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Stimulated by Du Yuesheng’s words, Bai Qian suddenly said with a smile: “You mean Bai Hong’s waste?

Hem, it’s up to him. How could the Master be willing to teach him such secret techniques?

But God is different from the beginning. If you are brave enough, you can kill me and try! “

Du Yuesheng really wanted to cut this pretty boy’s head with a sword.

But he also had to admit that what Bai Qian said is hard to refute!

That’s right! Compared with Bai Qian, Bai Hong is very humble in terms of strength and status, so Bai Yuan’s old bastard may not waste such secret techniques for him.

And if Du Yuesheng guessed correctly, this secret technique that was enough to break the Space-Time barrier would be very costly to both parties!

Needless to say, Bai Qian is struggling to inflict severe damage or even the exhaustion of Divine Power, but also inspire secret skills, and this can be called Divine Ability that violates the laws of God World. The backlash afterwards can at least make Bai Qian fall by a large realm!

If it is replaced by Bai Hong’s kind of goods, it is estimated that the life filling will not be able to activate the secret technique. This seems to confirm what Bai Qian said…

As a summoned Bai Yuan, even if he is the God Lord, he is absolutely impossible to ask the Space Formation of the mountain range with strength of oneself breakthrough!

Otherwise, just an old fart in his mouth just now, as long as he is not coward, he has definitely come to the door to ask for guilt.

Even if it is a secret technique, Bai Yuan wants to be summoned, and the price to pay will be extremely huge!

It is no wonder that the Life Source God Stone will be used by Bai Qian as a trump card for either the fish dies or the net splits.

At the same time, Bai Qian saw Du Yuesheng’s silence, thinking that the latter was afraid of himself, but more arrogant: “Why? Do you know this waste now?

Don’t look at me now hitting near death, but the one who wins is still God!

Kneel down on your knees, and then put the fairy sword in your hand to ask the god to restore your veins, maybe today, I can still let you go as a dog. “

“Cut… noisy, have I ever said that I am afraid of that old fart?”

Disdainfully hum, Du Yuesheng stepped on Bai Qian’s neck directly, eyes like electricity: “If I didn’t guess wrong, your so-called shit secret technique, the price of backlash is not small, right?

Especially in places like Wentian mountain range, the rules are unusual. Even if the God Lord wants to interfere, his strength will be extremely weakened!

Even, Bai Yuan’s old bastard, simply impossible this Venerable came, but just use Avatar to send double kills? “

The questioning words were like words, and Bai Qian’s forehead was immediately covered with a cold sweat.

This guy… how to guess it is not bad at all!

Indeed, even if it was a secret technique, Bai Yuan came impossible personally, and asked the Mountain Law of the Mountain Range Space Law is very special. The more powerful the person wants to force a breakthrough, the stronger the pressure will be.

But even an Avatar has at least half the battle strength of Bai Yuan himself!

Half of battle strength…enough to sweep any creatures in this world!

But there is still the most troublesome trouble. Although Du Yuesheng didn’t guess, it was Bai Qian’s most worried.

The duration of the secret technique is limited, but… very short.

It’s so short that even Bai Qian can’t be sure that Master’s Avatar can kill Du Yuesheng!

If it is an ordinary land, then Master, with the Divine Power broken by Life Source, is called to forcibly pull out a space crack, which can last for 5 minutes!

But this damn question about the mountain range, Space Law is doing things everywhere! Not to mention 5 minutes, Bai Qian estimates that Master’s Avatar can stick to ten breaths.

ten breaths ……10000 Once this waste is carried over by some cunning method, wouldn’t I be dead for nothing? !

If Bai Qian is said to be a tragic existence at this time, he finally made up his mind to retaliate against Du Yuesheng with death, but now because of various concerns, he hesitated…

But I don’t know whether it was because Du Yuesheng stepped on his feet that aroused Bai Qian’s few bloodiness, or the IQ really returned before his death… For various reasons, the latter chose to be tough to the end!

Although Bai Qian’s face was startled by Du Yuesheng’s guess of the cost of the secret technique, he quickly reacted and said with a malicious smile: “Why? I want to deceive God’s details! You this waste is simply wishful thinking. !

Originally, God told you that there is no backlash in this secret technique. When my Master comes here, I will ask you to smash 10000 pieces! “

This sarcastic smile made Du Yuesheng’s face more gloomy, but Bai Qiang did not converge. 5 Guan Hao: “hahaha ……Is your expression intimidated? Frightened? Is it doubting that God said it really? false.

In this case, you can do this waste! Anyway, it’s death, and don’t want to get a little bit thinner from the mouth of God! “

Sure enough… IQ crushing doesn’t seem to work much anymore.

Sighing and rubbing his forehead, Du Yuesheng had a helpless expression. Indeed, Bai Qian’s reaction was very clever.

He didn’t at all blow the magic power of the secret technique into the sky, and was not scared by his own aura to lose everything, but only revealed the most daunting point: when he died, Bai Yuan would come.

In this way, it will definitely make people hesitate and dare not easily kill.

This time bomb-like threat, instead of being an ordinary person, I am afraid it is really going to lose to Bai Qian.

But Du Yuesheng is different.

What he hated most in his life was being threatened by others!

Since the old fart with your Master is going to meet each other sooner or later, why bother to do so?

Regardless of whether you are the secret technique or the forbidden technique, today, don’t want to go back alive from my Du Yuesheng sword!

So far, Du Yuesheng’s handsome face reappeared from the past indifference, stroking the Executing Immortal Sword front lightly.

The fairy sword, who was about to drink blood, also seemed to feel the master’s killing intent, buzzing lightly.

“Since you think like this let me kill you, then…

As you wish! “

“Laozi would like to see what old bastard can teach you such a waste discipline!”

The words fall, Jian Yang.

Bai Qian didn’t expect Du Yuesheng, who was trampled under her feet, suddenly violent, and naturally… there was no time to dodge.

Suddenly, the blood column is tumbling, and the sword light is bitter.

Even Yu Qiu, who was hiding beside him, looked at the 1000 Xue Yingshang, who was red by the blood of God, and stunned her beautiful eyes.

Du… Du big brother, did he actually kill God? !

And there is no hesitation!

Not only did Yu Qiu fail to react, but even Bai Yuan in the white jade temple was slightly taken aback when looking at the shattered divine stone in front of him.

“Good good! Miscellaneous, dare to kill the lover of this Venerable! Today this Venerable will let you die without a burial site!”

The next moment, the jade palace trembles, as if it can’t bear the horror of God Lord’s rage!

Only Du Yuesheng slashed with a sword, his expression still indifferent.

“Huh, didn’t expect this pretty boy’s strength and waste, realm is not low, EXP has earned a lot.”

Before the voice was over, a Space-Time gap burst into the air on Du Yuesheng side!

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