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Above Spirit Pond, only Wang Kai’s trembling figure remained.

No one can imagine that a bloody fight took place 5 minutes before this piece.

And Du Yuesheng, who dominated the killing, has long come and gone, and the people in the Shadow Shad Temple have no evidence of survival in this world…

The only valuable token has already been taken away by Du Yuesheng.

To Wang Kai, all this is like a dream and a nightmare.

He didn’t even know the name of his opponent until he witnessed the last same sect in a strange place, as the leader of Senior Brother!

Not to mention the strength between the two, as bad as the sky!

How can this revenge be reported?


How can this hatred not be reported? !

“You Junior Brother, failed to serve you with Sect, and I am ashamed of you Wang Kai.

Today, I’m leaving this stupid body just for… one day I will be able to blood wash today’s shame!

As long as I step into the Paragon Academy, regardless of whether the opponent’s strength and status are distinguished or not, I will be rewarded with blood and revenge! “

The tragic roar sound, accompanied by God Sovereign expert’s emotional out-of-control Divine Power swept every corner of Spirit Pond, but got no response.

After a long time, Wang Kai looked down at the token that he could step into within 1000, and his madness rose from the glorious eyes.

However, even if he had left indifferently, Du Yuesheng knew everything about Spirit Pond.

“Tsk tsk, do you want to take revenge? I will give you this opportunity to make an exception today… I hope you won’t be a stepping stone for others until Academy meets me.”

Shook the head slightly, Du Yuesheng smiled, Primordial Spirit sound transmission said: “Wang Kai, right? Listen, my name is Du Yuesheng!

I killed your same sect. If you want to take revenge, I will be waiting for you at Academy.

As long as you can climb in front of me one day, I will give you a chance to take revenge. “

This condescending tone like a king looking down naturally made Wang Kai stunned and ignited with anger, but for Du Yuesheng, it was nothing more than that’s all.

Trifling a God Sovereign, even if Du Yuesheng actively seals Divine Power, Sword Art Wang Kai will not lose his opponent.

The reason why Wang Kai spared his life is nothing more than…

Du Yuesheng, kill enough.

These reasons sound ridiculous, but trifling God Sovereign Du Yuesheng is just as easy to kill as to kill, so it is okay to let him go.

In addition, although Du Yuesheng’s strong means is even more indifferent or even cruel to the enemy, it does not mean that he is passionate about killing for no reason.

On the contrary, the way Du Yuesheng has cultivated is by no means beyond the control of God World’s law. Killing at will will only increase Heart Demon.

After all, when I first stepped into the Spirit Pond Formation, the words spoken by the Shadow Shadian disciple and Wang Kai were not heard by others, but Du Yuesheng heard them clearly.

Moreover, now that Du Yuesheng’s ranked is high, there is no improvement in killing Wang Kai, it is nothing more than a token in hand.

For a token, the future is extinguished… It is really cruel.

“Du big brother, just now… Why did you deliberately keep that guy alive? Are you not afraid that he will come to the house to seek revenge in the future?”

Beside him, Zhou Zheng broke Divine Power follow closely from behind. Although he left a little reluctantly just now, since Du Yuesheng had spoken, he was only obedient.

However, he still did not understand.

Compared with Zhou Zheng, Du Yuesheng, who is a party, is more calm: “Do you want to go to the door? Do you think I will be afraid of a God Sovereign who can kill with a sword?”


Zhou Zheng hearing this, suddenly a burst of speech.

Yes! For Du Yuesheng, dignified God Sovereign’s life and death are just a single thought of his do as one pleases.

This is a symbol of strength!

At this time, Zhou Zheng was more and more fortunate that he had followed such a duosheng who was deep and unmeasurable.

After a while, after meeting with Yuqiu, before Du Yuesheng spoke, Du Sheng was excited and dancing.

“Ah, Du big brother, why am I and big… Sister Yu Qiu waited for so long behind Spirit Pond and no one was there?

In other words, won’t you be killed by you…”

shook the head, Du Yuesheng sometimes feels helpless about the problem of this kind of love talk tuberculosis: “I can’t kill them, I still have one…”

Later, after Du Yuesheng told the story to two people, Yu Qiu was relieved, but Du Sheng seemed a little depressed.

“I said Du Big Brother, that’s God Sovereign, and it’s still the leader of the Shadow Sha Dian. Ranked must be very high. Why did you let him go?

In other words, it took me a second to grab the token. “

Du Yuesheng hearing this, could not help but say with a black line: “Speaking of such domineering, then you are going to grab it, but I guess I was killed by a sword, should you be the one?”

Seeing myself bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections was punctured by ruthless, Du Sheng couldn’t help but feel a bit sullen: “hehe…Since Du big brother has decided to spare his life, how could I be so uninteresting…”

Seeing this posture, he should never interrupt Du Sheng and talk again, Du Yuesheng immediately waved his hand with a straight face: “Okay, let’s delay the time.

Don’t talk nonsense, well, this is the token of the guys in Shadow Shadian, please share it. “

While speaking, Du Yuesheng deliberately picked out God Sovereign Chen Ming’s token, and handed it to Yuqiu. After the latter hesitated a little, he still reached out with a pale face.

“Thanks…Thank you, Du big brother.”

“Don’t say this kind of thankful nonsense after you know our relationship, it seems to make people feel stupid.”

Du Yuesheng’s voice is somewhat blamed, but more of it is concerned, especially the unique Wen Xu, which makes Yu Qiu’s pretty soft face pretty blush.

It is a pity that when Yu Qiu finally found the courage to look up towards the star of Du Yuesheng, the latter did not know when he had turned his head, looking slightly depressed at Zhou Zheng who was holding the token as a treasure.

“Wow, there are 5 tokens in one shot, more than God King I have won in my life.”

“It is indeed Du big brother. I have a big face and a row of faces. I laughed and accepted…

But… Du big brother, don’t you need a token? I remember what you looked like before…”

“No, let’s help you in the top 1000 first.”

Du Sheng originally wanted to say that it looks like Du Yuesheng said before, the goal is to enter Inner Sect, and the token is more or less useful to him, but he is interrupted by the latter before he finishes the talk.

Du Yuesheng did want to enter Inner Sect, but the dozen God King tokens did not improve him much.

After all, everyone in the Shadow Sha Palace is to guarantee Wang Kai to enter the Paragon Academy, then the rank of other people will definitely be much lower.

For Du Yuesheng’s current points, 2 1000 God King tokens in the future, although not too cumbersome, but useful…

Really close to zero…



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