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“Young Sect Master, I didn’t mean that…” the old man quickly explained as he looked at the angry boy.

“Young Sect Master, we are now in Paragon City, this is not the site of our Heavenly Gate, if encountered…”

“Shut up!” The young man interrupted and the old man who continued to speak, “Jiang He, you have to know what your identity is. You are just a dog in my Jietianmen.”

“I’m the master who came to Jietianmen. I only give orders now, you are so disobedient.”

“Wait for me to master the Jietian Gate, when the time comes you…”

Old man hearing this, cold sweat flowed in an instant, although the threat to the teenager was very dissatisfied.

But for the future, the old man can only be silent! !

“Hmph!” The teenager saw the silent old man and smiled with satisfaction, but he did not dare to really offend this person too.

After all, the old man has the highest strength beside him. If you offend him completely, it will be hard to handle.

After seeing the silence of the old man at this time, he also knew the reason to close it when he saw it, and turned to Du Yuesheng fiercely and said:

“Boy, next time you must get ahead of someone and see how good the opponent is, otherwise you will go to hell, and you don’t know how to die.”

“There are people in this world who can’t be provoked by any of you trash, kill for me.”

The young man waved a few people standing behind him. In an instant, everyone behind them quickly rushed up.

This time they were prepared, but they did not give Du Yuesheng a chance without the slightest preparation.

“Courting death!” Du Yuesheng looked at the few people who came from the impact, and he held the Executing Immortal Sword in his hand ready to attack.

Suddenly, just as Du Yuesheng was about to start, an angry voice echoed in the restaurant.

“Fuck!! Dare to impudent here with me!!! Courting death will not work!!!

Along with this voice, there was also an extremely powerful aura, such as the rush of mountains and rivers.

“Boom…” The several Gods who were about to attack Du Yuesheng were shot directly to the ground by this horrifying imposing manner.

“His…” The Young Sect Master of the Heaven Smiting Gate watched a few people appear in the inverted flight. He looked in horror at the direction of the imposing manner.

He never imagined that it was just an Inn, how could there be such a powerhouse! !

And after feeling the imposing manner in the river beside him, his heart tightened and shouted: “Not good, it is a God Venerable expert…”

As soon as he said this, Young Sect Master stood beside him paler and more frightened.

God Venerable!

This and the others, even the Heaven Smiting Gate, are also characters of aloof and remote. Such a character cannot be mobilized even if he becomes the Master of the Heaven Smiting Gate in the future.

And now, he even provoked the unknown God Venerable powerhouse.

And I don’t know if it is an enemy or a friend.

Soon, a plain old man slowly appeared in front of everyone from the other direction of the restaurant.

“Crap BOSS!!” Du Yuesheng looked at the old man who came out, a rays of light flashed under his feet.

“Broken him!” Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but hold Executing Immortal Sword in his hand, but he thought about it.

The level is too high!

Du Yuesheng can’t figure it out for himself, unless he uses some of his trump card, maybe it can be solved.

But people and their own no complaints, no hatred, but also help themselves to come forward.

“I don’t know if this Senior is? I’m the Young Sect Master who robbed Tianmen. I don’t know if Senior can recognize my father’s destruction.” The teenager said politely to the old man.

“Hmph!! The Tiantianmen has such a big temper, don’t look at where is here, dare to spread wild here!”

“Even if it’s Dad’s destruction, I won’t dare to be so impudent in this Paragon restaurant, let alone you.”

The old man didn’t look at the door of the younger man, but a strong imposing manner moved towards him.


Under the oppression of the powerful imposing manner of the old man, the Young Master of Tiantianmen is directly spit a mouthful of blood! !

Fortunately, behind him, Jiang Heyan’s swift hand came out to resist a little imposing manner, so that he didn’t have much trouble.

Although he didn’t have any favors with the arrogant Young Sect Master.

But after all, his identity was put there. If something happened to his key, he wouldn’t be able to walk around.

So he had to shoot…

“Open for me…” Rivers were loudly shouted, and a burst of aura emerged, resisting the old man’s imposing manner.

Then he was body flashed, and appeared in front of the teenager, actively counteracting the oppression imposing manner.

With Jiang He’s help, the teenager finally sighed in relief, and he found out that he was sweating coldly.

“Not good …” Jiang He collapsed in his heart at the moment, he originally thought that this person’s lowest God Venerable a 2 expert.

But after facing all the power of the old man in the imposing manner, he found out that he was wrong. The old man was actually a God Venerable Peak powerhouse.

There is even a Supreme powerhouse who is about to become a half-step God Lord, so there are few characters in the Heavenly Gate.

Who the hell is this?

Jianghe only realized now that the eyes of the people who had pity just now were like this. They already had such a powerhouse understood.

Half-step God Lord’s powerhouse can kill himself as long as people have a little motivation.

“What can I do?” Jiang He was helpless, and the young Sect Master was the only child of the sect master.

You can’t eat good fruit without saving yourself. Only when brace oneself gets on, the river appears one step at a time.

Respectfully salute the old man standing in front of Du Yuesheng: “Senior, Young Sect Master is young, some offend Senior, please forgive Senior.”

“This is also the first time we have come to Paragon City and do not understand the rules, and we hope that Senior will be kind.”

“And after all, he is our Young Sect Master who robbed Tiantianmen. If anything happens here, then…”

Jiang He said in the end, there was a hint of threat.

He is also pulling the tiger’s skin now, and moved out of the banner of the Tiantianmen to cheer himself up.


“Jiantianmen, it’s a really big tone.”


The old man heard the threat in Jiang He’s words, he was frowned, and immediately suppressed again with an imposing manner stronger than before.

“Senior you…you…” Jiang He looked at the old man who attacked again, and his body quickly moved all the power to resist.

But that’s the case, he found his own power in this imposing manner, simply like a small boat in the sea.

pale and weak!

“Jiantianmen is nothing. Even if I really killed you two now, I wouldn’t dare to say nothing.”

“Don’t look at who is behind this Paragon restaurant… and dare to come here impudent.”

Suddenly, a domineering voice came from the old man’s side, echoing in everyone’s ears.

Suddenly, everyone moved towards the old man’s side one after another.

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