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“Hmph.. Chen Yang is waiting to enter Paragon Academy. I’m doing a good deal with you!” The white clothed woman looked at Chen Yang coldly, coldly snorted and said.

Chen Yang also had a helpless smile, his eyes shot at Du Yuesheng from time to time.

Du Yuesheng certainly knew what he wanted to do, but he ignored Chen Yang.

Because Chen Yue seemed to be afraid of him running with Chen Yang beside him.

Chen Yue’s eyes kept staring at Du Yuesheng, fearing that he would run away.

“Sister, you didn’t see the younger sister 2 eyes staring at Laozi.”

“I thought it was like running away from marriage.”


Suddenly, while everyone was waiting for Paragon Academy to pick them up, an explosion sound was resounded from the sky.

“What’s the situation?” Du Yuesheng also lifts the head and looked to the sky, but he knew that Paragon City’s Formulation was amazing.

Even God Venerable cannot easily tear open the Formation void of Paragon City.

In an instant, everyone waiting in the entire Paragon Square also showed a surprised expression looking into the void.

From the place where the space broke out, a vast war chariot rushed out. As soon as the war chariot appeared void, a wild and ancient aura suddenly hit all directions.

Let everyone present be unable to bear a few steps backwards.

“The boundless war chariot, the symbol of the Holy See!” After seeing the war chariot, the people in the field shouted.

The war chariot carries Supreme’s ancient rhyme, golden light, and the ancient rune is engraved on it.

There are 6 horses pulling the war chariot, and the aura from each horse has a God Emperor.

Pull the cart with 6 horses in Monster Emperor, so great generosity, heaven shaking earth shattering.

On top of the war chariot, sit a white clothed youth, one of the ten Great Saints of the Holy See.

He was transparent. The release of Immeasurable Light reveals that the whole person is holy and flawless, and the whole person is like rays of light.

“No… the saints of the Holy See have all come to attend the entrance ceremony of Paragon Academy, this too…” Someone in the square recognized the man sitting in the war chariot.

“A lot of nonsense.” The man on the war chariot moved towards and looked down, the talking God directly turned into nothingness and disappeared Heaven and Earth.

“Hiss!!” Everyone looked at the disappearance of Heaven and Earth God, each and everyone inhaled for a moment, and then quickly evacuated a few meters away, not daring to stand around the war chariot.

God Sovereign was killed in one glance, it was too cruel.

“Holy See…”

Du Yuesheng looked at the man who appeared in the sky, a trace of anger appeared in his eyes.

He remembered that his pet’Xiao Jin’ was killed by the Holy See.

Chen Yang looked at the man who appeared in the sky, his eyes disdainfully said: “What’s so great, isn’t it just a saint, Laozi blows him up in minutes.”

“Just you?” Du Yuesheng turned his head and looked towards Chen Yang, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

“Brother Du, don’t you believe it? You need to know this Young Master, but… Forget it, you don’t know either.

“From now on you will know how good I am.”

Chen Yang said that he took out his fan and put on a strong daddy posture.


When the boundless war chariot descended on the earth, a black vortex appeared beside the war chariot.

From the vortex, a black flame-burning mandala flower appeared. Inside the sea of ​​flowers, a black clothed woman appeared.

What she condenses is completely black rays of light. The black is pure, the black is transparent, the black has no other color, and a black veil is covered on her face.

It feels like she is a Death God from the region…

“One of the Dark Saints Demon Moon.”

The white clothed woman who had been standing beside Chen Yang coldly watched the black clothed woman groaning at the moment.

“How do you know her elder sister?” Chen Yue blinked at the white clothed woman.

Du Yuesheng turned disabled to bear and looked at the woman, “God Sovereign Perfection, within the body, hides a terrifying power, and the terrifying God Emperor can easily kill in seconds.”

“En.” white clothed woman nodded. “I have dealt with it once, but I didn’t expect her to come. It seems that Paragon Academy is very attractive.”

“Yes, although I can’t see my face clearly, but I have a good figure.” Chen Yang stared at the woman’s chest.

“Ah… it hurts, Cher, lighten up.” Chen Yang yelled when he finished speaking.

“Next time you are watching me, you will never see the sun.” The white clothed woman whispered in Chen Yang’s ear, pinching his waist with one hand.

On the ground.

One black and one white represent the two ultimate rays of light, dividing their areas within ten meters into two, giving tit for tat, and holding each other.

“Yue Yue, I didn’t expect you to come too.” The man inside war chariot suddenly said. His voice was clanging, metallic, heavy and distant.

“You are not too, if the sky is windy.” The demon moon serene, like the cool moonlight, is not stained by the vulgar atmosphere.


Suddenly, there was another burst of void, and a silhouette descended from the sky to the earth, smashing a huge deep pit.

You must know that the ground of Paragon Square is extremely tight, and this person is powerful to be able to smash a deep hole.


A sabre light cuts through the sky, tearing the Vault of Heaven, blade light is fast and strong, and everyone in Paragon Square is frightened.

“Haha…” A burst of laughter resounded through the void, and a bald man from Great Blade came down.

Immediately afterwards, one after another of rays of light tear tearing void came to the earth, each one exudes a powerful aura.

It represents their out of the ordinary status.

“This is?” Du Yuesheng looked at a weak man among the people who came down from tearing the teaching void.

Although this person looks very weak and sissy-like, this person gives Du Yuesheng a very strange feeling.

When Du Yuesheng looked towards the man, the weak man also looked at Du Yuesheng.

A trace of doubt also appeared on his face, because he found a strong desire to devour in his heart.

Wanting him to devour Du Yuesheng made the man feel very strange.


Suddenly, another golden light appeared in the sky, the sky-splitting sound rolled in, the silhouette had not appeared yet, the imposing manner was to oppress Heaven and Earth.

In an instant, the originally noisy Paragon Square was noisy, and then quieted down, and the needle fell.

The people in the square did not expect that there would be a half-step God Lord powerhouse in an entrance ceremony anyway.

Even the Paragon students who maintained order in the square were surprised. This was the first time that a half-step God Lord’s expert had presided over it.

“Welcome to Elder!!”

“Welcome to Elder…”

At the next moment, all the Paragon students stood up and knelt down on the ground, lowered their heads and shouted.

Then everyone saw an old man wandering the sky, step by step stepping on Heaven and Earth came down.

“How is it going?” The old man casually glanced around the square and asked casually.

Words and deeds make everyone feel a lot of pressure.

“Back to Elder, everything is ready.” A God Emperor lowered his head and walked over to the old man.


First more!


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