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Battle God Palace…

Bully intolerably !

Elder behind Fengtian Battle God’s eyes were savage. From Du Yuesheng’s standing position, he could see the status of Jin Wujie in the team.

At this point the words were finished, and Heaven and Earth were suddenly filled with hatred with swords drawn and bows bent.

Although Jin Wujie truly admires Du Yuesheng, don’t forget that he is also the City Lord Sect Master of dignified Sky City.

How can there be no arrogance! ?

If it weren’t for the Battle God’s crowd at this time, Jin Wu would have chopped off that man’s throat!

The most important thing is that although Jin Wujue is headed by Du Yuesheng, the Elder words are extremely tricky and unbelievable, which is simply an obvious challenge!

Looking at Jin Wujie’s increasingly cold face, Fengtian also knew that the former was laughed at, and turned his head and the elders behind him sang one by one.

“Yo, Chen Elder, how can you say Kim Sect Master this way? Even if people are getting mixed back now, they can’t refute Jin Sect Master’s face like this!”

“Hehe, Sect Master, you’re still too kind-hearted, he’s absolutely worthy of talking face in front of our Battle God palace?!”

“That is, Jin Wujie is willing to treat this kid as a dog. Why don’t we dare say that? Is it possible that I’m afraid that the garbage in the Sky City will not be completed?”


There was a thunderous thunder in Jin Wujie’s clenched fist.

“Taking advantage of one’s position to bully people, do you dare to stand up and fight alone with my Jin Wujue! Otherwise, shut your dog’s mouth!”

In the sea of ​​holy light, I met the family, and it didn’t matter if I was left out, but Jin Wujie could not tolerate Feng Tian and the others insulting his Sect!

The anger of God Lord Peak swept through, making everyone in Battle God’s face startled, and there was a one’s hair stand on end in my heart.

But how could Fengtian give Jin Wujue the steps, and besides sneer, his whole body ignited no less than the latter’s tough aura.

“Jin Wujue, want to fight, right? Okay, I’m here in the Battle God palace today. I will kneel and beg for mercy, but don’t say we bully you less!”

Obviously, Fengtian did not intend to let Jin Wujue occupy the reputation of the weak, which was pressing hard.

Everyone in the Battle God Palace is the same sect. Once they fight and cooperate with each other, and Fengtian can’t see it, Jin Wujie and Du Yuesheng and the others have not known each other for a while. It is likely that they have only met temporarily because of the Star River site.

He didn’t believe it. These few relationships that even his teammates weren’t counted on, he would make his way for Kim at this time!

The voice of Lei Yun’s helpless persuasion made Feng Tian smile with pride.

“Jin Sect Master, if you can’t bear it, you will be chaotic, why bother? Listen to me, take a step back to the sky!”

I don’t know what the old gold is, but it’s extremely tough. I glanced at Lei Yun and looked at it coldly: “Lei Sect Master, you’d better save your kindness. I don’t know how thunderbolt you are, but I The people in the city of heaven…

Never suffered such humiliation! In Donglizhou, the debris of the Battle God Palace is also so wild! ? “

“Dare to scold us? Jin Wujue, I think you really don’t want to live today!”

Fengtian and the others hearing this, they suddenly angered them, and they came to the Star River ruins just for the Star River Rui Beast. Instead of mentioning the threat after self-protection, it is better to solve this enemy first!

Jin Wujie, blame your life! I met my Battle God palace here, only the dead end!

At this moment, Du Yuesheng stepped forward.

Stepping out, the invisible aura actually forced Fengtian and the others to retreat again and again.

With some sneer on his face, Du Yuesheng glanced at everyone: “Battle God Palace, right?

This Heavenly Emperor would really like to know that if Jin Wujie is a dog, then you guys will only hide behind the barking mess, is it even worse than a dog! ? “

Coldly shouted and indifferent, Du Yuesheng did not give Fengtian a half-hearted feeling!

“Boy, you courting death!?”

Suddenly, Fengtian’s eyes flared up in anger, and he was expensive as the Battle God Palace Sect Master. Today, there are many people, and really didn’t expect someone to be stupid enough to come forward for Jin Wuju!

However, Du Yuesheng smiled contemptuously: “Courting death? With you too?

Don’t say that Young Hero doesn’t give you a chance, kneel down and apologize to Kim Sect Master, otherwise… I will let you see what it means to regret the price of 10000 points! “

After the speech was over, Fengtian hadn’t spoken yet, and someone stood up and said angrily: “impudent! Where did the wild species come, and dare to yell in front of our Sect Master!?”

“You want to make an end for Kim, right, Laozi will tell you the end of nosy things today!”

The reason why the Battle God Palace dared to be so rampant was that it was due to Du Yuesheng’s imposing manner. But God Lord’s all that’s all, even if there is something extraordinary, how many people can it rival?

In addition, even Feng Tian thought that Du Yuesheng and the others really had the right to speak was the sharp wind of the sword intent. It is very likely that Sect’s hidden elder, even he did not express his position, indicating that he did not want to offend himself…

In this case, what a hesitation to trifling a teenager who has just entered God Lord!

However, just when the Elder in the Battle God Palace who insulted Jin Wujue suddenly broke out, he was stopped by the cold-faced Fengtian.

“Sect Master, you… what are you doing?”

The man was surprised. He really didn’t understand why his Sect Master would block himself, but he didn’t dare to express his anger.

Feng Tian glanced at Du Yuesheng coldly, and then whispered with Primordial Spirit: “Fool, don’t you see the jade token on that guy’s waist?

That is True Disciple of Paragon Academy, you want to know the consequences of the shot just now! “

The Elder hearing this was shocked suddenly, although Du Yuesheng was only a newcomer to God Lord, but the Paragon Academy behind him could definitely afford to offend!

“Chen Yun, you give me to remember. Our trip is to conquer Rui Beast, Jin Wujie must be killed, but the teenager and other people, as a last resort, try not to provoke!”

Hearing Fengtian’s severe warning, Chen Yun was secretly nodded, and at the same time looked towards Du Yuesheng and the others, his eyes were ephemeral, and Xiao Xiaorou was not said with a smile.

“It turned out to be the discipline of Paragon Academy. Chen Mou just spoke badly and hoped not to bother.”

When the words changed, Chen Yun’s words added a little threat: “However, I think Young Master, you are traveling God World, it is best not to enemies who are irrelevant.

To know that my Battle God palace is not so easy to provoke! “

Fengtian also stood up and said at this time: “Yes, as long as you to live together in harmony, I will only come for Rui Beast, and will never make you difficult. So…”

After the words ended, Fengtian raised his hand to make a complimentary posture: “We and Jin Wujue have some accounts that have not been settled. If the Young Master is fine, please leave.”


Du Yuesheng smiled.

“You mean, this Star River Rui Beast is already in your Battle God’s house?”

Facing Du Yuesheng’s slender icy eyes, Fengtian was slightly startled, and then he even gritted his teeth, saying: “Yes, Star River Rui Beast and I are bound to get it, it is difficult for Young Hero to resign, it it possible that is it possible to refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit?”

Du Yuesheng’s micro-squinted star eyes have long had cold glow flashing, and the words Heaven and Earth have been covered with an invisible layer of frost.

“I gave you the opportunity just now, but you don’t cherish it yourself!”

“Garen, is your Great Blade hungry and impatient?”

Du Yuesheng looked up at the sky, posing at a 45-degree angle, loudly said.

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