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However, in the next second, before waiting for Du Yuesheng to speak, he saw Ku Qin converging his smile, and the bitterness that pretty face could not speak.

“I can’t hold it anymore…”

This unfathomable mystery’s words really surprised Du Yuesheng, frowns saying: “Can’t hold it anymore? You mean… Liuli thing!?”


Nodded, Kuqin only said resolutely: “You should see it. I came to Treasure Pavilion today, just using an Avatar. This Venerable did not dare to leave Kuqin Hall half a step.

Liuli was once possessed by the guy’s body after you left, and Divine Power’s fluctuations were more raging than before. “

Wake up again?

Du Yuesheng hearing this, the slightly wrinkled dashing eyebrows can’t help but tighten up, he has long known that the ten-tailed fairy fox is extraordinary, but didn’t expect that things have reached an imminent point.

After a moment of contemplation, Du Yuesheng asked back: “Then… Dean and other Martial God, there is nothing to say? This thing seems to be the turn of Heavenly Emperor.”

“I have asked. The dean’s cultivation base is similar to that of 1000 years ago, but the Divine Seal is ultimately to drink thirst to quench thirst. This Martial God even suspects that the ten-tailed fairy fox has not completely taken possession of the body, perhaps it is the seal Divine Seal For your own use, gradually increase your strength!”

This assumption is indeed whimsical, but for the ten-tail fairy fox Peak period enough to destroy the Paragon Academy’s heaven defying cultivation, this little trick can’t be simpler.

If you continue to guess like this, Nengqin and the others are facing all day long, and it is a glass with no weak spots disguised by the ten-tailed fairy fox!

“Ten-tailed fairy fox, heavenly defying strength, even the ability to play with people’s minds are just like cunning, just a few times in body possession, but the female man is panicked. If one day returns to Peak, the consequences will be unimaginable…”

After contemplation, Du Yuesheng realized why even the unrestricted female man like Kuqin would say he couldn’t hold it.

Because every time with Liuli, she may be plotted against it by the ten-tailed fairy fox. With this passive and torment, she can support it until now, it is not easy…

“If even the dean’s strength hasn’t improved much, then the other Martial God, even if advanced by leaps and bounds, is of little use. The effect of this Divine Seal will only be worse than 1000 years ago…”

Du Yuesheng thought of this and realized that Kuqin was really worried!

Although she is Martial God, the lower limit and strength are difficult to measure, but… Whether it can last to the next 1000 years is still unknown.

What’s more, the ten-tailed fairy fox may not be trapped for another 1000 years. Although the Divine Seal is strong, it is not really imprisoning the deity. For so long, it has made it impossible to spy on the mystery and method of Divine Seal…

“Then… why did you look for me?”

“Because I will never encounter the second month of Sheng in my life.”

Lying in the trough!

Such ambiguous words are not like what Kuqin would say, but Du Yuesheng turned his head to look and filled his eyes with a bitter smile.

“Hehe, I know you are confessing to me again, but it doesn’t matter, what you mean by that you should understand.

No matter how strong Paragon Academy is, the strengths of the deans of all generations seem to be different. It is difficult to have a great opportunity breakthrough. Only you can really break this barrier, and then you don鈥檛 need to seal the Divine Seal! “

At that time, no need to seal Divine Seal…

This remark really heard a lot of pride.

Du Yuesheng hearing this, a handsome face lifted with a solemn solemnity, nodded and said: “Okay, I will help you. It’s up to me to complete the matter of the ten-tailed fairy fox.”

With Kuqin’s vision and wisdom, how can he not see that Du Yuesheng is anything but a pool, it is a matter of time before the God World soars, but Kuqin Temple will stand still.

“Yeah, people know you are the best~”

“Get lost! Don’t use that tone to sell cute, green tea with white lotus is only for you!”

Looking at dignified Marqin God, he was so happy that he danced and danced. Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but laugh and scold, but then thought about it, perhaps in front of a few people, this female man can only laugh like this heartless…

In the same way, Du Yuesheng also understands why Ku Qin gave the amethyst jade token to himself.

Because of the need to completely surrender the ten-tailed fairy fox, it is too rare!

Just communicating with Sword Spirit for a moment using Divine Consciousness, Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but sigh: “Hey, this kind of heaven defying treasure, even the Heavenly Emperor is not complete, and Treasure Pavilion is not rare even if there are countless treasures.

But it doesn’t matter, things are not complete, this Heavenly Emperor will not mind coming to an Overlord hard bow! “

Although the ten-tailed fairy fox is strong, as long as it blocks Du Yuesheng’s progress, there is still only a dead end!

“In short, remember to go back to Kuqin Temple after you are busy. You and I will discuss with Senior Brother. At least with our strength, it is still qualified to help.”

After sending away Qin Qin, and taking over the amethyst jade token sent by the waiter in Treasure Pavilion, Du Yuesheng took care to carefully examine the jade token, which symbolizes the respect for identity.

The jade token is carved with Xuantian amethyst. Just touch it, you can feel the peaceful and gentle Divine Power fluctuations. The jade token is to keep yourself a touch of Divine Spark, which is a bit more majestic imposing manner!

Carrying the jade token around his waist, Du Yuesheng only felt a layer of invisible ripples over his whole body, and suddenly the air of the entire Treasure Pavilion raised invisible respect for himself…

“Tsk, it’s a Martial God jade token, this kind of differential treatment feels really refreshing…”

Taking Du Sheng to the 2-Layer building, Du Yuesheng just stepped out of the stairs and was sent to an independent space by the decree of the Treasure Pavilion.

The interior of the space is comfortable and comfortable, demonstrating the unique treatment for VIPs, and Du Yuesheng does not even need to personally choose things, as long as the amethyst jade token is stimulated, the collection of Treasure Pavilion can be seen.

Of course, these are only the collections that Kuqin Martial God is eligible to purchase, and there are also some of the treasures of the town hall, which are not authorized to browse only with the jade token.

I can see that I don鈥檛 have a few things to choose from, but Du Sheng shines like a cannon into the city, begging to buy some wonderful treasures from time to time…

“Hehe, big brother Du, you came to Treasure Pavilion. Are you buying and so on? You can’t leave empty-handed, right?”

Looking at Du Sheng, who is cheap and good-selling, Du Yuesheng can’t help but sneer: “Hehe, originally I wanted to buy an oversized, auto-rotating immortal spirit cucumber for the girl just now, but now, it seems that I don鈥檛 need it anymore…”

This is a joke about Martial God. Even if Du Yuesheng has a very close relationship with her, Du Sheng can only laugh without saying a word, and hurriedly shifted his words: “Although you can’t see ordinary treasures from your big brother, but with amethyst jade token , You can directly lock the same treasure.

As long as the Treasure Pavilion can get this thing, you can just give a satisfactory price, but the opportunity is rare, only once a year. “

Once a year?

This privilege is really rare enough, but having said that, anyway, there are 2 fellow apprentices in the Kuqin Temple. It is estimated that there is no chance to go down the mountain every year. It is a waste to keep this number of times. It is better…

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