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“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the players for absorbing the core of holy light and controlling the sea of ​​holy light in the realm!”

The sea of ​​holy light is mine? !

Rao is the city of Du Yuesheng, and he is also excited to be unable to bear!

This is the most mysterious area of ​​God World!

The vastness is boundless, there are countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures among them, the most important thing is…there are countless guardian beasts and powerhouses everywhere!

The subordinates of Supreme Divine Kingdom can practice infinitely here!

“Liu Li, what do you think of the sea of ​​holy light?”

Suddenly, Du Yuesheng asked side Liuli.

The girl was hearing this, thinking for a moment with her cheeks held up, and then slowly said: “It seems pretty good, it can improve realm while standing.

The only downside is… there is no good food here~”


Du Yuesheng just feels that the refreshing joy he has gained one after another has been tossed by Liuli…

“Take it, there is still preparation beforehand.”

While speaking, Du Yuesheng threw a mustard bag to Liuli, which contained the delicacies he prepared in Zhong Prefecture. He didn’t take it out before, because he was afraid that Liuli was too greedy and wiped out everything.

Seeing delicious snacks, Liuli immediately wanted to rush forward, but saw Du Yuesheng grabbing the mustard bag again, saying with a smile: “You can, but you have to promise the master one thing.”

“Um…what’s the matter?”

The girl’s expression looked distressed, and it was obvious that the snacks were close at hand but couldn’t reach her the most itching.

“Simple, you can’t stay with the master during this time, just experience in this sea of ​​holy light, how about?”

Du Yuesheng has already thought about it.

Anyway, this sea of ​​holy light is already in the bag, no matter how cute Liuli is, what can go wrong in his own domain?

Besides, her walking can improve the fortuitous encounter of realm. Where else can she meet again?


I don’t know if I was attracted by snacks or was extremely satisfied with the master’s arrangement, Liuli finally asked nodded: “But, how long will it take to practice?

This bag of snacks seems not enough for Liuli to eat for 2 days. “

“Damn! Master, this mustard bag has a lot of space! It is completely tailor-made for you, a foodie!”

After the complaint, Du Yuesheng became a little depressed and said: “For the time being, I will raise my strength to God Lord. At least I can protect myself in God World.

Otherwise, based on your IQ, what should you do if you leave the master? “

“Um… alright.”

Du Yuesheng, the master, disliked IQ again, and the girl seemed a bit aggrieved: “But Liuli is only God Venerable 3 now, I don’t know how long it will be before God Lord realm.”

“…It really doesn’t work, you just find a place where the sea is thick, and stay for about a year. You can break through God Lord by relying on 10000 Chinese bodies.”

Du Yuesheng was really speechless.

Wei Mao always felt that the Star River beast beside him, who was called a dumb dog by the hero king, was smarter than his maid in some places?

Thinking of the Star River Rui Beast, Du Yuesheng did not forget to add: “By the way, Xing Li can fight side by side with you, but you must encounter enemies above God Lord.

Otherwise, the realm will be crushed, and this experience will be meaningless. “

“Yeah, Master Liuli understands all his painstaking efforts.”

To say that she is understanding, Liuli is many times better than a woman in the Palace of Dry Qin.

What’s more, with Liuli’s innocence and simplicity, she promised not to rely on Spirit Pet to sweep the sea of ​​holy light, even if Du Yuesheng was not nearby, she would never go back.

After leaving Liuli with a few life-saving trump cards in case of 10000, Du Yuesheng Divine Consciousness sound transmission transmitted the general situation of the sea of ​​holy light to the Qin Emperor, let them upgrade with peace of mind, and never worry about their own safety.

What surprised Du Yuesheng a little… The experience of Qin Huang and the others has far exceeded his imagination!

Seeking to defeat again and again, breakthrough has almost stepped into the threshold of God Emperor. Sword Art is the Major Perfection. Three hours ago, he singled out the first level of God Lord Elder…

Others also gain a lot, almost outside the sea of ​​holy light, Emperor Qin and the others are the most terrible nightmare!

“The master left first. If there is an emergency, Heavenly Talisman will contact you.”

While speaking, Du Yuesheng flashed to the recent teleport Array, and his figure gradually disappeared in place.

At the same time, at the moment Du Yuesheng left, the sea of ​​Holy Light was included in his Jade Mansion and became a unique way of Heaven and Earth!

Those who are still advancing for the core of holy light, such as the Dark God Palace party, only feel dizzy in front of their eyes, and then send back to the entrance outside the city of Zhong Prefecture!

And God World, there is no trace of the sea of ​​holy light…

“Why doesn’t this Heavenly Emperor have any impression of this place?”

Looking at the barren and dune dunes in front of me, Du Yuesheng dashing eyebrows is tightly wrinkled. Even if it is called the dead state of Manyizhou, it is not so desolate!

“It seems that the location for transmitting the Array is wrong. Now the direction is not divided, and even the approximate location of the Academy cannot be noticed!”

With Du Yuesheng’s realm today, Paragon Academy can be felt beyond 10,000 li.

But now it is not only not aware, even in Divine Consciousness, even aura of living creatures is very rare…

Fortunately, after the blast warning, Du Yuesheng was not too surprised by the scene in front of him.

What’s more, how long did it take to walk out of here at Supreme God’s speed of 1000 miles?

However, the moment he had Divine Physique red gold and cast a teleportation, all around the air seemed to be disturbed by what means and became restless.

“Did you be transported to other regions?” Du Yuesheng wondered.

God World is so big that even Supreme God cannot say that he has been to all places.

Many Worlds, even Supreme God, cannot step into it.

“hong long long !”


Suddenly one after another, the sound of fierce fighting resounded through the sky, and a burst of storms appeared not far away. This sound of fighting also awakened Du Yuesheng who was thinking.

‘Somebody fighting? ‘Du Yuesheng listened to the fighting sound from his ear, and looked towards the direction from where the sound came, only to see that he was 100 meters away in front of him, and there were countless tears in the ground.


Du Yuesheng stepped out of direct dozen meters in one step.


What is the place here?

Du Yuesheng was shocked this time, but he is God Lord realm, stepping out 10,000,000 miles in one step, but now what?

Damn, step out of several dozen meters in one step, what a fucking thing.

This is the first time I have encountered such a situation since I entered God World.

Even more helpless than when he first entered God World.

However, after fucking, fucking, Du Yuesheng still has to continue to rush to the place of fighting.

No, next time I will see a flying skill’Du Yuesheng is very dissatisfied.

Not a while.

Du Yuesheng appeared in the place where the fighting took place, and he stood in a secret place.

Moved towards the direction of the battle, only two men in Chinese robes on the ground were fighting fiercely.


A violent collision sounded, and then a man who had been injured by a knife several times fell to the ground.

He lifts the head, looking at the silhouette on the opposite side thinking about him, and roared loudly:

“Su Xinghe, I never thought of my good brother. You think you can kill me.

You know, we are brothers who die together. “

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