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“Ding, congratulations to the players for getting Treasure Concealing Map Fragment 1. There is only 1 short to get together.”

The moment the sound of the system sounded in Du Yuesheng’s mind.

Haha !

This time the treasure is still not wrong!

Du Yuesheng listened to the hints of the system in his mind and was very satisfied. This was really an unexpected gain. Didn’t expect here actually has another Treasure Concealing Map fragment.

In this way, he was only one step away from making up the treasure map.

Although there is no other gain, but this time is worth the trip.

So, in joy, Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling went out and continued to move towards the center of the great hall.

“Not right, not right…”

Walking along, Bai Xiaoling suddenly startled, she looked over with her head tilted, slowly opened the mouth and said under Du Yuesheng’s puzzled eyes.

“You guy, I don’t care about the real treasure, but I think this broken drawing is so important. Is there any big secret I don’t know?”

Du Yuesheng opened his mouth and was about to explain, but Bai Xiaoling waved his hand in disapproval and said:

“You guys really can’t tell good from bad. It’s better to be a real person. Don’t think about illusory all day long. Even if there is really a great opportunity, it’s not up to you or me.”

“I advise you to be like me, a wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him, to remove all treasures of this underground palace, that’s the right thing!”

I don’t know when she started, Bai Xiaoling has changed her idea that she was only planning to pick up leftovers after others.

Instead, he set a great ambition to evacuate the treasure.

For Bai Xiaoling’s this remark, Du Yuesheng indifferent expression laughed, but did not speak.

“Forget it, when I didn’t say that, I was stupid, actually playing the lute for a cow.” Bai Xiaoling seemed to have been used to Du Yuesheng’s appearance for a long time, murmured, and went on.

This time they never stopped on the way, because these stone chambers in the back were either deserted or had been searched and emptied. They had no value at all.

Without any hindrance, they moved fast, and it didn’t take long before they reached the end of this endless corridor. The front became more and more spacious, and the space was much brighter.

The loud noise and the explosion of hong long long came from the bright area in front.

Outside the corridor, there is a vast space, much larger than the previous hall, similar to a square, with a great hall at the center.

It can be clearly seen from the far away, the big line with the plaque hanging on the great hall: Hidden Treasure Pavilion! These three words are quite charming, such as flamboyant, when the eyes are in contact, it is dazzling, and the mind is also floating.

At the same time, in front of this great hall, there was a faint light curtain that blocked everything, so that everyone just stood beside, but no one dared to break in.

In front of the light curtain, there is an altar that is not tall, with a line of scarlet characters engraved on it: the flesh sacrifices to open the door, and the infinite Supreme Treasure is up to you.

This line of characters is extremely secretive. If you don’t observe it carefully, it’s really not so easy to find, but somehow, Du Yuesheng frowned slightly when he saw this altar, and it seemed to have a bad hunch.

All of this shows the out of the ordinary of this place, which makes people suddenly realize that Yanlai is the most central area of ​​the entire underground palace. The three words Hidden Treasure Pavilion are enough to explain everything. There is a real treasure here!

I am afraid that every one here will have such an idea.

Bai Xiaoling is no exception.

“Wow! I seem to see piles of treasure!”

Bai Xiaoling exclaimed in awe, those crescent-like eyes exuded a fan-like rays of light, an intoxicated look.

Du Yuesheng smiled pats her head and motioned her to look at the front.

In the direction of Du Yuesheng, Bai Xiaoling found out that there were already a lot of silhouettes in this great hall at this time. There are also 20 people.

More importantly, among these silhouettes, Xiao Jian, Lan Ling’er and other four Heaven’s Chosen are impressively listed. They are now in the most central area.

Wang Yu is naturally here.

When Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling appeared in this great hall, his eyes were cast for the first time, especially in the moment of contact with Du Yuesheng’s eyes, his gloomy eyes suddenly flashed a chill.

“Dare you come here?”

Wang Yu’s faint voice rang in this great hall.

His sentence immediately attracted the eyes of countless people, many of them glanced at Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling, both disdainful and surprised.

Xiao Jian’s gaze also swept along, and he seemed to be somewhat surprised. With the strength of Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling, he could actually get here, but when he met Du Yuesheng’s gaze, slightly nodded,

Feeling the gaze around her, Bai Xiaoling seemed a little nervous. She took a slight step back and pulled Du Yuesheng’s clothes corner. She seemed to have the thought of leaving.

However, when she looked up, she discovered that Du Yuesheng’s face was calm, and her expression was indifferent without a trace of fluctuation. He dared to meet Wang Yu’s cold eyes, and said lightly with a smile: “You can come, Why can’t I?”

“Hmph! Arrogant!” Wang Yu was sneaked, his expression flickered, he seemed to think of something, a flash of killing intent flashed in his eyes, his faint said with a smile, “Brother Mo, I agree with you!”

His words attracted a lot of surprises, but he slowly explained, “As the altar said, the sacrifice of flesh and blood is the correct method. Now I have a good person here!”

Speaking of which, a lot of people have reacted, showing an expression of sudden enlightenment. With Wang Yu’s eyes, they have turned their attention to Du Yuesheng.

After noticing the faint fluctuations emanating from Du Yuesheng, many people smiled knowingly.

“Everyone, weak are prey to the strong. This is the law of survival. In my opinion, there is no need to continue to argue, as long as this kid is used to sacrifice, everything will be known!”

Wang Yu looked at Du Yuesheng, the aloof and remote gaze, looked at everything, full of disdain, and at the same time seemed to have seen Du Yuesheng’s tragic death, and smiled faintly.

Hearing this, many people were moved, their expressions changed, and their thoughts were different, but no one could stop them.

At least Wang Yu is right in saying that this World is weak are prey to the strong, and strength like Du Yuesheng can get here, either as his good luck or his bad luck!

The meaning of Wang Yu is obvious, he just wants to take Du Yuesheng as the blood of sacrifice.

This is using public office to avenge private wrongs, but no one said he was cruel.

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