here had gone through the altar, and after passing the imposing manner triggered by Bai Xiaoling’s breakthrough just now, it would be destroyed in a few moments. Bai Xiaoling snuggled in Du Yuesheng’s arms and moved towards Array and flew over.

On one side, Saintess was almost wiped out by the crack, and now after being saved, moved towards the outside with no regard for anything.

Du Yuesheng’s speed was very fast. After a few breaths, he came to the Space Transmission Array. Du Yuesheng took Bai Xiaoling and stood on the Array, and the spirit strength radiated from his hands.

Array was urged, all the nodes on Array suddenly lit up, there was a wave of fluctuations in the space, and Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling were sent out.

“Is this Array random?”

Du Yuesheng looked at all around green trees, but there were just a few more people who looked at the scenery. His clothes were obviously people of the demon shadow sect. Although Du Yuesheng could not deal with them, but this time there were some comers Bad.

A burly-looking man looked at Du Yuesheng very arrogantly, and said secretly in one’s heart: “Sect Master is also true, this is just a scum of God Lord Peak, thinking of the strength of my God Lord Peak, a little finger Can kill him.”

“Boy go back with us, Sect Master has something to look for you.”

Du Yuesheng sneered after hearing what the man in front of him said, “You are something, you came here to shout at me, it really can’t tell good from bad.”

Du Yuesheng was originally the kind of fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, and his strength can be matched with Supreme God, not to mention these scumbags who have just entered Supreme God.

Du Gufeng saw that Du Yuesheng was actually playing a fighting stance, he couldn’t bear to laugh in place, and now he really dares to be so confident even with ants, this means laughed him to death.

“10000 Demon Death Palm.”

“Since you can’t tell good from bad, don’t blame me for making you suffer.” If Sect Master hadn’t explained that he couldn’t hurt the person in front of him, he really wanted to slap him to death.

If he knew the true strength of Du Yuesheng, he would have to run as far as possible.


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