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Generally speaking, only among the absolute top Transcendent Influence, Chief Disciple is eligible for the honorary title.

For example, the saints of the temple, Bai Qianshang God…Dark God Palace, also have this qualification!

Night Ghost is the title of Dark God Palace Chief Disciple, the next black Dark Monarch!

Du Yuesheng doesn’t know how strong Xuanyuanying is, but what he knows is that even the Leng Aojian of Ling Sword Sect is not eligible for the honorable title, it is just called Chief Disciple by others.

Without waiting for Du Yuesheng to think more, Hongguang came a burst of laughter:

“Haha…Xuanyuan Xiaoer don’t be impatient, it should be yours, and you will definitely not be able to run.

You guessed it right, as long as it can beat any one of the 2 heads of the main city, it is eligible to enter the cabinet. “

After the old man finished speaking, he saw the black hat gently nodded: “Many thanks Senior for pointing me, the discipline must go all out!”

Ten 2 Chief City Leader?


Just as Du Yuesheng dashing eyebrows wrinkled slightly, he felt a little more in the token.

“Academy’s rules and service are all in your tokens. Next, you will be picked up by the senior Senior Brother where you stay.”

“Of course, if someone is willing to find a place to cultivate himself, in addition to the Four Great Forbidden Lands, he can choose.”

After a pause, I heard the rainbow light sneer in waves:

“You newcomers, the old man kindly reminds you that when you come to Paragon Academy, it is best to throw away all the pride of your so-called geniuses.

Because in the Academy, you will never know, who is the existence that you cannot afford to offend! “

As soon as the words came out, there was a sound of thunder, and from the crowd came the trembling sound of chilling breath…

Indeed, just entering the Academy within half a day, they let them feel the scenery they once thought was the peak, but it was just a frog in well!

Inner Disciple, looking at the entire World has been regarded as a monster genius who is proud of the heroes.

But in the Paragon Academy, Inner Sect also has a genius amongst geniuses such as king level and Emperor Level!

Not to mention… Elder, who is rumored to be the 9th Temple, has the strength not to lose God Lord Peak.

“Paragon School, the most important thing is genius!”

Du Yuesheng looked at the token in his hand and thought to himself that it should be his status symbol in the Academy.

The mystery and mystery technique can obviously pass the Academy’s ban, and future contributions and achievement points in the Academy, as well as rewards and punishments for merits and demerits, will be clearly recorded.

“Well, the rules of the Academy are really long enough, but it is extremely fair. The person who created the rules should be the power of a Heaven Opening.

In short…If you don’t die, you won’t die, so in the future, the three of you just need to be a little more careful, and you won’t encounter any trouble in the Academy if you concentrate on cultivation. “

In a courtyard full of Divine Power, Du Yuesheng surrounded the pavilion with his knees, and as the master of this courtyard, Yu Qiu was very satisfied with the Academy’s conditions.

“Um, must remember what Du Big Brother said. Monsters can be encountered everywhere in Academy. Take the king-level Senior Brother, who will lead us, it is an expert in God Venerable environment!

And listening to his tone, it seems that the weakest talent took over and introduced the new discipline, this time-wasting errand…

Above the king level, what heaven defying exists! “

In amazement, Zhou Zheng and the 3 people couldn’t help but look up at the sky, but they found out more and more that after they came to Paragon Academy, they seemed to lose sight of the depth of the day…

Almost the first sect of all the geniuses of God World are gathered, and the future life is exciting and exciting to think about.

“Oh right, big brother Du, isn’t it a contest between new disciplines after 3 days? I heard that 1st place is eligible to be directly ranked as a king-level discipline and can also be awarded the title of Paragon!”

“The title of civil and military Paragon? Is it valuable?”

This competition can choose a king-level discipline Du Yuesheng, but he knows, but he is really not interested in the so-called title.

When Zhou Zheng saw Du Yuesheng’s reaction, he slapped the stone table anxiously and said: “What’s the use?! By the way, didn’t you even read the manual in the token?”

“Hmm…I got you right, I really haven’t had time to read it.”

With a wave of his hand, Du Yuesheng was somewhat at a loss: “Isn’t this always listening to you? The so-called reading 10000 books is worse than the 10,000 li road. Rather than studying the manual, it is better to go to Academy to visit.”

“Become familiar with the environment, don’t worry, you first listen to me and finish the use of this title.”

After taking a sip of tea, Zhou Zhengcai preached: “The title of Paragon of Civil and Martial Arts can only be obtained by the newly promoted disciplines over the years.

In other words, no matter how strong you are in the future, you will never have a chance after this competition. “

“Oh, the title of the collection chanting? It’s still pretty good to pretend to be a girl in school.”

Feel free to nodded, Du Yuesheng didn’t care too much about such false names.

What about Wenwu Paragon?

Sealing a God World Number One Person is almost the same!

Seeing Du Yuesheng’s indifferent performance, Zhou Zheng’s three people were messed up directly.

This symbolizes the title of Supreme glory and bright future, in the eyes of this cargo, it is confused with pretending to be x!

Feeling that he was hit again by Du Sheng, he took a heavy look at the head before adding:

“In addition to being unique, the person who won the Paragon title can also get 3000 Achievement Points and 500 Medal of Honor, do you think it’s useful?”

“Uh, achievement points? Medal of Honor? What the hell is that!”

“They are the two most valuable things in the Paragon Academy disciple generation! Are you on the same channel with us? Du big brother!”

Seeing Zhou Zheng almost speechless, Du Yuesheng only said with a smile:

“Uh, I’ve been listening to you, but it’s just a matter of achievement or glory, it’s really useless to me.”

“It’s useless?! Du big brother, don’t be too high, you need to know that achievement points can be exchanged for various experiences, and can also be exchanged for Divine Level’s divine technique secret technique!

Even if the achievement point is high enough, you can invite the dean to teach and teach yourself.

What’s more, if you run into an Elder who desperately needs achievement points, it’s okay to do errands for you! “

“Um…Is this Elder too polite? According to common sense, shouldn’t you directly intimidate Direct Disciple to surrender achievement points for your own use? Isn’t this kind of atmosphere in the top-grade Great Sect…”

Yuqiu 3 people were completely conquered by Du Yuesheng’s ability to vomit!

“But the 500 Medal of Honor can allow the Academy God Soldier Pavilion to tailor a set of sacred weapons!”

“Halloween level equipment…”

After the whisper, Du Yuesheng was not afraid to hit his only three friends in the Academy.

He still wanted to say that feeding this kind of stuff to my Sword Spirit would be disgusting.

I don’t know that after a long time, seeing the awkward silence in Shiting, Zhou Zheng, who bowed his head, suddenly slapped the table, almost collapsed and said:

“Even if the others are worthless to your big brother Du, but the key to the 3rd floor of the Shenji Pavilion, you can always see it, right?”

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