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“Dead?” Fatty looked at him with a trace of astonishment, her eyes suddenly turned cold when she watched Du Yuesheng, and she asked unceremoniously.

“Boy, who you are? How come you are here? Isn’t you a member of Wang Family?”

Speaking of this, his tone has become a little cold, and there seems to be a faintly discernable threat.

“You are really weird. They tell you that they are dead if they die. Why should I lie to you?”

For some reason, Du Yuesheng found this fatty to be quite interesting. It was also unprecedented and talked so much nonsense with a stranger.

Although this fatty is also a Supreme God, for Du Yuesheng today, even Supreme God is not in his eyes.

Fatty seems to be thinking about Du Yuesheng’s question seriously. After thinking about it, it seems that there is no way to refute it. Muttered: “You seem to make sense…”

But soon he reacted and said maliciously, “Boy, tell me honestly, how did Wang Family die? You would never kill it, right?”

“Uh … right.”

Du Yuesheng looked at him like a fool.

“Haha, are you kidding? Just rely on you? hahaha…”

fatty hearing this, but he laughed unscrupulously, and his tone did not conceal the irony.

The movement he laughed is really not small, the pile of Roshan trembles, it is simply heaven falls and earth rends, but with a smile, his voice stopped abruptly.

He suddenly glanced at Du Yuesheng curiously, “Hey, are you God Lord?”

Shrugged of Du Yuesheng indifferent expression.

“God Lord Peak’s strength, um…it seems to be able to solve a small force like Wang Family.”

Fatty thought for a while, and it seemed that it was really possible, but Wang Family became a “little force” in his mouth. If he was heard by those cultivators just now, I don’t know how much waves it would make.

“Then why are you killing Wang Family?”

Faced with fatty question after question, even Du Yuesheng’s temperament felt impatient. The dignified Heavenly Emperor was willing to answer one or two questions for him. It was already a great honor for him. This guy can’t tell good from. bad, even chasing after it.

“Kill it, kill it, why should I tell you?”

Fatty hearing this, but he became anxious again. His temperament was already hot. He followed Du Yuesheng so much nonsense, and suddenly became unable to bear that hot temper. He immediately angered: “What’s the matter with you guy?” Laozi asked Why do you have this attitude?”

“Hmph, it seems that you are sent here by the Wang Family to deliberately confuse this Majesty’s! It seems that Wang Family is really willing to send such a young God Lord here to block this seat!”

“It’s a pity that you count 1000 as 10000. Absolutely I didn’t expect this seat to be so smart, and you can see through your tricks at a glance, hey hey hey, boy, what is your expression? Are you a guilty conscience? I guessed it!”

Du Yuesheng’s face full of black lines, this fatty that came out of nowhere is simply a weird thing. He was accused of various crimes without saying anything, and he looked like he was believed oneself infallible.

“Hmph huh, kid, you can only blame Wang Family for being too vicious and merciless, and willing to sacrifice a genius like you. It’s a pity, you can’t go back alive when you meet this seat…”

Seeing Du Yuesheng looking at him silently, fatty became more sure of his guess and immediately sneered.

“It is an honor for you to die in the hands of this Lord Baiyang!”

The fatty, who claims to be Baiyang Daojun, can’t help but shoot after speaking. I have to say that this fatty looks clumsy, but the shot is Pass Like Thunder Move Like Wind. The speed is extremely fast, but in that huge Against the background of the body, I always feel a little awkward.

Du Yuesheng’s face suddenly became gloomy. He just started to kill, and now he doesn’t want to kill people, so he has been patiently answering this guy’s questions, but he didn’t expect this bastard to be so unable to tell good from bad.

Even if he has the best temperament, he cannot tolerate this guy being impudent in front of him.

“Come on, fight Laozi for 300 rounds!”

Daojun Baiyang seemed to be very warlike, seeing the release of Du Yuesheng imposing manner, his eyes were filled with excitement rays of light.

He grabbed Du Yuesheng with an eagle claw with big hands. He was fierce and completely desperate. He didn’t feel any mercy because Du Yuesheng was the God Lord.

Watching this claw go straight to his heart, Du Yuesheng couldn’t sit still anymore. He was coldly snorted, and his face suddenly became gloomy, and a cold sense of murder immediately spread out with his voice, and he waved The fist shook back the Roshan-like Baiyang Taoist.

“Since you want to die, don’t blame me!”

Du Yuesheng slapped his palm, a terrifying force, madly emerging from his palm, the kind of aura that destroys everything, even Baiyang Daojun was unable to bear complexion changed.

“That’s not right…” He seemed to be a little puzzled, and he didn’t even care about the palm print that was enough to destroy the world.

It is frowns, as if thinking, looking at Du Yuesheng and muttered strangely, “You are a cultivation base in the God Lord realm, how can you exert this level of power? This is very wrong…”

This guy’s performance made Du Yuesheng didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. No one is still struggling with this kind of thing in the enemy, but Du Yuesheng can see that this guy is not pretending, but really doing Thinking.

Seeing that he could slap this guy to death with a slap, Du Yuesheng hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to leave him a life for now.

“No way, no way, you guy is a bit heaven defying, Laozi can’t be careless, otherwise it might be in your hands.”

Although Baiyang Daojun looked a little unreliable, he was the first person among the Supreme Gods Du Yuesheng faced to see Du Yuesheng’s true strength. This was a bit unexpected by Du Yuesheng.

“wait for me a while.”

In Du Yuesheng’s stunned gaze, Baiyang Daojun took out all kinds of Magic Treasures from Heaven and Earth Bag, and talisman all stuck on his body, forming a burst of protection rays of light, and finally his life Source Magic Treasure is out for summon.

“I’m ready, do you have any means to do it all!”

This Baiyang Daojun seemed to have checked carefully and confirmed that there was no omission. Finally, he assumed a posture, facing Du Yuesheng nodded, indicating that he could move.

Looking at this man in front of him, Du Yuesheng simply didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. This guy is already fattened into a mountain of meat, plus he has put on various treasures, and even The helmet, even the size, has surpassed an elephant.

What’s even more speechless is that this guy didn’t do this enough, and he actually applied more than 20 layers of protection talisman on himself.

Looking at the Baiyang Daojun shrouded in various rays of light, Du Yuesheng face full of black lines, there are 10,000,000 *** rushing past silently in my heart.

The first time I met, Supreme God like him.

“Your Magic Treasure, where did it come from?”

Suddenly, Du Yuesheng set his gaze on the sky above Daojun Baiyang, the simple copper mirror with brilliant red clouds light.

In an instant, his tone suddenly became cold, and his expression was also full of indifference.

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