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In the presence of 10000 people, it was Du Yuesheng who signed the status of life and death first. Why is Huajiu qualified not to keep up with the gambling contract with Divine Consciousness?

“Hmph, after 3 strokes, I’ll see how you are Self-destruction Divine Spark!”

After signing the contract, Martial God was the witness, and the signs of life and death left a mark on the two people Divine Spark.

Early morning scorching sun, on the Martial Practice Stage, two people are opposite, with swords drawn and bows bent.

With the breath of 2 people, the nerves of the audience of 10000 are also tense. The 3 bet will be over in an instant. No one wants to miss the rare duel in this life!

“Du Yuesheng, give me a move.”

With the paper fan in hand, the painting has become extremely holy!

In addition to being holy, it is so inviolable. Numerous rays of light made of golden feathers completely enveloped his figure.

Du Yuesheng squinted his starry eyes, coldly shouted: “Oh? God realm? It seems that you haven’t cherished the opportunity to give a last word in the past 3 days. Do you really think this realm is enough to see in front of this Heavenly Emperor? “

To be honest, the imposing manner that Huajiu showed at this time, no matter whether it can shock Du Yuesheng or not, it still looks good.

The surging Divine Power of God Realm, even with a trace of instability from the breakthrough, is scary enough compared to God Venerable!

In particular, the slightly swaying Yin-Yang fan in Kaku’s hand is of the holy class, and after countless blessings in the temple, it is almost comparable to Divine Artifact!

And for a long time, I plan to use Yin-Yang fan to pick up Du Yuesheng’s 1st Move!

Within three moves, both sides exploded with all their strength. At this time, no reservation is allowed…

“Yin-Yang break!”

With a loud shout, Huajiu unexpectedly preemptively took the initiative, and the paper fan in his hand suddenly rose with golden and black sparkles!

Yin-Yang is a unique skill created by Huajiu. In his domain, any creature will be divided into two sides of Yin-Yang.

The yang symbolizing Saint golden is the half of the painting where the painting has been for a long time. Among them, golden light glitters continuously, and countless blessings burst out!

And before the two of them, an insurmountable gap suddenly appeared…

The end of the chasm, the half-step Du Yuesheng was in, was completely dark.

In the darkness, death is heavy, as if it is absolutely irreconcilable with all the good things in the world!

Just as there is darkness under the light of the temple.

“Holy light, it will eventually shine on the world!”

“And the scum in the dark will definitely make the skeleton doesn’t exist!”

When the voice fell, the darkness in Du Yuesheng’s body began to boil with restlessness!

The surging Divine Power made several black robe Elders who maintained the defensive array covered in cold sweats, and their pressure surged.

“Domain holy technique! This turned out to be a holy technique at the domain level!”

“It’s worthy of being a saint who has drawn for a long time. As soon as he appeared on the stage, Gods Vestige of heaven shaking earth shattering came!”

“Yin-Yang off, the temple’s unique skill Yin-Yang off! Why doesn’t Senior Brother Du take it?”

Du Yuesheng, whose figure gradually melted, sneered, making Huajiu, who thought he was winning, even more annoyed: “What? Want to beg for mercy?

Du Yuesheng, don’t blame me for not reminding you, once your body and darkness are completely purified, there will be no more Divine Spark left! “

While speaking, Huajiu urges the Yin-Yang fan again and again, speeding up the dissipating speed of darkness…

Being able to separate life and death in one’s own field, this move really makes many white-robed Elders feel bad!

But for Du Yuesheng, this is just the same as asking Divine Thunder, it doesn’t hurt or itchy!

“If you only have this strength, then it is the turn of the Heavenly Emperor!”

“break for me !”

Breaking the word crazy, Du Yuesheng’s lower body shape has melted and dissipated, but while speaking, it instantly condensed, stepped out, and crushed the gap!


With the blood pouring out of Huajiu’s mouth, the area of ​​black gold on the Martial Practice Stage has also completely disappeared!

And Du Yuesheng stood there, still sneer so arrogantly, as if he had never done anything!

But many attentive people have discovered that Du Yuesheng’s figure has moved a step forward…

It was because of the discovery that they were plunged into incomparable shock!

Can the domain-level holy technique be broken in just one step? !

Yin-Yang is rumored to be able to swallow any enemy under his realm in 3 breaths…

Moreover, Du Yuesheng is now only a God Venerable middle ground, much lower than the long-drawn realm, yet it can break the holy technique so casually!

Executing Immortal Sword did not come out of the sheath, even the servants who were loyal and terrifying to him did not appear, and even Divine Power did not use much…

Just one step, disappeared!

“ka-cha ……”

The sacred paper fan, which symbolizes Yin-Yang Divine Power, has broken into pieces all over the sky at some unknown time, stained with the blood of Huajiu golden, which seems particularly mocking.

“Crap… even the Yin-Yang fan is broken? The Senior Brother Du is a sacred tool, is this too fierce?”

“More than that, I see that the long-drawn Life Source Divine Spark has been backlashed. Fortunately, he terminated the contract with Yin-Yang fan in time, otherwise the consequences would be more serious!”

“…Is this too special heaven defying, right? It’s a long time cow x, but I don’t think Senior Brother Du simply is a monster!”

The audience exclaimed at this time, even red robe Elder Ren Hongyu squinted his eyes and locked the Martial Practice Stage for a long time before reluctantly shook the head: “Kuqin Martial God, I wonder what kind of Divine Ability Yuesheng this move is. ?”

However, Kuqin heard this, but mysteriously laughed: “Divine Ability? What Divine Ability, I only saw Yuesheng take a step forward with the looked towards, maybe it was too weak for a long time.”

Is it too weak for a long time?

Even if God Lord personally played, it would take a lot of effort to break the Yin-Yang break!

Ren Hongyu simply wondered if his god was blind?

What he saw was indeed Du Yuesheng casually taking a step, nothing more.

But if this is the case, it turns out that Du Yuesheng Divine Ability is not much better than God Lord-level eyesight!

If you take a step at will, you can break into the realm of God’s Life Source. It can only be said that Du Yuesheng’s strength surpasses that of painting time, and it is still a world of difference!

The audience outside the venue is so excited, how can Huajiu who is in the situation not knowing himself?

When Du Yuesheng took a step, he knew that he and the former are not in the same world at all.

Perhaps after this battle, he didn’t even have the qualifications to look up at him.

Fortunately, 1st Move, after all, resisted!

Even if you lose the Life Source artifact, but you can survive the 1st Move, there is at least hope…

But the more I thought about it, the more miserable Hua Jiu’s heart became.

What about 1st Move?

This is obviously Du Yuesheng releasing water!

Divine Power has not been used, Executing Immortal Sword has not been released, obviously I want to tease myself that’s all!

However, the sneer on Du Yuesheng’s face has never changed. It’s not just a difference in strength: “Why, this Heavenly Emperor just takes a step, and it makes you feel confused. If you beg for mercy, this Heavenly Emperor doesn’t mind giving you one. A decent way to die!”

Wiping off the blood stains on the corners of her mouth, Hua Jiu’s eyes flashed a vicious look that she had never seen before: “Come again!”

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