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“Tsk, don’t speak, this Heavenly Emperor was originally going to spare you a dog’s life, after all, this is a Sect forbidden area, dirty floors are not good.”

After all, Du Yuesheng turned around with a sneer, his witty eyes fell on Feng Ming in the potholes.

Looking directly at the eyes like an abyss, Feng Ming suddenly felt like setting an ice cave, shiver coldly said: “You…what do you want to do? I warn you, Elder will be here soon, when the time comes, you will die. without a burial site !”

“What do I want to do? It’s easy…”

As soon as the conversation turned, Du Yuesheng walked like a mountain, walked towards Feng Ming and two people, looking down proudly: “Since you all said that I seriously hurt the same sect, then I will satisfy you, just to wag your tail and pretend to be poor capital later.”

Before he could say anything, Du Yuesheng clenched his fists and rushed towards Feng Ming’s abdomen!

“Crash …”


Standing a few meters away, everyone heard a trembling in fear.

Feng Ming, who was punched through Yufu by Du Yuesheng, twitched and shuddered at the corners of his mouth, and almost fainted with white eyelids!

The most important thing is that the Life Source effort that Feng Ming said is the foundation of Divine Power!

But under Du Yuesheng’s attack on Jin Pichuan, he has already become devastated!

A punch, abolish the God Venerable cultivation base!

Feng Ming now, let alone Yuqiu’s opponent, I am afraid that Du Sheng can trample him to death with no difficulty!

Compared with Feng Ming’s misery, everyone was even more surprised by the ruthlessness of Du Yuesheng’s methods!

The cultivation base is a wasteful future! From now on, Feng Ming, don’t even think about establishing a foothold in Paragon Academy.

“This…a punch of the Jade Mansion, this guy is simply a monster! The physical strength is almost able to catch up with the gray robe Elder!”

“Feng Ming, this kid will be completely abolished in the future. Without the cultivation base, he is not as good as a dog in God World!”

“Too ruthless, even if Feng Ming provoked first, it wouldn’t be a waste of the cultivation base…”

Everyone’s discussion was concealed by a slaughtered pig-like howling: “Ahhh…you rubbish, how dare you to abolish Laozi cultivation base?!

Oh shit! When Elder comes, your fate will only be ten times 100 times worse than mine! ! ! “

“Punishing Elder…”

The corners of his mouth are slightly raised, and Du Yuesheng, who is condescending, is not afraid: “This Heavenly Emperor has been waiting for a long time.”

Outside the Star Hall, blood was spilled.

Feng Mingqiang, who is limp like a dead dog in the potholes, endures the heartbreaking pain of the Jade Mansion being abandoned, desperately waiting for the last life-saving rice fuck!

Yuqiu’s beautiful eyes trembled slightly, as if a little worried about the stalwart young man who would block the provocation in front of him.

“Big brother Du, otherwise…Let’s go to the hall to find Elder and make it clear. After all, the Academy’s rules are ruthless, and Elder is tortured…”

“Is it right to make sense to punish Elder?”

Before he finished speaking, Du Yuesheng turned his head and stroked the girl’s hair, interrupting the latter’s concern: “Although I act arrogantly, don’t confuse me with those mentally handicapped with zero IQ.

If there is no trump card, how dare I abandon his cultivation base outside the Star Hall? “

While talking, Du Yuesheng took out a light gray jade stone from his sleeve. There was still a blurry light and shadow in the stone. Yu Qiu looked in his eyes and immediately covered his mouth and said: “Take a picture… Brother Du, when will you hide it? of?”

“Carry it with you and use it anytime. The process of framing us by the mentally retarded just now can be clearly recorded.”

Looking at the always indifferent arc of the boy’s mouth, the worry in Yuqiu’s beautiful eyes gradually dissipated…

in the sky, the three silhouettes are extremely eye-catching.

Not yet approaching, Elder’s unique and powerful aura drove many passers-by who watched the show hurriedly.

“Hmph, dare to pick quarrels and stir up trouble outside the Star Hall, so bold!”

With a gloomy coldly snorted, Du Yuesheng’s eyes flashed, and the stone slab on which his feet were standing burst instantly!

Really strong !

Divine Power can be released freely, even aura is so mysterious. The cultivation base divine technique is ubiquitous to restrain the ordinary rules. The Elder school of Paragon Academy is indeed the most mysterious and terrifying existence!

After all, three shadows fell in front of Du Yuesheng.

Before Du Yuesheng could see the appearance of the visitor, he heard an exclamation from Yuqiu from the side: “black robe Elder, how is it possible?!”

black robe Elder, the mainstay of Paragon Academy!

Like the disciple generation, Elder’s position and status in the Academy are also extremely strict.

From the lowest Supreme, they are gray, black, white, and red!

Except for the gray robe Elder who is responsible for outer sect and various chores, the other three levels of Elder are not to be offended at the Academy!

And black robe Elder is obviously a symbol of Academy’s majesty!

The white-robed Elder on the next level is already the most elite Peak battle strength in Academy! The right to be responsible is even more unimaginable. For example, on the 4-Layer of Shenji Pavilion, the teleportation of various Secret Realm experiences, and the first floor of God Soldier in Musashi Hall, all are protected by the white robe Elder!

As for the red robe Elder… it is rumored that under the Paragon Institute Head, the ten Martial Gods above ten thousand people are the famous red robe Elder!

If anyone among red robe Elder walks out of the Academy, he will be able to destroy the so-called Great Sect in an instant!

You know, even in the prestigious temple of God World, people who can compete with red robe Elder can be counted on one’s fingers!

“The leader of the discipline? You hurt the same sect badly here, and you trespassed into the Star Palace?”

With just one look, Du Yuesheng clenched his fists secretly. The realm of the person headed by black robe Elder is far beyond what ordinary people can contend!

Fortunately, even though Elder had the heart to blame, he didn’t mean to punish him. It was only after coldly shouting that he reduced the Divine Power, which made Yu Qiu behind Du Yuesheng relieved.

Without waiting for Du Yuesheng to explain anything, Feng Ming, who was originally limp in the potholes like a dead dog, came to his mind and crawled to the front, pulling the black robe Elder’s trouser legs and crying.

“Elder Sir Mingjian, it is these two guys who rushed into the Star Palace, but the discipline couldn’t stop them, they were seriously injured, and the cultivation base was abolished.

Please Elder to be fair, and there is a photo stone in the discipline here! “

While crying, Feng Ming quickly took out the photo-taking stone and offered it with both hands. To tell the truth, his face was covered with blood stains, his body trembled, and his tone was extremely weak. It really looked like a poor man who was seriously injured.

Even Du Yuesheng couldn’t help raising a bit of ridiculous sympathy, and of course he admired Feng Ming’s upside-down face.

Especially when the three Elder palms perceive the shadow stone, Feng Ming’s dark gaze cast in secret, making Du Yuesheng’s sneer at the corner of his mouth even more indifferent.

“Yes, boy, I can insist on being crippled by me, and Elder will come to give you justice. Although his strength is useless, but with this ability to reverse black and white, I don’t have to worry about another place in the Academy…”

As expected by Du Yuesheng, after the brilliance of the shadow stone gradually dimmed, the headed black robe Elder suddenly turned his head with an angry expression, his eyes were like eagles.

“Boy, the shot is so very ruthless, and you don’t even think of the same sect friendship at all. It seems that you want to taste the Xing Tianlei?”

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