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Du Yuesheng looked at Yu Shan, who was crushed to death by the first tower of the East Emperor Bell.

He fell directly from the air to the ground and fell to the ground exhausted.

That move just consumed all his strength, which greatly exceeded his range of strength.

At the same time.

The prompt sound of system comes as scheduled.


“Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng, for beheading the mutant super God Sovereign monster and earn 55100,000,000 Shinto points.”

“Congratulations, player Du Yuesheng, kill God Sovereign monster for the first time, and increase the reward level to Level 1.”

“Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng, behead the God Sovereign monster, and get a Summon Card from the Great Desolate character.”

“Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng, behead the God Sovereign monster and get the lucky wheel once.”

“Ding, congratulations to the players for opening the special skill of the Eastern Emperor Bell: You can summon the Eastern Emperor Bell’s thoughts once a month.”

“Congratulations to the players for upgrading, the current Level: God King 4th.”

“Congratulations to players for upgrading, the current Level: God King 5th layer.”

“Congratulations to the player for upgrading, the current Level: God King 6th-layer.”

“Congratulations to the players for upgrading, the current Level: God King 8th.”

“Congratulations to the player for beheading the God Sovereign monster for the first time and gaining the level 1 upgrade.”

“Congratulations to the players for upgrading, the current Level: God King 9 Layer.”

A series of system sounds sounded continuously.



“The speed of this upgrade is really no one.”

Du Yuesheng stood up from the ground and felt the berserk power in his body.

“However, the reward is too little!” Du Yuesheng watched the killing of Yu Shan before bursting out a Summon Card.

Not as useful as previous little bosses.

“Hey, I hope you don’t let me down.” Du Yuesheng looked at the purple card floating in his hand.

Great Desolate !

This is the most powerful period in China’s history, and it was infinitely powerful in that era.

7 Great Saint, Lich 2 clan…. Journey to the West, the origin of everything is from the Great Desolate era.

“Hey, why can’t it open?” Du Yuesheng saw that the purple card could not be opened.

Is this something he hasn’t seen before?

Du Yuesheng asked the system, “System, what’s the matter with this card?”


“Super card, please drop the blood to unblock it.”


“A drop of blood to unblock…”

Du Yuesheng heard system’s answer, and he was able to open this card with a drop of blood.

“Drip, I hope I won’t let this Emperor down.” Du Yuesheng forced a drop of purple blood with his fingers and gently dripped it.


The purple blood has just dripped onto the purple card, and rays of light break through the sky.

With the emergence of this light, the entire God World suddenly rises with rising winds and scudding clouds.

Suddenly, countless super old monsters in several areas of God World regained consciousness.

They were all shocked by the breakthrough God World rays of light.

It should be shocked by the aura contained in the rays of light.

God World A vast World appeared a little Heaven and Earth.

In this piece of Heaven and Earth sits a huge Buddha statue.

The Buddha statue lifts the head and stares at the God World sky, looking at the rays of light that shakes God World’s vast 8 squares.

“What kind of power is this? Too strong…”

“Even the Supreme God doesn’t have such formidable power. Could someone from the upper realm come?”

“Impossible, the passage of the 2nd realm has been blocked, can anyone impossible still lower the realm?”

“What the hell is that?”

The Buddha statue in the heart thought of it silently, but it was more of fear of the rays of light.

Not only here.

At this moment, God World’s Great Forbidden Land, Forbidden Area, Holy Land, and the hidden Supreme Old Ancestor are all doing this.

They were all shocked by the sudden appearance of rays of light…

If the key to this scene is seen by countless creatures in God World, I wonder if they will be scared to death.

Because of these Supreme Old Ancestors who have awakened, some of them are not transformed or fall.

The lowest of these people is also a powerhouse beyond the realm of God Lord.

… ..

Far in a barren continent in God World.

In the center of this World, there is an extremely magnificent palace suspended, and there are countless Spirit Qi’s water droplets floating around this majestic palace.

Space-Time is full of one after another horror Law Power.

Suddenly an old man came out of this majestic palace. He stood on a cane and stood before the palace, opened his eyes moved towards the Vault of Heaven and looked over.

“It appeared, it appeared… It finally appeared…” The old man trembled as he looked at the breakthrough Heaven and Earth barrier, and his crutches fell to the ground.

“Grandfather, what’s the matter with you?” A woman with white clothes lightly stood beside the old man. She looked at the old man with an excited expression, very puzzled?

To know that her grandfather but World Supreme exists, what can make him so excited.

“Haha, do you know my granddaughter? It has appeared…the hope of my race has come…”

“You immediately give me the Supreme divine token and let the God Lord-level powerhouse in the tribe roll back to me, if not.

All kill for me! “

The old man said in a trembling tone, but his eyes were staring at the rays of light that had disappeared.


white clothed Hearing the words of the old man, she yelled with an incredible expression on her face.

Supreme divine token!

This has not appeared in 100,000,000 10000 years.

The last time it was because of the Foreign Domain invasion, the family launched it once, and it is generally impossible to use it.

“Okay, grandfather, I’ll send it right away…”

Although the white clothed woman was surprised why grandfather suddenly released the Supreme divine token, she didn’t ask anything.

She knew that some things were not her own.

“Uh… go!” The old man looked at the white clothed woman who had left. His eyes were increasingly rays of light, and his mouth shivered:

“The final era is here, and this time I will definitely seize the opportunity.”


And the protagonist who caused all this.

Du Yuesheng was also shocked by the sudden appearance of rays of light.

“Fuck, it’s not bad that daddy is blind…” Du Yuesheng rubbed his eyes and scolded inwardly.

Du Yuesheng moved towards gradually showing the character’s card, “Let daddy see what it is?”


“Rely… Rely…”

However, when Du Yuesheng saw the picture displayed on the purple card, he said three words “Kao”.

“Wealth!” Du Yuesheng wanted to pull Yu Shan from hell to kiss him.

Special Item: Summon Card

Sealed figure: Old Ancestor Hongjun

Strength: Unknown

Magic Treasure: Unknown

Introduction: The Great Desolate era, the Master of All Saints, the ancestor of Heaven and Earth…

Description: Use this card to summon Old Ancestor Hongjun for ten minutes.

Note: You need to reach the God Lord realm before you can use it

Who is Hongjun?

No system explanation is needed, Du Yuesheng knows it.

This is the super boss character of Great Desolate World, mastering the Supreme existence of Heavenly Dao.

“Unfortunately, it takes God Lord realm to be able to summon…” Du Yuesheng looked at the last sentence very upset.

“Take it away, this is my biggest trump card!” Du Yuesheng cautiously charged the Summon Card.

“Very well, then wait for Tianyuan tomb to open.”

Du Yuesheng knew from the memory of Yushan and the others that it would take a few days for Tianyuan tomb to be opened.

The past few days just let him master the brand new power.

To prepare for the next war.

PS: First

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