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“Heavenly Emperor…you, calm down your anger, I also found Primal Chaos Stone and rushed back to report it as soon as possible. This…this is really not a small complaint!”

It is conceivable that the obtained treasure was preempted. When Du Yuesheng’s face was unhappy, the treasure hunt rabbit hurriedly explained it.

“That’s all, I can’t blame you for this matter. The most urgent thing is to find the Primal Chaos stubborn stone. As for the piggymate of the Heavenly Emperor, we have the opportunity to count after this!”

After the speech was over, Du Yuesheng glanced at Du Sheng coldly, frightening the latter, curling up and saying, “Du big brother…Little brother will check the news for you now.”

“no need!”

Waving his hand and taking the treasure hunt rabbit back to Divine Kingdom, Du Yuesheng directly interrupted: “Lianwu Divine Level and other amethyst jade tokens are not authorized to view, but if the other party intentionally hides it, you can’t find it, say no It will also anger the other party.


As soon as the words turned, Du Yuesheng’s mouth was reassured by the arc of confidence!

“However, trifling God World does not have anything that Heavenly Emperor can’t get. Since jade token can’t count on it, then Heavenly Emperor will do it himself!”

Having finished speaking, Du Yuesheng directly extracted a spell with the word “Xun” from the system, and even holding it in his hands made Du Sheng feel the seasonal mystery full of it!

A spell that can turn seasonal seals into spells is at least the divine talisman!

“Fuck, Du big brother, you are too extravagant, just look for something. It is such a high-end divine talisman!”

Ignoring Du Sheng’s flattering flattery when he got the chance, Du Yuesheng coldly said: “nonsense, now that you know the level of this divine talisman, you should know how important Primal Chaos is to the Heavenly Emperor!

If you dare to delay, the consequences…you know! “

After talking, Du Yuesheng directly detonated divine talisman, and suddenly an invisible wave of air suddenly swept from Treasure Pavilion!


With just a few breaths, most of the Paragon Academy’s Heaven and Earth has already collected Du Yuesheng Divine Consciousness.

Searching for divine talisman, as long as it is any treasure known to those who inspired divine talisman, even if the surrounding laws and regulations are violent and violent, they can be found in an instant!

As for the scope, Du Yuesheng is not the use of aimless. Since he knows that the person with the stubborn stone is in the Academy, he can use the divine talisman.

“Eh, I found it. It seems that this guy’s realm status is not high. The speed of rushing to Treasure Pavilion is so slow that he is not qualified to run wild.”

“Since this… then Heavenly Emperor will go to you in person!”

The voice has not fallen, and the silhouette of Du Yuesheng has long disappeared in the independent space!

Inside the Academy, a space hub station, lined up at the end of the long line, is full of anxiety, but it is hard to hide the excitement!

“Damn it! Isn’t that Inner Disciple! Wait for the Saint Level Magic Treasure of this Young Master to get it! See who dares to jump in!”

As the Young Master of the Heaven Smiting Gate, only the God Emperor cultivation base of the Battle Slayer was really shameful. Even the assessment of the 2th main city, or his former servants desperately devoted himself, made him barely qualified to enter the outer sect.

After the assessment was over, the servant who was devoted to his duties in Paragon but was treated like a dog by the robbery of Zhanlin completely lost the idea of ​​loyalty to the Tiantianmen.

So, Zhan Zhanlin completely understood what Hu Luoping Pingyang was bullied by dogs, without the support of the ambassador comparable to God Venerable, his identity as the Young Master of the Tianmen Gate would only make the same sect more mocking and mocking.

“Hmph, fortunately, this Young Master, I begged my father to let him give Primal Chaos of the Supreme Treasure family to me for cultivation. This time from Treasure Pavilion, all the garbage that dared to bully this Young Master is all Damn it!”

As if thinking of the troubles caused by repeated troubles the other day, Rob Zhanlin couldn’t help but look terrible, but suddenly a flashing silhouette around him attracted his attention.

“This guy… feels so familiar, where does this Young Master seem to have seen it.”

The ability to use Divine Ability teleport in Academy proves that the identity of the person is out of the ordinary, which naturally attracts the surrounding eyes. However, the slender teenager directly ignored the discussion and sharply glanced all around!

“The location is correct, Primal Chaos should be…”

Eyes shrank, Du Yuesheng’s surprise on the face was fleeting, replaced by… It was a ridiculous sneer.

Hum, really enemies on a narrow road!

I thought there was an expert present at Paragon restaurant. This Heavenly Emperor intended to spare you a life, but didn’t expect happened here today!

Even if it happens, didn’t expect to sell Primal Chaos stubborn stone turned out to be you!

“Huh, it’s not wrong to be crazy, but it offends Heavenly Emperor and is still holding Primal Chaos stubborn stone. There is no reason to die today!”

After sneering, Du Yuesheng walked straight in the direction of robbing the battle forest, stepping in his footsteps, and suddenly lit up a killing intent all over his body!

Looking at Du Yuesheng who came, more and more familiar with the robbery of the battle Lin only felt a cold wind blowing through the back ridge, and took a few steps back uncontrollably.

“Which… who is this guy, and he is at least a king-level discipline! This Young Master can’t remember offending this great Buddha!”

After waiting for a while to think about it, the palm on his shoulder interrupted his thoughts.

“Ming Young Master, do you remember this Heavenly Emperor?”

Ben Heavenly Emperor?

Tribulation Lin Lin was shocked, looking at Du Yuesheng’s indifferent star, a single thought flashed through his head!

This… isn’t that God King who provoked this Young Master’s waste wood at Paragon restaurant?

How has it been so long, this Young Master can’t even see this person’s realm!

But in this aspect of lying, Zhan Lin still has several points of tact. He immediately laughed and shook his head: “Heh…hehe, this true story Senior Brother, do you seem to recognize the wrong person?”

“Admit it wrong? I don’t think you know how to write dead words!”

His eyes narrowed, and Du Yuesheng’s eyes flashed a cold glow: “Since I met Ben Heavenly Emperor today, it’s you damn it.

Obediently hand over Primal Chaos stubborn stone, this Heavenly Emperor can consider giving you a happy! “

“What Primal Chaos stubborn stone? I don’t know what you are talking about…”

In front of Du Yuesheng, the poor performance of the robbery Zhan Lin was simply a weak spot 100: “It seems that you are not going to say it, but unfortunately, this Heavenly Emperor has no mood to talk to you today!”


The palm was slightly pressed, and the entire shoulder of the battle robbery was broken and deformed. The latter suddenly heard bursts of pig-like screams: “Ahhh…you, how do you know that this Young Master has Primal Chaos?”

Just like carrying rubbish, the battle robbery was raised in the air, and Du Yuesheng’s tone was full of murderous intention: “Your kind of rubbish is not yet qualified for this Heavenly Emperor to answer!

In a word, Primal Chaos stubborn stone, the Heavenly Emperor is about to be set, and your life must be kept! “

If you want to change to someone with no grievances, Du Yuesheng doesn’t mind taking out the opponent’s satisfactory chips to exchange, but since today I encountered the robbery of enemies on a narrow road…

Then even count the old accounts in the past, how about grabbing them in public?

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