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God Venerable, who flew down from the door wall of Tian City, whispered to Du Yuesheng: “Boy, go back to the city gate, I will resist this python Divine Beast.”

After speaking, he did not wait for Du Yuesheng to speak, his hands moved quickly.

“Heaven and Earth is impermanent, the law of the sun and the moon, the big seal is broken!”


Suddenly, an imposing manner burst out from the God Venerable’s body, turning into a big seal tearing the blockade of the python demon.

And Du Yuesheng was directly sent to the city gate by the power of this big seal.

Du Sheng, who was standing at the city gate, looked at the Du Yuesheng silhouette that was coming. He quickly stepped forward and asked, “Big brother, are you okay?”

“Damn…who is that person? I’m sick.” Du Yuesheng couldn’t help cursing loudly as he looked at the person who sent him back.

He was planning to summon the Heaven Turning Seal to shoot the monster.

But I don’t know how to suddenly kill a Cheng Yaojin and send him back to Formation.

“Roar…Human Race.” Watching Du Yuesheng being sent into the Formation, the python demon king roared with its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

Then the anger broke out from the eyes of the python demon lord, and a wave of Peak aura pressed Heaven and Earth rolling past.

And the God Venerable powerhouse who resisted the path of the python demon, he felt this aura.

The whole person’s face changed drastically, because he discovered that this guy was simply not a demon.

It’s a monster that is about to evolve at Divine Level and other great monsters.

“The great seal of the sky, suppress the boundlessness, take a photo!” A torrent of Heavenly God seal erupted from the top of his head to Heaven and Earth, and moved towards the snake demon sovereign to suppress it.

Du Yuesheng looked at the God Venerable powerhouse that threw him back to Formation, and looked at the moved towards the python demon to suppress the big seal.

“Sister, dare to grab the daddy monster!!!” Du Yuesheng bit his teeth to death.

He has tried several times to get out, but every time he is blocked by a mysterious power from Formation.

“Roar.” The python demon lord looked at the suppressed big seal and roared, the endless divine might erupt into Heaven and Earth, and the big seal was directly torn apart in this imposing manner.

“Pu…” When the big seal broke, the God Venerable powerhouse also spit a mouthful of blood.


Without hesitation, he directly chose to retreat.

He himself is not the opponent of this Demonic beast at all, and he has already distinguished himself in one round.

“Go!!” Du Yuesheng looked at the retreating God Venerable, and he also pulled Du Sheng quickly moved towards the city and left.



Du Yuesheng only left with their front feet, and the python demon slammed straight against the Formation.

“Damn…Human Race…” The python demon looked at the Formation that resisted its path, and his 2 eyes showed the ominous light.

But it can’t break this Formation, it can only watch Du Yuesheng and Du Sheng disappear.

“When your entrance ceremony begins, I will kill the person who stole my treasure.” After thinking for a while, the python demon lun turned around and slowly left with their army of Demonic beasts.

And the God Venerable powerhouse who withdrew to the top of the city wall looked at the large Demonic beast army slowly disappearing, and he exhaled greatly.

“What are those two people doing? Make this Divine Beast so angry.”

“Huh, those two people?”

He moved towards city gate and looked around, but found that it was already empty.

… ..

inside the city.

It’s as if there are 2 Worlds outside.

Outside is surrounded by mountains, Demonic beast dwelling, but inside is place of charm and beauty.

Du Yuesheng took Du Sheng to a remote corner before stopping.

“Say, what did you do? Since that many Demonic beast chased you?” Du Yuesheng asked.

“Big brother, I don’t know…” Du Sheng replied helplessly, shaking his head.

He didn’t know why these Divine Beasts would chase him down for no reason.

“Really?” Du Yuesheng looked at Du Sheng who was shaking his head, knowing from his eyes that he did not deceive himself.

“That’s right!!” Du Sheng suddenly said loudly, “Is it because of this big brother?”

Du Sheng quickly searched for his storage ring, and then took out 4 small black stones.

“This was when I was chasing you, and I accidentally found it in a cave. I just looked at them with a special color and collected a few pieces.” Du Sheng explained by looking at the stone in his hand.

Du Yuesheng turned his attention to 4 5 small black stones on Du Sheng’s palm.


“Found Primal Chaos stubborn stone.”

But at the moment when Du Yuesheng turned his attention to the 4 small black stones.

The prompt of system sounded in his mind.

“Primal Chaos stubborn stone.” Du Yuesheng heard the prompt from the system and grabbed the stone in Du Sheng’s hand.

Du Yuesheng squeezed several black stones in his hands, they were really Primal Chaos stones.

Du Sheng looked at Du Yuesheng’s expression and couldn’t help asking: “How do you know this stuff, big brother?”

“By the way, you just said you found it in a cave in the mountain range outside?”

“En!” Du Sheng said nodded, “I found a lot of these things in that cave? Why, big brother, is this a good thing?”

Du Sheng couldn’t help getting nervous, but he liked treasure very much.

No, he had checked it at first, and found that the black stone had nothing but hard.

“A lot?” Du Yuesheng froze at the news.

“Yeah… I guess it should be at least a few dozen, and I saw a huge stone like this under the butt of the python chasing us.”

“haha !!”

“Only to return and find it easily …”

Du Yuesheng laughed. He entered Paragon Academy first to explore the others.

The second is to see if you can find the strongest body of Primal Chaos Upgrade in Paragon Academy.

Now that I have not yet entered Paragon Academy, I have found so many Primal Chaos stones, which is completely unexpected.

“Then do you remember where the cave is?” Du Yuesheng quickly asked, but it was a question related to his physique.

“This, big brother was in a hurry, I…” Du Sheng looked at Du Yuesheng’s anxious expression, and he knew the importance of this matter.

“Damn!” Du Yuesheng scolded in his heart as he looked at Du Sheng’s expression. Just when Du Yuesheng was speechless, Du Sheng said again: “However, I probably remember the specific direction of the big brother, we can find it slowly.”

“Okay…Okay…When the entrance ceremony starts, we are looking for it.”

Du Yuesheng is not in a hurry anyway, this Primal Chaos stubborn stone is of no use to others.

“System, take it!” Du Yuesheng muttered silently in his heart while clenching 5 Primal Chaos.


“The collection is successful.”

“The player currently has 8 Primal Chaos stubborn stones, which is 92 blocks away from the upgrade of the strongest body.”

Du Yuesheng listened to the system’s prompt, and it was very early to upgrade the strongest body.

“Go… Let’s find a restaurant to live in and wait for the next step.”

“it is good…”

As soon as Du Yuesheng came out of the corner with Du Sheng, he saw an Old Acquaintance on the street not far away.

“Interesting, since she was here too.” Du Yuesheng looked at the familiar face, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

PS: First more!

the past few days, the tortoise spent in hospital, acute appendicitis.

But the update will not be delayed.

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