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“Senior Brother Mu, Martial God can’t miss this kind of good thing! The task of rebuilding the Academy Temple is left to you!”

With that, Kuqin wanted to hug Du Yuesheng’s thigh with a smirk.

Mo En’s words made her stunned.

“Hey, go if you want. Anyway, my senior brother, the director, doesn’t have the slightest prestige in front of you.

But having said that, the Divine Seal was broken, and you should make up for it.

At least it should be rebuilt according to the specifications of the Star Palace, right? But you don’t care as a Kuqin Martial God, just forget it. “

Kuqin was gnashing teeth for a moment, and found that he was relying on military force and couldn’t help but feel the Avatar in front of him, so he said uncomfortably: “Damn! You wait until now for such a good thing as Mao!”

And Mu En still had a light smile on his face: “If you don’t say that, why would you stay obediently? Humph, give up, I can’t enjoy the hard work Senior Brother of rebuilding the temple!”

Du Yuesheng, who was by the side, looked at the two people bickering, thinking that if the Academy disciple could see that the dignified dean and Martial God are such strange existences, I don’t know how it would hit the 2 views…

But having said that, it is precisely because of the existence of such a wonderful thing in the Academy generation, can we secure the position of God World Paragon?

“Hmph! Stay and stay, Liuli, after you go out with your Du Yuesheng master, remember to pick up a few more holy items. Divine Pill and the like come back, dancing elder sister is useful!”

Looking at Liuli who had just woken up from the faint and had nodded her promise.

Du Yuesheng immediately said angrily: “Damn! She just broke through God Venerable yesterday, you femme woman bear the heart to let Liuli follow me!?”

“Nonsense, that many good things in the sea of ​​holy light, don’t take nothing for nothing!”

“Then can you consider that this time the competitors are all the elite experts of Great Sect!”

“Hmm…Isn’t there still you as the master, don’t tell me you have the heart to see Liuli being bullied.”

Being so unreasonable to make trouble, Du Yuesheng just wanted to get angry, but saw Mu En wave his hand:

“I think let Liuli go with you this time. I won’t grow if I just go to the Academy.

Besides, I have used the divine technique to calculate, the sea of ​​holy light, colored glaze can definitely come in handy. “

Now that the dean has spoken, Du Yuesheng will naturally no longer object.

But before leaving, Du Yuesheng remembered that there seemed to be a duel between himself and the chief Elder of the Penal Palace?

Sweeping his gaze, looking at Yan Laohei who stood up from the dust of the collapse, Du Yuesheng just sneered, but suddenly found the former’s cultivation base…Why is there only God Venerable Peak? !

Think about it, if Yan Xiyue is still Peak, how could he be so embarrassed by Ye Heavenly Emperor Yu Wei?

Just thinking about it, Du Yuesheng suddenly felt a hand slap on his shoulder, turned his head to look, it was Mu En’s invisible smiling face:

“Okay, Yan Junior Brother, no matter how you say it, has a robes with me, why kill to the last one too?

What’s more, he sacrificed his 300-year cultivation base to go back to the God Venerable realm this time in order to preserve the face of the palace of punishment. “

Just from this remark, Du Yuesheng knew that Mu En’s heart and vitality were absolutely worthy of the status of Dean Paragon!

At least behind his indifferent and occasionally self-deprecating concealment, there is definitely striving to the utmost of Academy’s future.

Before leaving, Du Yuesheng has one last question.

“President Moon, since you know that the goal of Heavenly Emperor is to dominate God World, it should be clear that one day there will be a conflict with the Academy, why… don’t start with the strength first?”

Du Yuesheng’s question made Mu En smile.

A 10000-year-old man who has climbed God World Peak for a long time to see through the world of Senior, has a gentle smile to the genius of the rising star.

It is true that Du Yuesheng has enough strength to make Mu En vigilant and even afraid, but it does not hinder the teaching tone of his words.

“Domination does not mean destruction, and Paragon Academy may not be your opposite, so you and me are not enemies, at least not now.

So, I should ask you, why do you want to start with your own Academy’s discipline? Just to keep his position as dean? “

Du Yuesheng hearing this, stunned for a moment, an absolute glance ignited in his eyes: “But you know better, sooner or later, you will decide between the acknowledge allegiance or the enemy of the Heavenly Emperor, and then… you How would you choose?”

After Moon heard, shrugged and lifted the head of Serene, it seemed to take God World 10000 1000 scenery in the entire scene: “If that day comes, I will give you a satisfactory answer.”

“That Heavenly Emperor really has several points of anticipation…”

The place of Zhong Prefecture, after bidding farewell to Mu En and the others, Du Yuesheng finally had the opportunity to feel the vast Heaven and Earth of God World.

Especially when I think of this vast Heaven and Earth one day, I am in the palm of my heart.

The city of Zhong Prefecture.

It is the center of God World. And this majestic city, which gathers all kinds of heroes, has unwritten regulations since its completion. All forces can gather here, but they must not be contaminated!

And all management in the city is led by Paragon Academy, the temple and Dark God Palace participate, and the major Transcendent Influence negotiate together.

A boom.

This magnificent and majestic city that has eliminated intrigues has made Du Yuesheng deeply appreciate the comfort of being in God World.

On the snack street, Liuli was gnawing on a fairy deer thigh with his mouth full of greasy mouth. The various foods floating beside him with Divine Power were all bought by Du Yuesheng to reward his own personal maid.

Beside him, Dianyi followed the rules behind Du Yuesheng very well, and God inadvertently watched all around: “Heavenly Emperor, didn’t expect God World, and other interesting places. It seems that the world of ants is also Don’t have a scene.”

Du Yuesheng hearing this, and then said with a smile: “In that case, should you give up the idea of ​​destroying Ant World?”

Du Yisheng’s idea that he had never let go from the time of the fall, Duanyi couldn’t help but stunned, and then he asked tentatively: “It seems that what Moon said has inspired the Heavenly Emperor?”

Shrugged, Du Yuesheng did not explain too much: “There are many people here, let’s go to the Academy’s station here first, and we should be able to find some information.”

While speaking, a few people walked to a tall tower with magnificent buildings. Above the tall tower, the Paragon flag was flying in the wind…

Paragon Academy can become the leader of God World, and the forces naturally spread all over the place, and Du Yuesheng has just proven his identity, and he enjoys the respect of receiving the discipline.

“It turned out to be Senior Brother Du. Please quickly. Elder in Zhong Prefecture has received news from Academy. It has been a long time sincerely.”

“Oh? I didn’t expect that I still have such a big face. Who is the Elder in Zhong Prefecture? What kind of robe is he wearing?”

“Who the hell is, Senior Brother Du knows at a glance.”

For some reason, Du Yuesheng sniffed out inexplicable hostility from the fleeting sneer on the face of the leading disciple.

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