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“Hey, uncle, are you murdering and setting fire to lay out the robbery? Just this broken picture of unknown origin, how expensive is it, in my opinion, it is worth ten Spirit Stones at most.”

“The girl is so bad…”

“Uncle, don’t deceive yourself…”

In the end, this corner of the Treasure Concealing Map changed from 100 Spirit Stone to 20 Spirit Stone under the bargaining of Bai Xiaoling and Diamond Rat.

This price made Du Yuesheng a little overwhelmed. The Treasure Concealing Map fragment in the front corner cost him 100,000,000 Spirit Stone. Unexpectedly, he only needed 20 Spirit Stone for this next one.

The contrast is really big.

“Ding, congratulations to the players for obtaining the Treasure Concealing Map fragments. The current number is 3, and there is only 2 copies short of it.”

“Big Turtle, you are such an idiot. Fortunately, there was me just now, otherwise you would be scammed by others. This broken picture will cost that much money…”

Along the way, Bai Xiaoling was obsessed with it, and complained every three to five. It seemed to be worthless for Du Yuesheng to spend 3 Spirit Stone to buy a broken picture that didn’t work.

“You don’t really believe that it is the map of Bai Dragon Tomb’s house?” Bai Xiaoling suddenly thought of something, looked at Du Yuesheng like an idiot, and said, “You want the map to tell me, why spend that many money?”

“What? Do you have one?”

Du Yuesheng was helplessly shrugged.

Bai Xiaoling looked at mysterious and secretive all around, frowned slightly, as if there were too many people here, took Du Yuesheng to an Inn, found a box, and ordered a few small dishes. Which took out a roll of drawings.

It was spread out on the table with twisted lines drawn on it. It was easy to see that it was a map.

“White Dragon Treasure?”

Du Yuesheng was quite surprised. Although he had no interest in Bai Dragon Tomb’s mansion, he was still quite surprised that Bai Xiaoling, a guy who looked unreliable at all, could get this map.

“That is, don’t see if this Miss is who!”

Bai Xiaoling was very satisfied with Du Yuesheng’s reaction, waved his hand and said triumphantly.

“But, are you sure this is true?”

Du Yuesheng had some doubts.

“Nonsense!” Bai Xiaoling gave him a blank look and said, “This is this Miss…”

“Forget it, don’t worry about it anyway, this map is 100% real, more real than pearls!”

Seeing her so confident, Du Yuesheng also believed a little bit, laughed, and said: “Now that you have a map, why can’t you go there?”

“You silly!”

Bai Xiaoling gave Du Yuesheng a white look. She seemed to be very suspicious of Du Yuesheng’s IQ. She said with a look of sympathy, “Now I really sympathize with your IQ.”

Du Yuesheng face full of black lines, almost couldn’t hold back and beat her to death.

“Do you think this Supreme God’s tomb can be entered if you want? This thing is about the right time and place, and it is indispensable. When the time is right, when the Formation is weak, it will be our opportunity…”

Bai Xiaoling was talking while seeing Du Yuesheng’s silent look, and suddenly hate iron for not becoming steel’s sighed, and said: “Hey, forget it, just your IQ, you don’t understand if you tell you too much .”

Du Yuesheng face full of black lines, the whole face is stretched long, the dignified generation of Heavenly Emperor was so despised by a little girl, if this is understood by those guys, I don’t know how to react.

But it’s strange to say that despite being despised by Bai Xiaoling, Du Yuesheng couldn’t get angry anyway.

“It’s probably because this Emperor Sir has a lot, so I don’t want to care about a little girl.”

Du Yuesheng feels comfortable in his heart.

Time passed slowly.

Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling stayed in Huangling City for more than 4 days, and they were used to a dull and boring life, and finally got news on this day.

The tomb of the Supreme God White Dragon appeared!

Huang Qi mountain range!

When this news spread, the entire Huangling City was boiling, because the Huangqi mountain range was just outside of Huangling City.

“Didn’t expect is actually true!”

“That’s the tomb of Supreme God!”

“Let’s go quickly, that’s a great opportunity, and it’s soaring!”

After receiving the wind, countless powerhouses went to the Huangqi mountain range. The original Huangqi mountain range was rarely visited. In just a few days, batches of cultivators appeared, and it was not long before they were overcrowded.

Obviously these people are coming for the White Dragon Tomb Mansion, a treasure hidden by Supreme God. For these cultivators, the temptation is too great.

If it weren’t far from the border here, it would be difficult to spread the news, otherwise, I’m afraid more people will hear the news!

After receiving the news, Bai Xiaoling immediately took Du Yuesheng to Huangqi mountain range, but before she left, she was earnest and well-meant advised for a while.

“Let me tell you first, this time is the gathering of powerhouses, even if this Miss is very strong, it may not be able to protect you.”

“You can learn to stand out for 10,000,000 yourself. Don’t provoke someone who shouldn’t be provoke. Some of them can’t afford to offend even this Miss.”

“Anyway, we’re just behind people’s ass, just picking up the leftovers, we have to be self-aware.”

“Hey, didn’t you listen to me, can you be more serious? I’m teaching you the EXP of walking the rivers and lakes. Anyway, you got there, 10,000,000 and lost, must listen to me, understand?”

Du Yuesheng sometimes really feels that Bai Xiaoling has advanced a lot of menopause, how to be so wordy, but in order to let her rest assured that she can clean her ears, Du Yuesheng is still nodded, as I understand it.

“That’s good, okay, let’s go!”

Bai Xiaoling’s satisfied pats Du Yuesheng’s shoulder.

Huang Qi mountain range.

Today’s Huangqi mountain range has seen batches of cultivators rushing past from a long distance, and the noise is extremely loud. Walking into the forest, covered by lush trees, the sky dimmed a lot.

A long distance away, I could hear a beast roar from the depths, which made Bai Xiaoling who walked ahead pale a little, but she thought that she had to protect the body protection and the “stunned head”, so she died. Be calm and keep going.

There is only one passage to Huangqi mountain range, so Du Yuesheng and the others have encountered many cultivator teams along the way, but these people are afraid and guard against each other. Unless they meet, no one will say hello. .

Feeling the hungry wolf-like gazes around him, Bai Xiaoling’s face changed slightly, and he slowed down, trying to get close to Du Yuesheng as much as possible.

“Little Sister, don’t you fear being alone in this barren mountain? Do you want the big brother to protect you?”

Not long after they left, several men suddenly stood in front of Bai Xiaoling, showing wretched smiles.

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