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But after 10000 years of the fall of God Lord, only dozens of newcomers can be counted on one’s fingers. How can there be that many ruins for people to excavate?

And the signboard of Paragon Academy is still going to last, not to mention that this assessment is definitely not the last batch of final disciple…

However, the lack of a relationship with the ruins has little effect on Du Yuesheng.

Even said it had no effect.

The reason is obvious, because…there is only the last day left, so who can still look for the heritage of the ruins!

Besides, the ordinary God Lord site is not very attractive to Du Yuesheng…

The focus is on the rules for the next 2 days.

Article 2, almost solved Du Yuesheng’s biggest problem!

Zhou Zheng and the others can finally go back! It’s really hard to take care of these two oil bottles…

Although after returning to Paragon City, the ranking cannot be improved, but for Zhou Zheng 2 people, it is enough to be able to enter the outer sect steadily!

The 11th name is Outer Disciple, and the 1000th is Outer Disciple, there is no difference between them!

Even more how, trifling God King cultivation base, being able to enter Paragon Academy is unimaginable enough, no matter how high the rank is, it will only cause disaster.

As for the 3rd article…

Du Yuesheng smiled and said nothing, but his eyes were mysterious, obviously he had his own plan.

“If you guess right, the average strength of this assessment is higher than before, but the casualties are far beyond expectations.

After all, Paragon Academy is recruiting new recruits, and it is not encouraging people to kill and snatch. There is no need to have too many unnecessary casualties.

When the time comes Except for the 1000 people in the outer sect, few people have survived. Even if the Paragon Academy transcendent position, it’s difficult to explain to other Sects?

Besides, such cruel and bloody competition will discourage many people from Paragon Academy in the future.

Now that the rules are flexible, it seems that the Academy is not so indifferent and ruthless. I have to say that those guys hiding behind the scenes have a long-term vision…”

After weighing in the bottom of his heart, Du Yuesheng perceives the token, and the mystery has changed. It is estimated that it is the secret technique that is sent back to Paragon City.

Turning their heads and looking around, Zhou Zheng’s expressions were also delighted.

Obviously, they also knew that it was time to leave Du Yuesheng, and it was time to leave this place of right and wrong.

Du Yuesheng is far more decisive than the three.

“Zhou Zheng, Du Sheng, don’t say much, we will definitely meet at the Academy if we are destined, and we will relive the past well then.

Now without further ado, you two can be teleported back to Paragon City, and you know the changes in the rules.

Once the alliance is surpassed by the two of you, I don’t have any extra tokens in my hand…

So take care, in Paragon city, wait for my return. “

In Paragon, waiting for your return…

For some reason, Zhou Zheng, who was still resolute in temperament, felt a little choked in the throat after hearing the last sentence.

Although we met not long ago, this is equivalent to the experience of life and death if one prospers, all prospers, but it is not what an ordinary friendship can exchange for…

It is precisely because the two people admire Du Yuesheng so much that they did not hesitate to say what he said.

Immediately, the deep blue ripples of token transmission emerged…

Standing among the teleportation secrets, Zhou Zheng and the two people are very grateful.

“Big brother Du, I know you are different from us. You are definitely not in the pool. There is only the last day left. Go and grab the position of Inner Sect!”

“That’s right! Du big brother, great kindness and virtue, Du Sheng has nothing to do with him, so he can only wait for your triumph at the last restaurant feast in Paragon!”

In response, Du Yuesheng smiled indifferently and waved gently.

“Go, wait for me in the city, we’ll get drunk and rest!”

After the words were over, the rays of light of the secret technique shone brightly, and the figures of Zhou Zheng 2 disappeared in place…

In Paragon, wait for me!

As Zhou Zheng said, the position of Inner Sect, the position of Inner Sect, I have a place for Du Yuesheng!

In that case, whoever dares to stop, I will kill!

And Du Yuesheng didn’t forget Yuqiu who was standing still.

Obviously, although the girl is much better than Zhou Zheng, but according to the current situation, it is actually no different from dragging an oil bottle…

As a result, Yu Qiu looked at the token in his hand in a daze, and was considering whether to activate the token, and it ended…

However, a warm palm slapped on the fragrant shoulder of the girl’s supplement as if boneless, which completely shaken her.

“Don’t worry, I, Du Yuesheng, never break my promise. Inner Sect’s position, if you have Du Yuesheng alone, you have Yuqiu!”

“Du…Du big brother.”

I don’t know when, a complex emotion that cannot be spoken rose in the girl’s heart.

But Du Yuesheng calmly took out the token from the mustard bag, overlapping with Yuqiu’s token.


Just two words, but with unquestionable majesty and domineering!

The girl hearing this, raised her head gently, and nodded again.

Everyone knows how much Du Yuesheng has paid for his promise. Yuqiu, who is allied with him, will only be more clear.

The difference between two people’s ranks is more than 2. That is to say, Du Yuesheng did not hesitate to drop his ranks close to 500, but he had to change his words and believe it!

And this is the beginning of that’s all.

The last day will only be longer and more difficult than the previous Nine Heavens.

“Allied …”

Wanyin was over, and the overlapping tokens flashed with extremely dazzling rays of light!

Directly reflected on Du Yuesheng’s handsome face, and the girl’s trembling heart…

Although I don’t know where this confidence comes from, Yuqiu is certain. From the moment of the alliance, he…has already sat in the Inner Sect position of Paragon Academy!

Everything was given to him by that stalwart and gentle man.

Ever since, the two hands held together because of overlapping tokens were held tightly by the girl for a long time…

After a long time, the tokens of the two people gradually merged into one.

At the same time, Du Yuesheng clearly felt the mark of rain and autumn in his Divine Consciousness.

Obviously, once the alliance is reached, it cannot be cancelled in the Wentian mountain range.

This is also to prevent the eventual allies from turning against each other, and the possibility of the yin behind…

Shrugged, Du Yuesheng doesn’t care too much about the ranks of more than 300 now.

“Let’s go, we are in front of us, but there are more than 300 enemies, they won’t be obediently sent to the door.”


The girl is nodded, well-behaved and strong, following Du Yuesheng behind her.

“More than 300 people, brother Du big…Have you really never regretted it?”

“What do you regret?”

When Du Yuesheng’s gaze was looked directly at, Yu Qiu hesitated for a few seconds before whispering softly: “Of course it is an alliance with me, without me…”

“Hehe, I, Du Yuesheng, do things, just begging the thought means you’ve arrived, never regret it!”

Looking up to the sky with a chuckle, young high-spirited and vigorous, the words are full of arrogance who want to burst into the sky for a long time by keeping a low profile and biding their time!

More than 300 people, how many?

Nothing but more departed spirit under this sword that’s all!

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