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Originally 10,000 li clear sky, suddenly darkened, violent wind erupted, wind and sand swept, the wind roared like roar in the night, terrifying incomparably.

Not far from there, I rolled up one after another black tornado, and when I scrolled, there seemed to be one after another ghost wandering, with a hideous face and a screaming cry.

Those black tornado, like terrifying power like destroying heaven extinguishing earth, even if they are separated by 10,000 li, it is still shocking.

“That…what is that…”

Bai Xiaoling had never seen such a scene before, scared to face deathly pale, and swallowed hard.

“Not good! It’s a storm of undead! Find a place to hide!”

The caravan walking in front was suddenly in a hurry. These men who had been walking in the desert all the year round had no blood on their faces when they encountered this undead storm.

Undead storm!

The weather in this dead desert is bad. Among them, the most famous undead storm, which makes people become terror-stricken at the news. The reason why this dead desert is called a forbidden place is related to this undead storm.

Legend has it that this undead storm was not formed by weather at all, but that this Land of Death buried too much Nether Soul, and the resentment qi accumulated over the years was monstrous. Every time it reached a certain level, a so-called undead storm would form.

This undead storm is extremely terrifying, even the power of God Venerable can only be avoided. Fortunately, this undead storm has a certain pattern, and caravans with EXP will try to avoid the outbreak period.

But there are always accidents in everything, and countless lives die in this undead storm every year.

Today, Du Yuesheng and the others encountered this storm with bad luck.

“Run! Run!”

The leader of the caravan, the King Boss in Bai Xiaoling’s mouth, reacted extremely quickly after seeing the sandstorm in front of him from a distance, and immediately turned around, letting everyone scatter and escape.

These caravans are all ordinary persons, even if some of the cultivation bases are Mortal Realm, there is no way to survive this kind of storm, and they turn pale in fright and run away.

Bai Xiaoling was so scared not knowing what to do, her face turned pale, staring blankly at the terrifying tornado attack, and for a while she was so scared that she forgot to run away. Now this is really different from just now.

Du Yuesheng’s face also changed. Although he wasn’t too worried, he didn’t seem to be involved in that storm. The ghost knew there was something terrifying inside.


Du Yuesheng pulled Bai Xiaoling up, sat on his camel, kicked his feet, and drove the camel to a swift dash.

However, the speed of the storm was too fast, and it quickly caught up. Some guys who were left behind by Du Yuesheng had no time to issue a scream, and even the person with the camel was involved in the storm.

The wind was roaring, and it was scraped on the face like a sharp knife. The black tornado behind him was like opening a huge mouth of blood basin, and it was about to engulf Du Yuesheng 2 people.

“hmph! ”

Du Yuesheng was coldly snorted. Knowing that he couldn’t escape, he had to grit his teeth. In order to take care of Bai Xiaoling, he had to use mana and put on a protective cover.

The storm is like a giant beast, swallowing everything.

The whole piece of Heaven and Earth, violent wind erupted, sand and rocks fly away, always shrouded in a haze, without one meter of sight, a vast expanse at a glance.

I don’t know how long it took, the wind and sand seemed to weaken a little, this piece of Heaven and Earth slowly returned to tranquility, and the sight began to become clear.

all around messy.

Fragments of broken branches, debris of rubble, and ruins after raging, avoided a catastrophe. A blazing sun still hung in the sky, as if it would never fall.

Not far away, there is a sandpit more than half a meter deep, where two silhouettes are exposed. It was Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling who had no scars on their bodies, but most of their bodies were buried by yellow sand.

There was a commotion in the sandpit, and Du Yuesheng pulled Bai Xiaoling up from the ground, flew out, and stood on the desert again.

Bai Xiaoling’s face was still pale, as if she hadn’t come back to his senses from the horror, she looked at all around blankly, and patted her chest.

“I was scared to death…” Bai Xiaoling gasped, wiping the sweat from her forehead, and said in fear after a while, “What the hell is that…too terrifying…”

Even to live together in harmony, Bai Xiaoling is still terrified. The storm just now seemed like a doomsday scene, and it still feels like avoided a catastrophe.

“Where are the camels? What about them?”

After a long time, Bai Xiaoling came back to his senses. She stared blankly at all around and found that apart from a mess of yellow sand, there was no more silhouette.

“I don’t know, maybe I ran away, maybe I died.”

Du Yuesheng lightly saying, as if to say something ordinary.

After Bai Xiaoling heard it, the complexion changed, the rays of light flickered in her eyes, she didn’t know what she was thinking, and soon she realized another problem in her eyes.

“Without a camel, what shall we do now?”

Bai Xiaoling looked at Du Yuesheng helplessly, she almost subconsciously looked towards Du Yuesheng, she probably didn’t even realize it. At this moment, she had already regarded Du Yuesheng as the backbone.


Du Yuesheng shrugged, said.


Bai Xiaoling’s complexion changed, it seemed a little weird, but then she thought about it carefully, it seemed that there was nothing else to do.

“Can we survive?”

Bai Xiaoling looked at Du Yuesheng with a panic on his face.


Du Yuesheng nodded, very positive answer. Seeing Bai Xiaoling’s appearance, and thinking of her carefree big sister not long ago, she is nothing short of two.

2 People walked all the way north, silently.

Nothing at all.

“I saw it, I saw it!”

Bai Xiaoling, who had been walking with his head all the time, suddenly saw the end, and a vague appearance of a city, suddenly screamed, cheering excitedly like a little girl.

In front, there is no longer an endless line of yellow sky, you can clearly see the uplift of the horizon, and the huge city hidden in the mist.

“Very good! We can finally get out of this damn place!”

Bai Xiaoling turned around and said to Du Yuesheng excitedly. She found that Du Yuesheng was only smiling slightly and seemed quite calm. She couldn’t help wondering: “Hey, why don’t you seem to be very excited?”

“Should I be like you?”

Du Yuesheng looked at her playfully.


Bai Xiaoling hearing this, suddenly realized that he seemed a little impolite just now, a blush appeared on his face, as attractive as a ripe apple.

After leaving for a while, Bai Xiaoling asked, “Do you have any plans after you leave this desert?”

“Let’s take a look at Huangling City.”

Du Yuesheng laughed, his goal is Treasure Concealing Map, of course it is impossible to tell Bai Xiaoling.

“What’s so good about Huangling City? This kind of border city is generally very desolate. How can it be as prosperous as the main city.”

Bai Xiaoling waved his hand quite disdainfully. Seeing Du Yuesheng still had no response, he soon realized that this was a “unseen” turtle.

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