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“Everyone will listen to me clearly, the rule this Venerable will only be said once.” Hong Tian looked at the crowd around the black crowded loudly said.

The sound resounded like the sky and thundered through 8 squares, echoing to everyone’s ears.

After that, Hongtian nodded at the two people around him.

Two people beside Hongtian saw his eyes and instantly understood what he was about to say, his hands suddenly opened.

In an instant, one after another of rays of light shot from their palms, shining like fireworks, illuminating the entire sky.

Each rays of light represents a token, one after another appears floating in front of the players below.

“what is this?”

“Is there a name on it? There is a number?”

“Is it a point battle?”

Some of them immediately found that the tokens floating in front of their bodies all showed their respective names and a number.

Du Yuesheng also found that the number that appeared on the token beside him was 1000.

“Everyone sees the number on your token?” Hong Tian looked at everyone and said, “That number is what you are now ranked, and the next thing is very simple.”

“Point battle!”

“In a while, each token will send you into the mountain range of Wentian for a battle.”

“But you have to remember that the competition is fatal and can also be killed by various demonic beasts in the mountain range.

But everyone has another chance to mobilize the token, will it take you back to ask Tian City, but it also means that you are disqualified. “

“If you are afraid, you can stand up now and we will arrange for someone to send you out.”

“There is only one chance, life and death.”

After listening to Hongtian’s introduction, everyone suddenly realized what was going on and what he said about death.

These people are ready when they come, and if they want to get it, they will definitely pay for it.

None of them stood up and were able to enter Tian City to ask the person who took the assessment that person who was not self-exalted.

“Okay…good…I didn’t stand up, and I was very pleased.” Hongtian looked at none and stood up and continued laughing.

“You will have a period of ten days to collect other people’s tokens. Those who have collected the top 100 tokens can become Paragon Academy outer sect students.

The top ten will be eligible to enter Inner Sect and become Inner Sect students, the opportunity to ascending to the skies with a single leap…”

“Everything that should be said has been made clear.”

“After one minute, the token will automatically send you out. Good luck!”

They didn’t listen to the latter words, and they were all attracted by the qualification to become Inner Disciple.

Paragon Academy has a large number of students and many genius disciplines. Throughout their lives, they stop outside the outer sect students and rarely enter the ranks of the inner sect.

Inner Disciple, no less than a pie falling from the world, is really an opportunity to ascending to the skies with a single leap.


“I will definitely enter Inner Sect!”

“Who is blocking my way, kill without mercy…”

A man exuding wild beast aura, carrying a giant axe as if dripping blood, roared.

The other Gods standing in the square also all fisted silently, and each and everyone made up their minds secretly.

Du Sheng looked at the number on his token, turned and looked towards Du Yuesheng and asked, “Big brother, what is your number?”

“1000.” Du Yuesheng replied.


“1000 !”

Du Sheng suck in a breath of cold air.

“Is there any terrifying of the cheating rhythm?” He was not surprised by Du Yuesheng’s number.

Rather, he was surprised at the people who were still ahead of Du Yuesheng, but he knew how terrifying his big brother was.

One slap can slap the existence of a Battle Sovereign to death.

But this kind of character is only ranked in 1000, so how terrible are the more than 900 in front?

Du Yuesheng has nothing to worry about, this time the 1st place in the competition must be his possession.

After one minute.

Hongtian stood up, his hands were constantly dancing, and he shot a big seal from the sky and shot it into the sky.

Hong long long !

Suddenly, with this great seal of heaven rising into the sky, the Formation that was originally pervading Tian City was opened.

At the same time, the moment the Formation was opened, the tokens that had originally appeared in front of everyone all emitted a rays of light and appeared in the sky.

Hongtian watched the token send out rays of light, and he yelled at everyone: “Quick…Everyone enters the Divine Consciousness to enter the token, and transmits.”



When everyone heard Hongtian’s order, they released a Divine Consciousness into the token one after another. The floating token wrapped the people and disappeared in Tian City, and one player after another was sent out.

Du Sheng looked at the players who did not disappear, he also released a Divine Consciousness into the token, “big brother…we?”

“Du big brother!” Yu Qiuye moved towards Du Yuesheng asked, and she felt a suction from the token pulling her.

“Take these two distinct things, and after sending them out, find a safe place and wait for me to find you.”

Du Yuesheng took out two items from his arms and handed them to Yuqiu and Du Sheng. This is the item he bought in the system mall.


As soon as Yuqiu and Du Sheng took over Du Yuesheng and handed them something, they were distributed rays of light and disappeared in Tian City.

“It’s me!” Du Yuesheng also released a Divine Consciousness into the token, opened his hands and let the rays of light wrap his whole body, teleporting him to disappear.

The token transmission speed is very fast, less than ten kinds of time, the original bustling Wentian Square suddenly quieted, a piece of empty.


Suddenly, a crack appeared in Wentian Square, and a wounded man fell to the ground.

“Damn… actually teleported daddy to the Demonic beast base camp. This is playing my rhythm.”

It turned out that just now, this guy was teleported out. The result appeared in the Cave Mansion of a demon.

As soon as he appeared, he encountered the suppression of the demon’s aura, and he had to run fast, otherwise he would have died.

He is not alone in bad luck.

While the man was still cursing, another rays of light appeared on the square, and a youngster without arms fell to the ground.

It seems that his transmission location is not good, even terrifying than the man in front.

“Take it away!” Hongtian looked at the few people who were teleported back, and he ordered some soldiers standing around.

In an instant, those guards were all around and the soldiers took those who returned to the square and disappeared.

But if they use the token to send it back, it means that they have lost the opportunity to compete.

“It’s been 1000 years, the ominous beast outside is much stronger!”

“I don’t know how many geniuses will fall this time. Ask Tian City. It’s getting more dangerous every year.”

“You can’t say that. Although the outside is extremely dangerous, many people want to enter but cannot enter.”

“You have to know that there are many heavenly treasures in it, and even the holy treasures are rumored to have fallen inside.”

“Wait and see who can stand out this time.”

The three people stopped talking, and each looked at the huge screen that appeared in the center of the square.

The silhouette of the player who was tokenized to the problem mountain range is playing on the screen.

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