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“Executing Immortal Sword, cut!”

Du Yuesheng didn’t listen to Yuan Shan’s begging for mercy. In his eyes, Yuan Shan was a monster. How could he spare him.


A sword pierced Heaven and Earth, and directly stood fiercely on Yuan Shan who was suppressed by the Eastern Emperor Bell and bowed down on the ground.

Yuan Shan looked at the oncoming Sword Qi. He wanted to stop and resist, but there was no energy in his body to make him stand up.

He could only watch the terrifying Sword Qi approaching and falling on him.


“Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for beheading the God Sovereign 9 Layer monster and gaining 5 1,000,000,000 Shinto Points.”

“Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for beheading God Sovereign 9 Layer monster and getting a golden bell cover.”

“Explode skills?” Du Yuesheng heard the system prompt, he actually exploded a skill.

This is the first time he has exploded skills since he soared to God World to kill so many monsters.

Skill: golden bell cover

Grade: King

Description: Consume the player’s own Divine Power to form a big yellow bell in the whole body.

It is currently the highest defense against God Venerable Peak.

“Good skills, learn.” Du Yuesheng impatient learns.

“Congratulations to the players for learning the’golden bell hood’ skill. Currently Perfection realm.”

“Haha.. With this golden bell cover skill in the body, this time the entrance ceremony daddy sees who can be the first.”

Du Yuesheng laughed. He had some concerns about the ratio of this time.

He is already the God Sovereign realm in this way, plus the fragmentary skills in his body.

God under God Emperor can completely sweep.

But this time he discovered that there are too many unknowns in God who attended the entrance ceremony.

Just say that he kills this Yuan Shan himself now, and he relies on the giant form of his own battle strength to approach the God Emperor realm.

If you don’t rely on the Supreme Treasures of the Eastern Emperor Bell, it’s hard to say that you can easily kill them.

“My road is still long…” Du Yuesheng sighed. When he came to Paragon Academy this time, he was truly aware of the road ahead.

The places in God World where he used to be are only remote areas, God King, God Sovereign and other characters can be called the emperor.

But what I saw and heard in Paragon City in the past few days, God King went everywhere, God Sovereign many as dogs, God Venerable and other characters abound.

Now with this’golden bell hood’ skill in his body, he is completely able to suppress all enemies.

“System, how long will it take to complete the upgrade?” Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but ask in his heart.


“The system upgrade currently takes 100 days. I hope that players will be careful and keep a low profile during these 100 days and don’t hang up.”


“You want daddy to hang up so much.”

Du Yuesheng heard the system’s prompt and cursed secretly that it was really not the right time for the system to be upgraded.

When he entered Paragon City after leaving the Tianyuan Tomb, this system came with a version upgrade.

Let Du Yuesheng come to a completely unprepared.

This is why Du Yuesheng was so low-key during the few days in Paragon City that he didn’t even challenge the ring station.

Because of the system upgrade, many of his trump cards cannot be used.

However, the upgrade of this time system gave Du Yuesheng a fear.

That is, he used to rely too much on the system before. Before, there was a system where he was basically respectless of the law and of natural morality.

Just like a cow, press forward rushing forward, because there is a system behind him.

But now that the system is upgraded, it awakens him. What if the system disappears in the future?

Therefore, the entrance ceremony this time also gave Du Yuesheng a good opportunity for training.

“Ding, congratulations to the player’s increased mood, and the reward level is increased to Level 1.”

“The player’s current Level: God Sovereign 2 heavy.”

“That’s okay?” Du Yuesheng heard the prompt message suddenly sounded by system, leaving him speechless.

Du Yuesheng left everything behind, anyway when we get to the mountain, there’ll be a way through.


Du Yuesheng woke up in an instant, he immediately moved towards the emperor fruit hanging on the branch and flew away.

Just kidding, this TM’s treasure only blooms in 3000 years, and the treasure is only fruitful in 3000 years. Can you keep his heart moving?

“Fortunately, there is no treasure in one second!” A Feiyue Du Yuesheng came to the fruit and picked a fruit on the branch in extend the hand.


“Congratulations to the player “Du Yuesheng” for obtaining the Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasure “Great Emperor Fruit”, which can be exchanged for EXP 5000 100,000,000.”

“May I ask the player whether to redeem EXP.”

The moment Du Yuesheng held the “Big Emperor Fruit”, the system kept reverberating several voices in succession.

When he finished listening, he was surprised that this thing could actually be exchanged for 5000 100,000,000 EXP.

You must know that he desperately killed a God Sovereign Peak monster only a few 1,000,000,000 EXP.

And how can a bauble be exchanged for 5000 to 100,000,000 EXP, is there a blow?


“System exchanged for me…”

Du Yuesheng did not hesitate to choose to exchange “Big Emperor Fruit” into EXP.

Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasure these things are of no use to him, and they cannot break through the God Emperor realm after eating them.

What do you keep?

It’s like exchanging EXP to give him a few more levels.

“Ding, congratulations to the player for successfully redeeming and getting EXP 5000 100,000,000.”

“Ding, the player EXP is full.”

“Congratulations to the player for upgrading, the current Level: God Sovereign 3rd-layer.”

“Congratulations to players for upgrading, currently Level: God Sovereign 4th.”

“Congratulations to players for upgrading, the current Level: God Sovereign 5th layer.”

“Congratulations to players for upgrading, currently Level: God Sovereign 7th.”

Du Yuesheng heard the system’s prompt, his 5000 100,000,000 EXP has been upgraded to God Sovereign 7.

“Damn, 5000, 100,000,000 EXP can only be upgraded to Level 5? System, have you deducted my EXP.”

“System, bring me up my attribute panel.

Player: Du Yuesheng

Level: 6Level 57

Level: God Sovereign 7 heavy

EXP : 1000010000000

Unparalleled Value: 5000 points

Cultivation Technique: None

Skill: Zhuxian Sword Art, Purifying Lotus Demonic Flame, golden bell cover…

Divine Ability: Unparalleled Berserk (Level 4) Absolute Domain (Level 3)

Item: Executing Immortal Sword, Donghuang Bell (pseudo) Heaven Turning Seal (pseudo) Tathagata Summon Card, Hongjun Summon Card, Dragon Ball World Peak Character Summon Card

treasure :Supreme Divine Kingdom

Du Yuesheng looked at the system and gave the required upgrade EXP for the next Level 1.

It actually costs 1000 to 100,000,000!

“Fuck me… this is a life-killing rhythm.” Du Yuesheng couldn’t imagine how much EXP it would take to upgrade to God Lord.


“Hong long long…”

Just when Du Yuesheng lamented his horrible upgrade of EXP, it seemed that something horrible was born.

The earth shook and the mountain quivered suddenly, and the place where Du Yuesheng was located felt a shaking of distance.

Du Yuesheng was also shocked by the sudden appearance, and at the same time he felt an extremely terrifying aura moved towards him.

Du Yuesheng lifts the head moved towards aura, but it doesn’t matter if you look at it.

Du Yuesheng 2 was so scared that his legs trembled.

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