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“Who is this man?”

Yu Shan looked at Du Yuesheng approaching from behind, his eyes full of incredible.

On the divine technique, I can’t compare!

When it comes to treasure, you can’t compare with yourself!

When it comes to running away, I can’t compare to my sister…

Yu Shan was really angry. For the first time, he was so squeezed by people. This is extraordinary shame and humiliation.

If they are seen by the students of Paragon Academy, don’t laugh at the big teeth.

He used to deal with others like this…

“Run…you run…” Du Yuesheng looked at the silhouette of Yushan who was running away and said with a playful tone.

“Cat and mouse…it’s fun!” Du Yuesheng didn’t intend to kill Yu Shan easily.

Instead, step by step forced him into desperation.

“Boy, you and me every minds their own business, why do you work so hard?”

Yu Shan was also puzzled.

He didn’t know Du Yuesheng at all.


He will press himself hard.

If it was because he wanted to grab his Tianyuan key in front of him, it would be unreasonable.

I just said a few words just now, and I haven’t had time to start.

“Haha!” Du Yuesheng laughed, he didn’t know how to answer Yu Shan’s sentence.

Do you tell him because you are a super boss?


ten minutes later.

Yu Shan stood gasping for breath under a big tree, he turned his head and glanced behind him.

“Damn it, shouldn’t it catch up?”

Yu Shan did not believe that Du Yuesheng could still catch up with himself, but he just used several flying symbols in a row.

He is now 30,000 li away from Heavenly-Origin City…

The average person God can fly up to 10,000 li day after day without sleep, but I think he flew so far.

Unless it becomes God Sovereign powerhouse to master the time development, can tear tearing void and enter the large area shuttle.

But just when Yu Shan took a deep breath, a voice rang in his ear.

“Hey, are you looking for me?”

At the same time as the sound sounded, a silhouette carrying a Divine Sword appeared on the opposite side.

“You…you…” Yu Shan saw the silhouette appearing, as if he had seen a ghost, his body retreated back and forth.

Even the battle axe in his hand fell to the ground.

“Impossible, how can you still catch up…” Yu Shan looked at Du Yuesheng who appeared in front of him.

“Keep running!”


Du Yuesheng looked at Yu Shan and said in a playful tone, he had no plans to do anything at all.

“Ding, monster’s anger rises to 50, and the player is paying attention…”

“I CAO!”

“Has it been 50?”

Du Yuesheng was delighted to hear the sound of the system in his mind.

He had a chance to stop Yushan, but Du Yuesheng didn’t do much.

Because of Du Yuesheng’s chasing all the way and playing around, Yu Shan’s anger went up.

This is the rhythm to be mutated!

Which boss is the best in the game, it doesn’t have to be a super mutant state bossmonster.

This is why Du Yuesheng kept playing with Yu Shan along the way, instead of stopping him.

“You, you bully intolerably…” Yu Shan looked at Du Yuesheng with a playful expression on his face, his anger burning again.

He was scolded by Du Yuesheng along the way…

Even his eighteen generations ancestor was greeted by Du Yuesheng all once.


“Monster’s anger has risen to 55. It is mutating, please pay attention to players…”

“Monster’s anger has risen to 60. It is mutating, please pay attention to players…”

“Monster’s anger has risen to 65. It is mutating, please pay attention to players…”


“Monster’s anger has risen to 90. It is mutating, please pay attention to players…”

“Monster’s anger has risen to 95. It is mutating, please pay attention to players…”

“It’s coming, it’s almost a knock…” Du Yuesheng listened to the system prompts that kept ringing in his mind.

And he looked at the red and purple halo at the foot of Yu Shan.

“Continue…” Du Yuesheng saw Yushan Anger Value staying in the ’90’ state.

“Boy, today I fight with you…”


Yu Shan no longer chooses to escape, and can’t discuss Du Yuesheng on how to escape, so let’s fight.


Yu Shan’s silhouette flashed, lifted the giant axe that fell on the ground, jumped at his feet, and flew into the air.

“Battle skill, mountain breaking axe…” Yu Shan loudly shouted, and the giant axe in his hand burst into a dazzling rays of light.

An axe hit Du Yuesheng fiercely fiercely, as if this axe could really break the mountains and the sea.

Du Yuesheng lifts the head watching moved towards to cut down Yushan by himself, “hmph…not angry, daddy beats you angry…”

In an instant, a golden rays of light erupted from Du Yuesheng’s body to Heaven and Earth.

The strongest body is fully opened.

“Die for me …” Yu Shan looked at Du Yuesheng in front of him, and the giant axe in his hand increased his output.

Then he clenched the giant axe fiercely to Du Yuesheng’s head, and the axe cut through Heaven and Earth.

Even the ground that Du Yuesheng stands on is created by the formidable power carried by this axe.

It can be seen the terrifying degree of Yu Shan’s axe.


“Hong long long…”

Suddenly, only a sharp metal collision sound was heard echoing between Heaven and Earth, and thick smoke appeared.


Yu Shan looked at the dense smoke that appeared in the sky and the harsh sound that had just made.

He believed that Du Yuesheng would definitely die under his own axe.

“Haha …little bastard, finally die.” Yu Shan couldn’t help but laughed heartily.

“Laughing at your sister…laugh!!”

But just before Yu Shan’s laughter disappeared, a sound came from the thick smoke.

Afterwards, a silhouette wrapped in golden rays of light gradually emerged from the thick smoke.

“Pu…you…” When Yu Shan saw the silhouette coming out of the thick smoke.

Spit a mouthful of blood in his mouth.

He didn’t die!

Yu Shan no longer knows how to describe it. You must know that his axe just now can suppress God King Peak’s cultivator.

But such an axe didn’t even break Du Yuesheng a trace of superficial knowledge.

How can this not be shocked by Yu Shan.

‘Is he still human? Could it be that Demonic beasts have changed into adults…’ Yu Shan thought of a possibility.

There are some powerful Divine Beast cultivation to a certain realm that can be Human Transformation.

They have super defenses that Human Race can’t match.

“Damn it, almost daddy just guttered and turned over!”

Du Yuesheng looked towards a killing intent appeared in Yu Shan’s eyes.

Just now Yu Shan’s axe really almost killed Du Yuesheng.

Since his axe broke the strongest body defense, fortunately, at the last moment, Donghuang Bell resisted it.

If it doesn’t, it will be unimaginable.

“Why doesn’t it work? Or will this Uncle give you a break to play? hahaha…”


“You bully intolerably…”

“Today I will let you see my ultimate trick.”

Regardless of the blood vomiting out of his mouth, Yu Shan took out a very delicate little red bottle from his embrace.


The moment he took out the small red bottle in Yushan.

The sound of system’s promotion resounded in Du Yuesheng again.

PS: First

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As for the updated question.

The turtle explained that because the tortoise now writes 2 books at the same time, and has to work during the day, the update no longer erupts to the previous.

Say sorry here.

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