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“Leave the soul?”

Before the Blood Demon Old Ancestor could reply, the undead boss on the side looked surprised.

“Jié jié, as long as there is a soul, this king has his own way to let this kid explain it.”

At this time, Myriad Ghosts King, who was shrouded in black mist, said grimly.

Hearing this, the undead old monster and the blood demon Old Ancestor suddenly appeared, and I heard that Myriad Ghosts King is proficient in the way of refining souls and ghosts, and it is not a problem to want to refining a soul.

“Hmph, Motian, you have a good idea to call the old man, but you sit back and take the fisherman.”

Gorefiend Old Ancestor sneered, blinking again gloomyly said, “However, today’s old man had to shoot!”

When the voice fell, he condensed the blood cloud and turned into a lance in the sky.

Up to 10,000 feet, with a big hand wave, the lance is blasted out, very fierce, and it seems that Du Yuesheng will penetrate!

“One sword sweeps 1000 autumn!”

Facing this bloody lance, Du Yuesheng took a deep breath, and the Executing Immortal Sword in his hand suddenly burst into brilliant rays of light.

In the air, it became a 10,000 feet long sword, and when one sword cut out, there were countless sword shadows.

The object of this sword is not the bloody lance in the air, but the blood demon Old Ancestor in the air.


At the next moment, Du Yuesheng’s figure flickered, even though the space blockade was broken and appeared in the air.

He stretched out his hand to hold the 10,000 feet long sword, a ruthless color flashed in his eyes, and it fell mercilessly.

The Blood Demon Old Ancestor didn’t expect Du Yuesheng to be able to break through his blockade. He was completely unprepared for a while and the complexion was greatly changed, but after all, he was the Supreme God, and he was not in a mess.

“hmph! ”

“Blood Demon!”

The blood demon Old Ancestor was coldly snorted, and the blood cloud behind it quickly condensed, forming a giant Sir shape, blocking the front, just blocking the sword cut by Du Yuesheng.

But what he didn’t expect was that Du Yuesheng had another trick. When the sword was cut on the blood demon, Du Yuesheng’s silhouette quietly disappeared into the bright rays of light.

Holding the Executing Immortal Sword in his hand, he shuttled through the Sword Qi, directly piercing the huge blood demon, and aimed a sword at the blood demon Old Ancestor’s chest!

A sense of crisis instantly made Gorefiend Old Ancestor’s eyelids jump, and he had to wave his hand to resist in the crisis.

He relied on his cultivation blood demon body, ordinary Magic Treasure could not break his defense.

But the Executing Immortal Sword in Du Yuesheng’s hand, is it a trifling blood demon that can be stopped?

This sword, like a hot knife through butter, directly punctured the palm of the blood demon Old Ancestor.


Blood Demon Old Ancestor complexion changed, dare not carelessly, quickly waved a pat, his body quickly backed away.

With this wave of his palm, he was originally planning to push Du Yuesheng back, but Du Yuesheng happened to grab the weak spot, slashed it across, and cut a blood hole directly in his palm.

If you don’t make a move, let the opponent completely unprepared as soon as you make a move!

Du Yuesheng relied on his powerful foresight ability, before he had exerted his full strength in Blood Demon Old Ancestor, he became passive.

“This child not simple, you guys will take action with this seat!”

But his move seems to have made Motian and the others feel threatened, and even disregarding his identity, he shot to help the blood demon Old Ancestor.

4 Supreme God, let’s shoot together!

“Fuck… do you think I am bullying?”

Watching the 4 Supreme Gods take the shots, Du Yuesheng cursed loudly while a purple card appeared in his hand.

“System, extract the Character Card!”


“Congratulations to the players for drawing Zhu Bajie’.”


“Zhu Bajie??”

Hearing the system reminder in his mind, Du Yuesheng was also stunned.

He originally wanted to sample a character at random, but he didn’t expect a super boss character to come.

