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“You are wondering, why does this seat know, right?”

“From at first, you have anxiously wanted to shoot, even after killing the blood monster, you have been watching me nervously.”

“Although you have been trying to make yourself appear calm, your hands betrayed you.”

After Mo Tian said this, Du Yuesheng subconsciously looked down, and then he found that his hands, from start to finish, clenched his fists tightly, but he didn’t even notice it.

Du Yuesheng’s face changed, but his heart was shocked, and he was like a big enemy at once. This magic sky is really difficult!

This guy is not only superb, vicious and merciless, good at plot against, but more importantly, is this guy attentive to this point?

Who would have imagined that he could spare Du Yuesheng’s actions in a critical situation where he could fall off a little carelessly after a fierce battle? Even he can see the movement of holding fists?

What is this guy plot against?

At this moment, Du Yuesheng just realized that it is no wonder that this Devil, only as a Sect Master, can sit on par with the old monsters such as the Old Ancestor, which has been waiting for 10000 years.

Relative to his strength, this guy’s mentality is even more daunting!

“Today, you are dead!”

Devil heaven knows he guessed right, his eyes suddenly became fierce, he didn’t fight Zhu Bajie, he kept making concessions, avoiding, making Zhu Bajie anxious to bro beaded with sweat but was helpless.

“Asshole, there is a different kind of run, fight with your grandfather for 300 rounds!”

Zhu Bajie was so angry to get really angry, that the magical body of the sky was very strange, and disappeared from time to time in the black mist, leaving him traceable and invisible.

At this moment, Zhu Bajie’s body gradually became blurred.

“Ding, summon time is over!”

The sound of the system sounded in Du Yuesheng’s mind, and suddenly Du Yuesheng complexion changed.

He looked over and found that Zhu Bajie’s body had become more and more blurred, turned into a faint golden light, and slowly dissipated between Heaven and Earth.

“Oh, I see……”

Motian looked at the scene on the side, suddenly looking thoughtful and laughing. He put his eyes on Du Yuesheng and said with a tone of grace:

“Now, this seat can see who else can save you!”

Motian said with a cold laugh, his expression is full of indifference, like the ruler of aloof and remote, looking down like ants in the ground.

However, at this moment, Du Yuesheng took out a Summon Card again.

When Mo Tian saw the familiar golden beam of light, the expression on his face suddenly became wonderful.

How could this guy need help?

In the heart of the sky, Du Yuesheng thought that Du Yuesheng was already poor, didn’t expect him to summon again!

“Garen get out of me!”


Du Yuesheng yelled, Garen and the others have been upgrading in the sea of ​​holy light for some time, and now it is time to check their achievements.

After the roar, Du Yuesheng suddenly saw a golden beam of light rising in front of him.

Rays of light 10,000 feet, a tall silhouette of a golden armor wearing a large sword, coming out of the bright golden light.

“The power of Demacia!”

The one in front of me is Valoran Continent’s Battle God, the hero Garen!

According to the system’s display, Garen’s level has entered a half-step Supreme God!

Demacia Battle God!

Garen is also!

When I saw another Supreme God suddenly appear, those cultivators who stood and watched in the White Emperor City suddenly froze.

“Another Supreme God?!”

“When did Supreme God become so cheap?”

“No, this is the number, seems to be the sixth Supreme God?”

“What the hell is going on? How do I feel that this Supreme God is like the summon from the God Lord?”

Everyone blinked, and their hearts were shocked.

This scene that happened today is too shocking, and it has subverted their previous understanding of Supreme God.

Supreme God.

Shouldn’t it be the supreme existence of aloof and remote?

Why is there such a respect at one time today? And it’s all for that guy. What is that person’s identity?

If this is the case, it’s okay to know that not long ago, there were 3 Supreme Gods all fallen here!

The appearance of Garen made the demon Heavenly Eye skin jump for a while. His heart was shocked and he became more and more uneasy.

This man in armor was righteous, and the fluctuations emanating from his body turned out to be extremely daunting.

“hmph! ”

Devil’s coldly snorted, wanting to put aside the involuntarily timidity in his mind, but gazing uncontrollably at the big sword in Garen’s hand, the sword gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

“And look at the end to laugh!”

Du Yuesheng took Devil’s reaction in the entire scene, said with a cold laugh.

Before he came to Baidi City, he had already made preparations. Although he did not want to cause too much trouble, it did not mean that he did not dare to kill God!

Supreme God !

Known as Paragon, it may be considered supreme existence in this domain of death, but for Du Yuesheng, it is nothing more than that!

Even if the devil in front of him has ten percent of the power of this Venerable, Du Yuesheng may not be able to beat the other party, but he does not want to put himself in a passive situation.

He has a summon system, and countless characters can provide him with summon. Whether it is a single fight or a group fight, he has never been afraid of anyone!

Any magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, I have a piece of Heaven and Earth!

“You guy, it’s really deep…”

After a sudden change of face, Motian suddenly laughed, “However, this seat is not like those few wastes. It is not so easy to kill this seat!”

As the words fell, the strange patterns on his body bloomed with black light, and the texture became clearer and clearer, like a bunch of beating black flames.

Especially the mark at the center of his eyebrows became full of spirituality, like an eye, staring coldly.

“Sky Demon Body!”

The magic sky looks up to the roar in the sky, the sound is loud and thunderous, and it is very exciting, such as the Great Desolate beast in the roar, it is especially terrible.

I saw a strange black fire burning all over his body. Under those terrible black flames, his body muscles skyrocketed, his body swelled, and suddenly grew into a giant with several feet tall.

The terrifying explosive power contained in the muscles of him alone.

Demon Body!

Divine Race’s unique Divine Ability, one of 36 peerless Divine Ability.

Only the bloodline with the Heavenly Demon Race can communicate the power of the bloodline through the secret technique, and let the bloodline return to its ancestors, then it can become the magic body of this day.

You know, this day Demon God is not simply a method of physical training, but the power of communicating bloodline, so that the magic of heaven comes, in a sense, he is the heaven Demon!

And Mo Tian, ​​is claimed to be the most pure bloodline in the Devil Race in 10000 years. He became the devil, terrifying matchless.

“jié jié ……”

The corner of Motian’s mouth is slightly, and a terrifying sound comes out of his throat, like some kind of monster laughter, which makes one one’s hair stand on end and scalp numb.

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