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“You guessed it, this is the serious problem.”

nodded, Kuqin Martial God’s words agreed with Du Yuesheng’s guess: “This is the ten-tailed fairy fox with the strength of deep and unmeasurable, the body possession of Liuli 10000 Hua body, if she is allowed to escape from Paragon Academy cultivation for some time, I am afraid it is us This group of red robe Martial God is not enough for others to kill…

The most important thing is that the fairy fox is known for its cunning deceit. If one day is broken by the guy and the Divine Seal is broken, I guess it is difficult for Academy to retain it for the first time!

It may even be difficult to see through the Divine Seal, after all… after all, a red robe Elder died in its Illusion Technique fairy field.

I have always suspected that every time that guy breaks through the Divine Seal for a while, he deliberately turns Liuli’s pupils red to confuse this Venerable…”

In just a few words, they all showed the horror of the ten-tailed fairy fox. Even Du Yuesheng, who has always been optimistic and confident, had a solemn face. That guy might use his pupils to turn red to deceive the dignified Martial God, then More likely… to conceal the progress of your breakthrough seal Divine Seal!

No wonder, Rao is the extremely high Margin God of the lower limit, such as jade carvings, the side faces are filled with rare haze. Looking back at Du Yuesheng, he sighed: “Hey… these words originally, you should be finished Apprenticeship will tell you when it is on its own. After all, it is one of the Academy Three Great Taboos. Now I will tell you that it is too redundant except for unnecessary pressure.

It’s just that there is so much involved in recasting the Divine Seal, even I am not optimistic…

The Seniors 1000 years ago could do it, but 1000 years later, not necessarily today. Compared to the Masters, we are still too young. “

During the half-day together, Du Yuesheng felt helpless in the Kuqin expression for the first time. He couldn’t help but frowns saying: “In that case, why not invite Martial God Masters to recast the Divine Seal together?”

Before I finished talking, I saw Kuqin vomiting and said: “I think too! But my house…no, our Kuqin Hall, we have already passed away.

The remaining few, for various reasons, are afraid that they will not even be able to show up in the end even half, besides…

Wearing this Martial God red robe will naturally take on the responsibility of Martial God! Yue Sheng, are you right when you say that you are a teacher? “

“…Yes, yes, but.”

Looking at his face, it seems that he is afraid that others will not know his aloof status, Du Yuesheng wants to say, but Master, even if you say such a generous and passionate words, you can’t feel the image of Wei An’s glory!

After appreciating the horror of Divine Seal, Du Yuesheng had only one last question left in his heart: “If you say… so many years, has nobody tried to seal the fairy fox completely?”

“Of course! After all, the former dean’s old idiot released before he abdicated, as long as he could break any of the Academy 3 big bans, red robe added himself, and was named Martial God! Enough to attract the act recklessly idiots…”

Looking at the bamboo forest, Kuqin suddenly felt a little funny: “For so many years, many people have tried, but 90% of them have not even walked through the bamboo forest, and delusion to break the Divine Seal, this Feng Shui Treasure Land is not for They are used as graves!”


After a while of speechlessness, Du Yuesheng turned his back to Kuqin, loudly said: “Although I am assigned to your door, but the title of Master, I will not call it in the future.”

Perhaps this was the reason for the last honour, so Du Yuesheng bit the word Master 2 very sincerely.

After the words were over, even he himself felt the air was scary…

Although Du Yuesheng knows that in terms of the current strength gap, the seemingly incongruous female man Martial God is absolutely qualified to let himself be called Master…

He also knows that Kuqin Martial God’s strange and abominable conversation and demeanor are not so bad that is nature, it is better to say that it is to hide the experience that you never want to share with others…

In the same way, Kuqin treats himself as the only true biography, and he will definitely not be as irresponsible as he normally does.

However, in Du Yuesheng’s dictionary, these four words are never posted!

Even in the face of Martial God Kuqin…

If he is seen by the people under his hands, what is the majesty of his Heavenly Emperor?

Emperor, Heaven and Earth is big.

I don’t know how long it has been silent. When Du Yuesheng was stared a little messy by those playful beautiful eyes, Ku Qin finally said: “Okay, isn’t it the Master? Don’t call it.

After all, Yue Sheng, you also know that as a teacher…cough cough, the reason why this Martial God is attracted to him is not because he wants to receive the true story.

Without this layer of relationships, when you tease you in the future, this Martial God does not have to worry about the Master’s ancestors falling down! “

The answer was straightforward, and Wanyin couldn’t hear the slightest pity, as if this half-day experience was just a joke that’s all to the woman in front of her.

In the second half of the sentence, the hooligan’s extreme teasing almost made Du Yuesheng really like Qin Qin, but…

Wu Divine Level When other powerhouses lied, they would have such obvious weak spots…

Since the words were opened, there was no room for regret. Seeing Ku Qin agreed, Du Yuesheng seemed to be relaxed, but he hadn’t waited for him to speak, and he saw the former preemptively, saying, “Stop, according to the other senior and junior brothers’ past Dog blood plot, at this time, the discipline of the finished apprenticeship, inevitably has to say some nauseating remarks, even kneeling and kowtow…

So Yuesheng, you should save the province, this Martial God can’t stand this thing the most, there is nonsense, it is better to take some real benefits to comfort this Martial God, you have also seen, our Kuqin Temple is very poor! “

Hearing that Kuqin confuses himself with Kuqin Temple at last, Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but smile a little warmly: “Kneeling to thank you is impossible, as for the benefits…”

While talking, Du Yuesheng took out a mustard bag that seemed to be specially prepared: “Hey, I was going to give the Master a meeting present before, but I thought you were too weird and wanted to save it. Now I should thank you for putting it so freely. I’m finished apprenticeship.”

I casually caught the mustard bag thrown in the air. With the realm of Martial God, I can see through the contents at a glance. The lips are slightly curled, which is a bit boring: “che, talking to the local tyrants is boring, but I still accept the things. Anyway, after listening to Wu Divine Level’s other experts telling stories, you have to pay!”

“as long as you are happy.”

After a chuckle, Du Yuesheng asked, “I remember Liuli seemed to have called you an elder sister before, and then, my respected Martial God Senior, how should I call you in the future? On the 3 acres of cultivated land in the Kuqin Temple, I What kind of status is there?”

Just so happily to get rid of the relationship between master and disciple, Kuqin himself didn’t care: “It’s whatever you call, anyway, I have a single name, but as for the surname…

Hehe, every girl has a little hidden secret, don’t you mind? “

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