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In the Star Palace, everyone’s eyes fell on Du Yuesheng.

“Senior, before starting the assessment, I hope you can agree to a request.”

As soon as this remark came out, there was a lot of discussion around it. Jinghong’s inner waiter hesitated for a moment before slowly nodded and said: “You… wouldn’t you want to repent?”

“Of course not, but I hope Senior can give me some time to prepare and let me help Yuqiu.”

“One hand? Could you use the power of two people to pick up Elder’s Star Sword?”

No wonder the white robe Elder frowned a little, and to this type of evaluation, even other Magic Treasure secrets can not be used, even more how to use the power of others.

Suddenly, the discussions and doubts were obviously noisy.

“Rely, are you taking part in the assessment or the assessment of other girls? The opening speech is enough.”

“That’s it! Just now there is a picture full of self-confidence without suppressing realm, now I want to help, do you want a face?”

Du Yuesheng hearing this, also not angry, just turned his head and sneered: “Idiot, have I said that you need external force?

There are a lot of people here, you Elder here, this rateless method, I think you can come up with your IQ.

even more how ……Elder has not yet decided, when is your turn to talk? “

This imposing manner made Ling people’s refutation suddenly make everyone speechless, but it was full of anger and annoyance, but the red robe on the temple was too dazzling to dare to make an order.

However, a few people who have not spoken before agree with Du Yuesheng’s remarks. After all, the rules of the assessment are set by Jinghong Palace, and the bottom line of this so-called strength should naturally be determined by the white robe Elder.

Even more how, Du Yuesheng even dare to make requests with confidence, naturally will not be within a reasonable scope.

So, after a moment of silence, although the white robe Elder’s eyes were complicated, he still nodded and said: “Since you have the courage to let this Elder not suppress the realm, how about allowing you to make some preparations?


As soon as the words changed, Jinghong’s inner servants were a little bit harsher: “The rules of Jinghong Palace are here, even if I can’t go against the will of Martial God and help this baby girl, but I must not help him secretly. A little bit Divine Power!”

After a pause, Elder in white robe looked at Executing Immortal Sword behind Du Yuesheng, coldly said: “Of course, the one who wants to receive this Elder star sword can only be Yuqiu’s own Life Source Sabre. !”

“That’s natural, then delay Elder for a moment and allow us to prepare.”

Nodded agreed, Du Yuesheng laughed in the heart, even if I want to borrow some trump card God Soldier weapon to Yuqiu, that girl has to control it!

With her weak chicken strength in the God Sovereign realm, no matter how many minutes you let the Sword Spirit backlash destroy the Lord, 10000 lucky…

With everything in place, Du Yuesheng snapped his fingers, and within a few meters of him and Yuqiu standing, an invisible wave of water rose.

Soundproofing Formation.

Although the soundproofing Formulation is just the most common Forming, but it can be performed by seeing Du Yuesheng with no difficulty, red robed old man can’t help but be stunning in the eyes of several people.

This kid… The ability to manipulate and control Divine Power’s laws is really deeply hidden. How long has it been since I entered the Temple of Stars, I found the method profound aperture!

Especially looking at the water waves, Du Yuesheng still maintains a chuckle-like motionless look, and even several chief disciplines have converged with contempt, and their faces are more dignified.

The sound insulation Formation performed by Du Yuesheng turned off even the change of the picture!

Although everyone present can break this Formation effortlessly, and even with the realm of a few red robed old man, it is easy to see what is going on without breaking the Formation, but it is bound to be noticed by Du Yuesheng.

The reason why people came up with the soundproofing Formation couldn’t be more obvious. At this time, prying eyes fell through.

Since then, Jinghong’s servant simply closed his eyes and focused, waiting to adjust his breath, and the whole body shone with stars.

Inside Formation, Du Yuesheng confirmed that no one was spying, and then Gu Shang confessed to Yu Qiu: “Hey… there were many ways to deal with the white-robed old man outside.

But your realm is too…cough cough, so, in order to ensure that you have a ten-percent chance of winning in a sword clash, you can only use this. “

As soon as the words fell, Du Yuesheng’s heart moved, and a magic sign appeared in front of Yu Qiu.

Despite not touching it, Yu Qiu couldn’t help but beautiful eyes startled with the torrential word intent that surging on the charm to break several characters, and his fingertips slightly raised: “This…is this Saint Level spell?”

“Regardless of the spell, use is the key, well, get it.”

Without waiting for Yuqiu’s hesitation, Du Yuesheng stuffed the magic talisman into her jade hand: “The crit talisman can increase the formidable power of sword weapons ten times, but the effect is only one move, which is most suitable for this situation.”

Looking at the handwriting of golden ink like a sword in his hand, Yuqiu was somewhat stunned, which could make the sword power increase ten times the magic charm, the value can be imagined!

However, Du Yuesheng gave it to himself once again…

Just like when I gave this Heavenly God sword to myself.

Just looking at Du Yuesheng’s anticipation while chuckles, Yu Qiufen clenched her fists, knowing that this is not the time to be grateful.

Du Yuesheng never needs to be deeply grateful in speech.

“This is a treasure that consumes my 1000 Exchange Coins.” Du Yuesheng also has some heartaches in his heart. He doesn’t have many Exchange Coins already, and he has been reluctant to use them.

But there is another point, Yu Qiu is a little puzzled: “Big brother Du, just now you said a ten% chance of winning…what do you mean?”

Du Yuesheng hearing this, shrugged: “Of course it was just a slight injury to the old man in a white robe. Anyway, it’s also your future Martial Uncle. You can’t give up a bit of face, right?”

Hit slightly…

Is it just that?

For a while, Yu Qiu felt that he could not keep up with Du Yuesheng’s thinking.

“But… as long as I perform better than 100 Li, can take a sword from the servant Elder, and stand still.”

Looking at the rainy autumn, Du Yuesheng sighed, I still don’t know what to do.

“Then you imagine what would the guys think if they were better than 100 Li Lue?”


Without waiting for Yuqiu to say more, Du Yuesheng immediately said: “They only think that you are relying on me to win this disgraceful assessment!

Haven’t you heard that when you are only a little stronger than others, they will only be jealous and will never respect you!

Take a look at the faces of those so-called geniuses. Have you forgotten how ridiculous they were when they saw that you only had God Sovereign realm? “

At this point, Du Yuesheng’s intention is obviously nothing more than: “To win, you will win the perfect crush, and let them convince!”

Yuqiu, who bowed his head and said nothing, seemed to be awakening to something, and beautiful eyes showed up in the past: “Du big brother, I understand, thank you for your hard work.”

“That’s right, you won the assessment this time beautifully, and whoever dares to provoke in the future, you ask him if he dares to take your sword?”

“Anyway, I have a lot of crit talisman here.”

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