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When Wang Yu’s body fell on the altar, the entire altar changed strangely. At that time, Wang Yu had just died, and fresh blood still remained on his body.

Under the nourishment of this blood, the whole altar seemed to be rejuvenated.

On the altar, there are many weird lines, and as the blood flows through, each one emits bright red and mysterious rays of light.

This scene caused Du Yuesheng to frown, and he had a vaguely bad premonition.

However, at this time, everyone was thinking of the small line on the altar: The door is opened by the sacrifice of flesh and blood, and the endless treasures are up to you!

They have red eyes, as if they have seen a lot of endless treasures in front of them, and everyone’s eyes radiate the green light that only wild beast has.

Du Yuesheng noticed that the only people in the field who remained rational were the rather mysterious Mo Great Accomplishment and Xiao Jian who had been helping.

The two of them both stared at the altar with expression grave, and their frowning brows also showed their inner anxiety.

As time passed, there were more and more weird patterns on the altar, and a faint black air floated slowly, which made Du Yuesheng more and more uneasy.

But he still didn’t stop it, and he also wanted to know what would happen to this altar when the essence of flesh and blood was exhausted, and what kind of secrets were hidden under this scarlet altar!

In a daze, the blood-colored altar trembled violently, as if something was going to break through from it, a black arrogance of terrifying matchless, from the depths of the altar, rose into the sky.

In an instant, the entire altar was shrouded in a weird black mist.

The ground returned to calm again, but after a while, the entire ground began to vibrate violently, and under the terrifying momentum, the entire blood-colored altar burst to pieces.

“Hahaha, fresh and delicious blood…”

A terrifying sound came from deep in the ground. This sound was terrifying and made people feel the scalp numb.

Hong long long !

There was a loud noise, like thunder rolling in, but it came from deep underground. Not long after the blood-colored altar exploded, an extremely terrifying imposing manner broke out of the deep underground.

Almost in an instant, the entire space was plunged into darkness, and the pitch-black mist enveloped a radius of 10,000 li. An extremely evil aura made people feel depressed.

When this piece of Heaven and Earth regained its light, the blood-colored altar had already been reduced to a ruin, and a silhouette stood in the sky.

Wang Yu?

At this time, Wang Yu’s body had undergone a lot of changes. There were many hideous magic patterns on his skin, with traces of dark and evil aura, and his long hair was actually growing to the ground.

The aura emanating from him is extremely powerful and terrifying to make people feel suffocating. Even though he is disgusted, he still wants to acknowledge allegiance involuntarily.

“Jié jié, damn White Dragon, you didn’t expect that many years after your death, you can see the sun again, hahahaha…”

At this moment, “Wang Yu” showed a hideous smile on his face, his lips and eyes were pitch black, and he looked very strange. He muttered to himself, “It’s a pity that this demon body is too weak…”

He seemed a little dissatisfied. At this time, he glanced at Du Yuesheng and the others in the field, and his eyes burst into greedy and bloodthirsty rays of light. He said with a smile:

“Not bad, there are so many fresh flesh and blood, enough to restore 80% of the strength of this seat!”

At this time, the rebirth of “Wang Yu” shocked everyone, as if a haze enveloped their hearts, and many people frowned.

Only one or two seemed unwilling. They looked at “Wang Yu” coldly and shouted angrily: “What the hell is going on? Why don’t you open the ban? The treasure?”


That “Wang Yu” hearing this, but with a grin, what he showed from his mouth is no longer the teeth of Human Race, but the fangs of azure, his savage said with a smile, “Where is there any treasure? Isn’t it a good thing to help me see the sun again?”

When his voice fell, the ruins of the blood-colored altar below, a burst of magic light whistled past, and the altar returned to its original appearance.

At this time, people discovered that it was not an altar at all, but a seal monument.

There are ancient fonts engraved on it, but as for that line of small bloody characters, it has become another line of words: Zhenmadi.

Three simple words are enough to explain everything. If you can’t react at this time, you are a fool.

“Are you a domain demon?”

Suddenly, there was a trembling voice faintly sounded in the great hall, everyone looked over and found that the voice came from Mo Great Accomplishment.

He seemed to think of some terrifying legend, face deathly pale, his heart was desperate, his voice trembling and endless fear.

“To be precise, this seat is the Demon Lord!”

The “Wang Yu” who stood in the void and exuded evil demonic energy all over his body suddenly smiled.

When his voice fell, everyone in the audience was complexion changed.

Almost every cultivator in the domain of death has heard of such an ancient legend.

Many, many years ago, in the center of the realm of death, there existed a group of inexorable demon, they specialized in the flesh and blood of Human Race, in order to strengthen their own strength.

During that time, the human cultivator declined, and the living space was constantly oppressed, and was eventually driven to the outskirts of death, living in panic all day long.

Until one day, a stunning powerhouse was born, he led the human cultivator, launched a strong counterattack, sacrificed himself, suppressed the king of Demon Race, and after more than ten years of elimination, he was completely wiped out. This group of demons restored peace in the domain of death.

But didn’t expect, after a lapse of many years, they are actually here, and they met another demon head, and they are still very powerful Devil Master!

A demon, its strength is equivalent to the supreme existence of the human cultivator, Supreme God!

Even because of its peculiar physique, even Supreme God can’t kill it, and can only suppress it with endless years, so that he finally smiles in the years.

In this way, this demon will appear here, it should be the suppression of the Supreme God White Dragon who sacrificed himself in exchange for the suppression.

didn’t expect today, but they were beaten and knocked off the seal by mistake.

“You guy is good, and the flesh and blood must be delicious. Let me enjoy it first.”

Feeling the fear of these humble Human Race cultivator, Mo Zun smiled sensibly, he locked his eyes on Mo Great Accomplishment.

He can see at a glance that this Great Accomplishment blood energy is vigorous and should be the strongest among these people.

But he missed Du Yuesheng.

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