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While speaking, the Executing Immortal Sword behind Du Yuesheng has sent out a sharp cry, and the bloodthirsty killing intent suddenly gush out!

2 When people see this, their complexion is like paper, and the bracing confidence is also ridiculous: “Du Yuesheng, you this waste, really dare to do it here!?”

“Don’t forget where this is, this is…”


Without waiting for the person to finish, the Executing Immortal Sword has already been cut out, and the fierce sword intent strangled him to pieces!

That noisy nonsense will naturally never be finished…

The Divine Power broke out, which immediately drew the consternation of many people around. However, what was even more unexpected was that 2 silhouettes flashed out on the second floor, blocking Du Yuesheng’s front.

“Bold Du Yuesheng, in the Treasure Pavilion, how can you let a small True Disciple run wild!”

The speaker, eagle eyebrows and white knuckles, knuckles burst, exuding a terrifying killing spirit!

White robe Elder!

Du Yuesheng shocked Elder, the white robe guarding Treasure Pavilion 2-Layer!

More than that, behind the white robe Elder Ji Ying, there are 4 angry black robe Elder!

One white and four blacks, this huge lineup is enough to change the face of anyone present!

But Du Yuesheng didn’t change his face and sneered still: “hmph hum, this Heavenly Emperor really guessed right, trifling 2 watchdogs, dare to stop this Heavenly Emperor, if no one instructed, then it would be weird!

What, Elder, the white robe, you also want to stop me? “

Facing Du Yuesheng’s eyes as deep as the sea, Rao is the white robe Elder can’t help but be inspired, but it is also the terrifying strength of God Venerable Peak, and his face is still fiercely abnormal.

“Look at Ben Elder’s identity and pay attention to your attitude!

You killed the same sect and dared to trespass into the Treasure Pavilion 2-Layer without knowing the crime? ! “

Knowing sin?

I know your mother is big!

Du Yuesheng hearing this, which had long been expected that Treasure Pavilion would not easily go in, was extremely angry and smiled, and raised his head and asked, “Same sect?”

The death of lonely day, that is him having only oneself to blame, I just fulfill him!

Besides, since Elder knows that Motian is dead, it should be clear how my friend was bullied by the gang when he was outside the Treasure Pavilion.

If I hadn’t arrived in time, could someone stop me in that lonely sky?

What Elder means is that the life of Sovereign level disciple is life, is it that my friend’s life is worthless! ?

If not, why didn’t you see you outside the Treasure Pavilion just now to maintain the order of the Academy! “

A violent questioning made Du Yuesheng’s whole person’s imposing manner fierce to the extreme. Side Du Sheng saw how the former spoke for himself, and he couldn’t help being excited. In the face of the coercion of the five Elders, he still decided to move forward, and Du Yuesheng stood side by side!

“Du big brother, I support you! Today’s battle, we are considered to be completely famous in Academy!”

When the leader Elder saw this, he was even more annoyed. However, Du Yuesheng said that he could not help but change the topic ruthlessly and said: “Even if he is a bit domineering, as a same sect, he will kill if he says kill. This Elder never Allow you to challenge the Academy鈥檚 rules 3 times 5 times!”


Du Yuesheng dashing eyebrows picked up and raised his head madly said with a smile: “hahaha…In front of this Heavenly Emperor, I, Du Yuesheng, have the best rules, regardless of your other rules!

Whoever provokes me, kills them, who blocks me, will die!

This is the rule! “

The word “rule 2” sounds loudly, and all around the air trembles violently, under pressure, many passers-by are full of painful expressions…

Seeing Du Yuesheng disdain, Ji Ying’s fists clenched, black robe no wind automatic: “Du Yuesheng, Ben Elder ask you again, you really do not know how to repent!?”


“Joke! Only when you make a mistake can you be called repentance, and in this Heavenly Emperor’s dictionary, there has never been a 2 word mistake!

Instead, I would like to advise you Elder today, since I know that I am the true biography of the Kuqin Temple, then it should be clear that for no reason I was prevented from entering the 2-Layer building, who broke the rules first!

As for the lonely sky and the ecstatic death just now, if you want to force the blame on me, then… Hugh Blame Heavenly Emperor does not recognize you as a black robe! “


What an arrogant tone! What a domineering look!

Everyone around couldn’t help but be shocked, and even forgot the rules that could not be loud in Treasure Pavilion.

“Crap! It was this big brother who killed Motian. There was a rumor just now that I didn’t believe it! Today is a long experience…”

“It’s not just killing Lonely, it’s a spike! But compared to Lonely, I have never seen anyone dare to talk to Elder!”

“In other words… how long haven’t you seen someone dare to start at Treasure Pavilion. Looking at this posture, Du Yuesheng doesn’t even take Elder’s eyes!”

“Che, in my opinion, this guy killed Lonely Sky, he thought he was invincible swelled up, and at the first sight of Tian Lei, he would kneel and beg for mercy!

Listening to the noisy discussions around, Ji Ying frowned and grumbled with Elder’s madness: “The irrelevant retreat! Otherwise, take responsibility for the consequences!”

Immediately, everyone backed away, but they were still unwilling to disperse, still pointing fingers in the distance.

Ji Ying glanced at all around, suddenly waving his big sleeves, the ink-colored Formation, covering a radius of more than ten meters, also forced Du Yuesheng into his Life Source Divine Ability!

“Du Yuesheng, this is your own courting death. Even if Kuqin himself comes today, it will not save your life!”

Ji Ying also knows that most of his reprimands for Du Yuesheng are guilt, so seeing the situation is not good, simply preemptive!

To be honest, if it was just an ordinary Law Enforcement Group leader who died today, even if it was any Sovereign level disciple, as long as there is no background, Ji Ying would never make Du Yuesheng so difficult.

But by the way, the dead is lonely!

And Ji Ying, as the Elder guarding Treasure Pavilion, suffered the anger of lonely father for the first time!

Fortunately, the father is at a critical moment in the breakthrough realm, otherwise Ji Ying can鈥檛 guarantee that the former will come to avenge his son, and will not kill him to vent his anger…

But in the same way, Ji Ying suffered the indiscriminate disaster because of Du Yuesheng, and he can also use Du Yuesheng to bring his status in Academy to a higher level!

Although Ji Yinggui is an Academy white-robed Elder, and has been assigned to guard the Treasure Pavilion, but in front of God Lord, it is not enough.

So it has nothing to do with Du Yuesheng, but how could Ji Ying, who was blamed by God Lord for this, not hold a grudge?

Although the grumpy God Lord again told him that Du Yuesheng’s life must be left to him to cruelly seize him, but…abolished his Divine Consciousness, crushed his Divine Spark, and let the latter kneel at his feet and beg for mercy.

This scene must have been seen by Father Motian.

In this case, for the status of this Elder, Du Yuesheng you brat has to die!

Suddenly, Ji Ying cast a divine might, and the dark Divine Power lingered at his sharp fingertips: “The rebel Du Yuesheng, killing the same sect, repenting without knowing it, repeatedly offending Academy Elder.

This Elder ordered that Du Yuesheng’s cultivation base be abolished on the spot, leaving him to atone for his life!

If anyone intends to stop it, he will not be able to pass the rules of the Academy! “

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