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“For the mount, I don’t need it for the time being, but it shouldn’t be a problem to collect it as a Spirit Pet.”

The indifference between Du Yuesheng expressions made the astonishment on the faces of Kuqin 2 even more exaggerated!

This kid…want to collect the ten-tailed fairy fox as a Spirit Pet? !

What a whimsical mind this is!

That’s a ten-tailed fairy fox! Thousands of years ago, Paragon Academy was turbulent, and two Divine Beasts of Martial God powerhouse were killed instantly!

Want to conquer the ancient Divine Beast as Spirit Pet… This is the first time two people have heard of it!

Besides, the ten-tailed fairy fox has long been different from the previous 9-tail state. It can regenerate one tail, which means that it has broken through the Divine Beast state and is developing in the direction of gods!

This is the reason why a deep and unmeasurable withered piano will be frightened by the ten-tailed fairy fox alone. This cunning plus the inverse Heavenly God of the 10000-glazed body, who knows How horrible…

In short, Kuqin 2 cannot afford to take this risk!

“Yue Sheng, think about it. This Divine Seal is the only way to suppress the ten-tailed fairy fox. If it is opened, the consequences will be disastrous!”

He waved his hand and signaled that Mr. Ge was calm. Du Yuesheng said with a smile: “The Divine Seal has been loosened and weak, and the threat to the ten-tailed fairy fox is not big. I bet that if it weren’t for the Divine Seal would be destroyed. Alarmed the Academy powerhouse gathered, this guy is afraid that there is a way to breakthrough, how can he wait until now?”

“What’s more, since I dare to say this, I naturally have the means to surrender it. Why, doesn’t Ge Lao even trust me?”

These indifferent and confident words said that the old man’s face looked gloomy and uncertain. This is not a matter of trust or not, but once something goes wrong, he and Junior Sister can become Academy 1000 ancient sinners!

However, the old man had not stated his position. The Kuqin next to him seemed to have bitten his teeth after a fierce ideological struggle, and it was quite cool. “I believe in Yuesheng! Instead of being so scared, the ten-tailed fairy fox will fall. It’s better to put it together.”

“Junior Sister, you…”

Speaking of half-noise, Pao also knew he was useless to say more now, and simply sighed, “Hey, okay, old man should accompany you for the last frenzy!”

“Well, the old man and the female man will protect Divine Consciousness for me later. I will enter the Liudan dantian jade house with Primordial Spirit and see how powerful the ten-tailed fairy fox is!”

Since they chose to believe, the Kuqin 2 people will have no reservations, and they will each display Divine Power, and the warm and surging Divine Power will cover Du Yuesheng in shape.

These powerhouse protection methods, it shouldn’t be any accident in Academy, Du Yuesheng star eyes closed, Primordial Spirit rushed into the glass with the body.

Just looking at Du Yuesheng with his knees closed, Kuqin 2 really couldn’t understand why he still had a smile on his face.

“Hu, I finally said that the old Tongge and the female man, since I dare to doubt the means of Heavenly Emperor.”

After a brief darkness, Du Yuesheng felt that there was light in front of him.

I saw a smile in his mouth, and soon adapted to the law of the 10000 Chinese body. His feet were connected, and his body was galloping unimpeded.

Liuli lives in a body of 10000 flowers. The temperament is as simple as white paper. The jade mansion is naturally a blank. The ripples on Du Yuesheng’s toes are as if touching the milk.

Looking up at the sky, the 7-color neon will fill Du Yuesheng’s line of sight. If you look carefully with your eyes, you can capture the 10000 changes in the neon.

This is the Divine Ability natural phenomenon of 10000 Chinese bodies.

Jade Mansion is the innate talent of god cultivation. Du Yuesheng estimates that common disciple within the body is afraid of being muddy, and occasionally it is extremely rare. Even if it is a new genius like Jiu and Xuanyuanying, Jade Mansion has no glass. So pure.

In fact, Du Yuesheng has never worried about the ten-tail fairy fox’s heaven defying strength.

The only thing he worried about was how to persuade Kuqin 2 people to agree to his move.

But now it seems that 10000 things are ready, only owe Dongfeng.

“Huh, although there are many Trump cards in Heavenly Emperor’s hands, this battle must do it quickly, otherwise, once procrastinated, how much will damage the Jade Mansion of Liuli.”

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng will speed up, and his eyes will be clear, and Heaven and Earth, 1000 miles away, can take in the entire scene.

Suddenly, he saw a cage at the end of Jade Mansion!

A prison house between Heaven and Earth.

The steel of the cage is made of 10000 1000 holy gold inscribed with spells.

Just approaching the edge, Du Yuesheng feels the power of a strong seal, and is worthy of being the prisoner of Divine Seal!

With a thought in his heart, Du Yuesheng flashed in front of his cage.

“Huh, 1000 years of imprisonment, there were many weak spots, but Heavenly Emperor appeared in time.”

Coming to the Divine Seal, Du Yuesheng did not rush to break the prison cage, but first flew around all around. Unsurprisingly, several holy gold chains already had signs of breakage and damage…

Even the 10000-colored body’s colorful neon colors are all showing signs of being contaminated into a scarlet 1000 mile. Du Yuesheng saw in his eyes that dashing eyebrows could not help wrinkling slightly.

Looking for a moment, Du Yuesheng finally found the body of the Divine Seal!

That is a divine talisman posted at the intersection of countless holy gold shackles!

Du Yuesheng felt that his sight was distorted just by glancing with his eyes, and the obscure ancient seal on divine talisman exuded terrifying power.

“Huh, it’s worthy of the Divine Seal. People are afraid to take a look at it, and Divine Consciousness will be imprisoned forever.”

shook the head, Du Yuesheng’s golden glow flashed in his eyes, and the distortion in his sight returned to normal.

It was also because of the return to normal that Du Yuesheng finally saw clearly, the ten-tailed fairy fox after the Divine Seal!

To be precise, it is the tip of the iceberg of the ten-tailed fairy fox!

This Venerable stands between the Heaven and Earth of the Jade Mansion. Rao Shi Du Yuesheng can’t see it at a glance like a god.

However, those 2 eyes that are connected to Netherworld Hell are full of resentment qi and locked Du Yuesheng.

With the eyes of the Ten-tailed Fairy Fox sweeping alone, Du Yuesheng felt a cold rush through his body, dissipating without arousing Divine Power.

Du Yuesheng sees clearly, in those blood-red and blue eyes, it seems that there are countless wraiths struggling and wailing, and it seems that they want to climb out of the yoke of 10000 times…

“His… so many Gods, how many evil creatures did this evil creature create in order to be where it is today!”

Just after the eyes of the ten-tailed fairy fox were created, there were several 1,000,000 wraiths condensed. It is conceivable that how much God it contains within the body contains.

And while Du Yuesheng watched with vigilance, he saw blood blue within both eyes flashing a magical light, and there were bursts of shouts in his mind.

Screaming is like a person, and it is like howling of countless grievances, regardless of men and women, regardless of old and weak, obviously the body of breaking Divine Beast!

“Ant ants, no one has dared to be so impudent in front of this Venerable for a long time!”

Roar was finished, Du Yuesheng’s chest seemed to be 10000, 1000 swords running through, the bursting pain made his dashing eyebrows tight, and I thought that the ten-tailed fairy fox is really a God defying existence that God World can’t find. Horror power!

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