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“Junior, you are really too arrogant!”

Wang Family Old Ancestor’s face was completely gloomy. For the first time, he met such an arrogant guy, not to mention that he had stepped into Supreme realm.

Even the God Lord Peak back then, this Du Yuesheng dared to say this will have to suffer!

Like him at this age, he has experienced countless winds and waves. In his opinion, people like Du Yuesheng can’t be considered arrogant, but ignorant!

In many cases, ignorance has to pay a heavy price!

“You can try.”

Du Yuesheng looked at him lightly.

“Hmph, arrogance has a price!”

Wang Family Old Ancestor was too lazy to continue talking nonsense. The arrogant child in front of him killed Wang Family Patriarch in front of him.


When they came to their realm, there was no need to say anything at all, and the curtain of the battle was instantly opened.

2 people have absolute self-confidence, and they are even reluctant to use Magic Treasure, but they are fighting with bare hands, but when they reach this level of realm, even if they do not use Magic Treasure, that formidable power is not something other cultivators can afford!

“bang bang bang!”

The two turned into one after another light and shadow, and they kept colliding in the sky. Every time it caused an earthquake, it seemed that under the intense confrontation of two people, this piece of Heaven and Earth was unbearable.

The aftermath of the collision was terrifying extremely, forming a shock wave, raging all around with a destructive force, and the building collapsed in an instant, and the former luxurious Wang Family mansion was reduced to ruins.

Only the hall protected by the light curtain is still surviving in the swaying, but under the impact of this terrifying, the light curtain has also become a lot dim, and it seems that it may shatter in this impact at any time.

Feeling the change of the light curtain, these cultivators have complexion greatly changed. Once the light curtain is broken, they can not be confident that they can be safe under the shock wave of this level. Thinking of this, they can’t help but pray secretly, hoping that Wang Family Old Ancestor Solve that Du Yuesheng guy earlier.

But what made them anxious was that Du Yuesheng was really heaven defying. The two people fought in the air for 2 rounds in a blink of an eye. They were evenly matched, and no one could suppress anyone, which made them feel more and more frightened.

Can God Lord realm have such terrifying battle strength? This is too heaven defying!

What surprised them was much more than that. When the two people in the air retreated after a fight, the silhouette of Wang Family Old Ancestor suddenly disappeared in place, turned into an afterimage, and suddenly appeared in Du Yuesheng. Above the head of your head, wave your palm down!

Du Yuesheng didn’t seem to react. He still looked forward with the expression grave. When Wang Family Old Ancestor’s palm was about to slap Du Yuesheng into a pile of meat, he was also on the void, and another Du appeared unexpectedly. Yuesheng!

“2 Du Yuesheng?”

“How is this going?!”

In the stunned expression of those cultivator, in the sky suddenly appeared a silhouette, and its appearance seemed to be the same as Du Yuesheng, which surprised them, how could there be 2 Du Yuesheng, is it another Is it Avatar?

“No, that’s an afterimage!”

In the field, the highest-ranking 1000 Taoist people in the cultivation base, after a short period of consternation, suddenly complexion changed, seeming to realize what.

His voice is not loud, but it still attracted the attention of the surrounding cultivator, after all, this is also an Old Ancestor-level figure.

Sure enough, in the dignified gaze of the 1000-faced Taoist, Du Yuesheng who was below suddenly dispersed slowly, and it seemed that it was really just an afterimage left behind because of the speed.

At this time, Wang Family Old Ancestor also reacted, but he had already made a move, but it was not so easy to change his move. It happened to reveal a gap in front of Du Yuesheng!

In Wang Family Old Ancestor’s stunned gaze, Du Yuesheng hit his chest with a punch and directly threw this Old Ancestor 10,000 li, vomiting blood, and finally forcibly stopped his body in the air!

“Good speed…”

Wang Family Old Ancestor both shocked and angry. To my surprise, Du Yuesheng’s speed is so fast that he seems to have surpassed the limit. Otherwise, it is impossible that even he could not react. Supreme God’s supreme existence was actually injured!

“Junior, you successfully angered the old man!”

However, Wang Family Old Ancestor is a Supreme God-level powerhouse after all, and soon calmed down. When they reach their realm, they will not easily shake Dao’s heart and have absolute confidence in their own strength, even if Du Yuesheng’s speed is fast How can it be, in the face of absolute strength, everything is a paper tiger!

“Dome-breaking spear, get up!”

Wang Family Old Ancestor was finally unable to bear, and he couldn’t hold back his desire to kill this child at this moment, he took the lead in calling out his Magic Treasure under his voice.

That black long spear soared into the sky, appeared in his hands, and suddenly burst out 10,000 feet rays of light. It was very bright. At this moment, under the rays of light, he is like an invincible, aloof and remote Battle God!

“The battle is over!”

Wang Family Old Ancestor looked at Du Yuesheng coldly, his eyes full of indifference, as if he was looking at a dead body, he was too lazy to continue entanglement, and planned to directly use the thunderous method to completely kill Du Yuesheng.

“Wang Tianzhong is still unable to bear…”

Seeing this, the 1000 Daoists in the hall suddenly sighed, with a hint of helplessness, and also a trace of regret.

It is estimated that there is no one who knows the battle strength of this Wang Family Old Ancestor better than him. At that time, they had the same realm. After Wang Tianzhong took out Magic Treasure, he couldn’t survive 3 rounds.

He looked at Du Yuesheng’s gaze, as if he were looking at the dead, and he was already ruthless. Although Du Yuesheng was indeed heavenly defying, he could sustain Wang Tianzhong for so long after breaking through to Supreme God, but after all, they were still too far apart. Big.

Even though the 1000-faced Taoist is quite optimistic about Du Yuesheng, at this brief moment, they also showed a regretful look.

“It’s time to end.” Du Yuesheng lightly saying.

Facing the Wang Family Old Ancestor whose battle strength increased sharply, his expression was still calm and there was no wave of waves. He stretched out his hand to the void and shook his hand, suddenly bursting out bright rays of light.

In the rays of light, a white long sword slowly appeared in his hand.

“You are dead!”

Wang Family Old Ancestor’s tone became abrupt, crazy killing intents poured out uncontrollably, and his expression became more and more ferocious. In his hand, the 10,000 feet rays of light burst into the sky. Peerless divine might, shake the sky and earth, burst out of the sky!

“Trifling Supreme God, killed like slaughtering a dog!”

In Du Yuesheng’s coldly snorted sound, a sword crossed.

This sword was unremarkable, but in front of Wang Family Old Ancestor, it drew out a vast expanse of whiteness.

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