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Heaven Turning Seal !

This is the treasure in the ancient Great Desolate mythology.

Legend has it that Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning used the broken wall of Buzhou Mountain, applied the power of Heavenly Dao Saint, and used the power of Nine Dragons to refine the broken wall of Buzhou Mountain into a Supreme treasure.

“Great harvest!”

“This master and servant is really my lucky monster.”

Du Yuesheng laughed at the dead Qingtian corpse, before his servant exploded a Saint Level skill.

Now he exploded the Heaven Turning Seal to himself…

However, when Du Yuesheng saw the introduction of’Heaven Turning Seal’ given by the system, the smile on his face froze.

“I’ll go to your uncle!” Du Yuesheng forced one foot to move towards the dead Qingtian’s body and kicked it out.

Saint Level Spirit Treasure: Heaven Turning Seal (Pseudo)

Description: The ancient Great Desolate 2 1 Golden Immortal, one of Guang Chengzi, modeled on the cottage version refined by the Heaven Turning Seal.

It can be transformed into a mountain that oppresses Heaven and Earth, containing the prestige of the ancient Golden Immortal.

“His sister is another copycat.”

Du Yuesheng vomited, there was an imitation of Donghuang Bell in front, and now there is an imitation of Heaven Turning Seal.

Do you want to play with me like this?

Du Yuesheng put away the Heaven Turning Seal, and then looked at the empty all around, he did not know how to go next?

“Forget it, take a look everywhere!” Du Yuesheng didn’t know where to go, and flew away at any location.


Du Yuesheng just left.

A mysterious silhouette shrouded in black mist descended from the sky, he looked at Du Yuesheng who had left.

Especially when he saw the Heaven Turning Seal in Du Yuesheng’s hand, he was shaking all over.

“Familiar aura, I don’t know if you are a native?” The mysterious silhouette whispered, then he moved towards all around and waved.

Suddenly, the skeleton battlefield that was just beheaded by the people was still intact, and the army of puppets that had died was once again on the battlefield.

The resurrected puppet army stands quietly on the ground, guarding the battlefield.

“Good distant memory!” The mysterious man murmured, and then the entire silhouette disappeared

Tianyuan grave.

Open every 100,000 years.

There are also many Monster Races in the tomb, which were previously earned by Tianyuan God Venerable.

Because Tian Yuan God Venerable is a peerless monster.

These Monster Races in the tomb are basically all Tian Yuan God Venerable lineage, and even his descendant bloodline.

And every time Yuan Yuan tomb is opened, this is when Monster Race is angry.

They don’t allow the inheritance of Tianyuan God Venerable to be obtained by God, so every time those Gods who enter the tomb encounter major dangers.

It will even be hunted down by the endless Monster Race army.

At this moment, a thrilling pursuit is being staged in a place of the tomb.

“Human Race, you can’t run, haha!!!”

“Little ones chase me!”

In the sky, one silhouette flew by quickly. It was a beautiful woman with a panic on her face.

Behind the women’s?, there is a piece of Monster Race that brings a huge oppression.

“Human Race woman, surrender obediently, you are running forward, but a Monster Emperor powerhouse area.”

“It must be a dead end when you run there. It’s better to surrender and follow me.”

In the Monster Race team chasing women behind, a tiger-shaped Demonic beast, loudly said.

If the God of Fire was here, he would definitely recognize this woman who was hunted by the demons.

This woman is 100 Flower Valley Saintess’Flower Peony’.

“Damn…” Hua Mudan looked anxiously at the Monster Race army that was constantly pursuing her behind her.

When she came out of the stone ladder, she appeared in a Monster Race trump card, and left to encounter many Monster Race troop chases.

On the way to the hunt, an Old Mo who was protecting herself by her side also fell in the fight.

She can escape or rely on Old Mo’s last Self-destruction Shenyuan to buy her time.

But the escape mileage of the past few days made Hua Peony exhausted physically and mentally. The past few days she didn’t know how many times she fought against the Monster Race army.

If it wasn’t for her Supreme Treasure, she might have fallen into the hands of the Monster Race army.

“Explode for me!” A black bead appeared in Hua Mudan’s hand and threw it at the Monster Race army behind him.



As the beads in Hua Peony’s hand were thrown out, the entire Heaven and Earth resounded with a loud noise, and a large black emptiness Heaven and Earth appeared.

Some of the Monster Race troops who were chasing came to retreat in no hurry, and were immediately strangled by the explosive energy produced by the black beads.

“Not dead…” Hua Mudan turned around and saw that at this moment her beads exploded and killed 1/3 of the Monster Race army.

She was disappointed in her heart!

“Are you going to die here? I’m really unwilling!!” Hua Mudan once again caught up with the Monster Race army, unwilling in her heart.

But all the way, exhausted all kinds of treasures, still can’t get rid of these Monster Race chase, he has no hope for the treasure.

Now Hua Peony understands why the tomb of Primordial Spirit is opened every time in the past few years, and only a few people who have entered so far have escaped safely.

Other people basically fell into the grave.

“Hehe, Human Race, what do you have to do?” Tiger demon laughed as he looked at the flower peony in front of him.

“There is no means, then leave it to me, and be the slave of this big demon, haha…”

The tiger demon laughed, and then the silhouette moved slowly, appearing in front of the body of the flower peony, and a palm appeared suddenly.


Hua Peony was under the palm of Hu Yao, without a trace of resistance at all, and the whole person was shot and flew out.

“Want to run?” The fox demon looked at Hua Peony, who had been photographed by himself, and was still preparing to escape.

He was furious, the palm of his hand once again boldly moved towards Hua Mudan and took a palm shot, the palm wind was like violent thunder.

“Not good!” Hua Mudan looked at the heaven palm that swept through Heaven and Earth again, feeling the power of it, said inwardly shouted.

Hua Peony immediately released its own defense Supreme Treasure, and the golden light flourished all over her body, and a treasure appeared on her body.

Sovereign level Defensive treasure armor.

This is the strongest treasure in the whole body of the flower peony, which can stop God Venerable powerhouse’s full blow.

The tiger demon looked at the flower peony that blocked her palm, especially when she saw the rays of light shining on her body, “The people outside are really rich, and they have the defense level of the Sovereign level.”

“Hehe…With this treasure, the Half-Step Monster Emperor is not my opponent!” The tiger demon’s body shook, and his hands exploded again to the Heavenly God and pressed down.

Hua Mudan looked at the palm that came again under oppression, and her look paled.

With the palm of her hand just now, her defensive Supreme Treasure shook unceasingly, and her within the body no longer had much power to activate the defensive power of the armor again.


3rd more!

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