“Is it summon?”


The voice of system rang in Du Yuesheng’s mind, as he confirmed it.

Suddenly a brilliant golden beam of light appeared beside him, rising to the sky, as if to stir the clouds of Nine Heavens.

A terrifying matchless imposing manner instantly enveloped this piece of Heaven and Earth. The kind of coercion that seemed to come from a wild ancient giant creature made people impossible to bear want to prostrate on their knees.

“this is….”

In an instant, the four Supreme Gods who originally attacked Du Yuesheng stopped their attacks one after another in this terrifying imposing manner, standing still and looking at the sky.

Trembling! !

4 People’s body areas trembled involuntarily, as if they were afraid of?

When the golden light slowly dissipated, a tall silhouette came out from the inside.

He has a black face and short hair, a pig nose, and a pair of bushes with big ears. It looks like a pig’s head.

This is the marshal of the canopy from the 4-member group, Zhu Bajie!

This is a genuine Supreme God!

Compared to the Avatars such as Motian and Blood Demon Old Ancestor, I don’t know how much better.

When he appeared, the entire movie Heaven and Earth fluctuated violently, and it seemed that even the great avenues were affected and became somewhat chaotic.

The change in this scene caused the pupils of the Gorefiend Old Ancestor and the others to shrink.

They smelled a dangerous aura from the pig-headed guy, his face changed and his eyes were full of deep fear.

I thought that sending an Avatar to deal with trifling a kid in the God Lord realm was already very safe.

didn’t expect this kid also had another helper, and as soon as he shot, he directly invited a Supreme God.

Even if they are both Supreme God, there are strong and weak points in this realm.

No matter how strong they are, they are impossible enough to think that with an Avatar, they can contend with a Supreme God!

In this situation, even if the 4 of them work together, the odds of winning are not great.

“I don’t know Sire, who is it?”

A look of dreading flashed quietly in the god of Heavenly Eye, he did not want to offend Zhu Bajie, cupped the hands, lowered his body, and asked.

Think about it, dignified a Supreme God, naturally impossible and driven by people.

Zhu Bajie will come out to help Du Yuesheng. It is very likely that both parties have mutual interests.

If you can offer a sufficiently generous offer, you may be able to turn hostility into friendship and avoid a big battle.

I have to say that this Motian is really good at scheming, but no matter how smart he is, he is absolutely impossible to think of.

Zhu Bajie is just a Great Desolate figure that’s all from Du Yuesheng through the system’s Summon Card, summon.

“Heavenly Emperor summon, did my old pig kill these guys?”

Zhu Bajie ignored Motian’s low voice. As soon as he walked out, he looked at Du Yuesheng happily and asked respectfully.

When Zhu Bajie finished speaking, the Devil Heaven, Blood Demon Old Ancestor and the others on that day were all complexion changed, with a little incredible color in his eyes.

They even wonder if their ears have misheard.

This Supreme God Sir actually calls this kid in front of him the master? ? ?

How can dignified Supreme God be willing to succumb to others?

They would rather believe that this Supreme God Sir is Du Yuesheng’s Master than accept this fact.

This is simply impossible!

As the supreme existence of Supreme God, these old monsters who have lived for over 10,000 years are all aware that they have reached their realm.

Nearly invincible exists in this realm of death.

The greatest enemy in this life, apart from the years, no one can kill them anymore!

Just like this, the existence of any Supreme God is a power, 100,000,000 10000 Spirit God that the common people admire and worship.

They are impossible to condescend to others, and they are absolutely impossible to be slaves!

But what they don’t know is that no matter how powerful Zhu Bajie is, it is only a Summon Card character constructed by the system, and is bound by Summon Card.

As for Du Yuesheng as the user of Summon Card, Zhu Bajie must unconditionally obey his instructions.

There is a certain contractual relationship between the two, which has nothing to do with Du Yuesheng’s power status.

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