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This sudden question really turned out to be beyond Du Yuesheng’s expectations.

Seeing this posture, the reason why he came to the Star Palace was to find me?

But Du Yuesheng couldn’t think of any relationship with the black robe Elder who was indistinguishable from the secular world except the imposing manner.

In spite of this, Du Yuesheng answered slightly: “disciple Du Yuesheng is the leader of the mountain range, I don’t know where Elder is an expert, what is the so-called disciple?”

Which patriarch old hearing this, actually waved his hands with a smile very well: “Your kid, so polite, the old man did not say that it was sent by Kuqin Martial God.”

Since it is the execution of Martial God’s command, the old man is naturally the inner attendant Elder of the Kuqin Temple! “

Kuqin Temple… also serving Elder? !

old man, are you sure you are not wearing the wrong clothes?

Even if he had just entered Academy, but after a long introduction by Bai Ze, Du Yuesheng still knew that there was only one internal attendant beside each Martial God!

It is precisely for this reason that the status of the inner attendant is extremely respected. On some occasions, words and deeds can even represent the attitude of the entire Martial God Palace.


Du Yuesheng couldn’t think of it. It was impossible to connect the old man of the elder faction, who was like a purely mixed eater, to the dignified internal attendant!

Even if you can’t judge a person by appearance…

But you obviously lowered the majesty of Elder, the Paragon Academy’s internal attendant!

No matter how deep and sophisticated he is, Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but stiffen his lips, and it took a few seconds to react: “Long…Elder, then you come to me, what the hell is going on?”

“Nonsense, what can I do!”

Under the eyes of all eyes, the old man actually slapped Du Yuesheng on the shoulder. This move not only surprised everyone, but even the latter didn’t know how to sigh this old man. The amiable is too much!

“I came to the Star Palace deliberately to find you, of course… It’s true that you brat!”

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd around the original exclaimer suddenly calmed down.

Receive true biography?

“Crap, isn’t it, there was a shocking truth that the popular upset was robbed, and then Elder came to collect True Disciple?”

“It’s okay to receive the true biography, why do you want the kid by name? Seeing how they look, it looks familiar!”

“No matter how familiar you are, you can’t be favored by all eyes? I remember that Academy stipulates that any Entry Examination of Martial God Palace can adhere to the rules circulated in the ancient times, just like the Jinghong Palace is tested by the hardening star sword.”

“After all, who are you in this Qin Temple? Why is this Elder dressed in black robe?”

“I remember… Of the ten Martial Gods, Kuqin Martial God ranked tenth, and the Kuqin Temple… naturally also respected the last seat.”

Tenth Martial God received true biography?

To be honest, although the status of Academy Martial God is extremely high, everyone who is the leader of the discipline also has their own pride in their hearts. It is a bit…

Too bad face!

Nonetheless, everyone is unavoidable.

“Also ask Elder to make it clear why Kuqin Martial God named Du Yuesheng as True Disciple?”

“Yes, the discipline is not dissatisfied, just… there is always a rule in everything.”

Patriarch Hearing this, caressed said with a smile: “You are not in a hurry, this Elder is just following Martial God’s command that’s all.

Because Kuqin Martial God appreciates this kid’s assessment of the mountain range, so…I just wanted to accept him as True Disciple on a whim. “


Everyone’s face is full of capital disapproval!

Du Yuesheng, who was standing aside, was messed up by the favor of the Martial God who fell from the sky, and the corner of his mouth was torn: “Elder… Are you sure you remember correctly? Is this the reason, the child is playing a bit? “

However, Elder Ge shook his head indifferently, “Is it a child’s play? Ben Elder didn’t think it.

Moreover, for the errands ordered by Martial God, Ben Elder will never remember it wrongly, so if he is willing to enter my Kuqin Temple, he will go back obediently with me. “

As soon as the conversation turned, Elder Ge looked at Du Yuesheng with a wonderful face, and he changed his previous kindness, with a strong tone: “Of course, if you don’t want to, this Elder will have to tie you back even if you are tied.

After all, it was Martial God’s command. If you don’t do it, the Elder’s Spiritual Pill subsidy this month will be deducted. “

Spiritual Pill subsidy?

What a terrible reason for this!

And you, as the dignified servant Elder, do you care so much about the dozens of Spiritual Pills?

Even if you feel distressed, don’t you say it so loudly under the eyes of everyone? !

The surrounding city was as deep as Du Yuesheng, and it was completely stunned for a while.

This Kuqin Temple, wouldn’t it be the amusement of Paragon School?

Thinking about it for a moment, Du Yuesheng understood how the old bohemian character in front of the pavilion became a courtier.

Because he has a Martial God above him who just dragged himself into True Disciple just because of a whim!

The combination of these two weird flowers, doing anything that makes people speechless, I am afraid it is normal.

But then come back…

Du Yuesheng is more concerned about why the Kuqin Martial God started to pay attention to himself since Wentian mountain range?

Is it just a coincidence?

Du Yuesheng obviously didn’t believe it.

However, before he could take the opportunity to test, he listened to Bai Ze coldly said: “Elder Ge, since you are standing here, you should know the rules of the Star Palace and Academy.

True Disciple represents the next peak strength of the Academy. It is by no means a trifle, even if it is the Kuqin Palace!

So, if you want to choose the true biography now, then take out the rules of the Kuqin Temple, presumably, you don’t want to mess up the etiquette of the Academy, right? “

well said! Your old man’s demure face is simply impeccable! If Xuanyuanying hadn’t been sitting here with an Inner Disciple, the Heavenly Emperor would be able to bear and applaud you!

However, Du Yuesheng just laughed lightly, but the old side of the cabinet seemed to disdain as beneath contempt: “It’s a rule…old man can’t afford such a big crime.”

After the speech was over, the old man turned his head and smiled, looking towards Du Yuesheng: “Well, kid, you also heard. Although the old man and Martial God both appreciate you, everything must be done according to the rules.

And my Kuqin Temple’s rule is to defeat all competitors. Isn’t it simple? “


The Heavenly Emperor hasn’t promised to go to the Kuqin Temple where you felt so cheated when you first met!

be that as it may, Du Yuesheng still managed to hold back a smile, and discussed: “Elder, the discipline Divine Consciousness is special, and most of the divine techniques you have cultivated are also self-explanatory. Although Martial God and Elder are respectable in strength, True Disciple’s Legacy, it’s a bit inappropriate to choose me…

So, do you think you can change people and tie back to make a business trip? “

Patriarch Hearing this, was also irritated by Du Yuesheng’s apparently exquisite but exquisite and smooth words, and pointed at the latter with a smile: “Boy, you rarely fool this Elder here.

Can True Disciple be bundled casually?

If so, does anyone deserve to say that he is Du Yuesheng? “

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