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In good condition!

There was nothing to do with such a fierce move.

There was no wound left on his body.

You must know that you are a half-step God King-level cultivator, and even the half-step God King would be injured in that blow.

Unless he is?

“Impossible!!!” The middle-aged man didn’t believe that Du Yuesheng had cultivated to God King at such a young age.


Du Yuesheng did not give the middle-aged man any time to consider, and the silhouette flashed by.

“bang! !”

In the next second, the middle-aged man who was still thinking directly died in mid-air, and his flesh and blood were flying in the sky.

“Ding, congratulations to the player for slaying the God King monster in half a step and earning 2000000010000 Shinto Points.”

“There is still 1 5 100,000,000 Shinto points from Level 30,000,000.”


Du Yuesheng pulled out the Executing Immortal Sword, aura exploded leisurely all over, watching the people coming forward with his eyes.

“Hurry up.”


“Whoever grabs it is who.”


“The key must be Laozi’s.”

In an instant, 100 people rushed down, looking at Du Yuesheng on the ground, each and everyone flexed their hands and roared.

At the same time, countless fists, Blade Qi, Sword Qi,… all blasted towards Du Yuesheng’s position in no particular order.

They are clever. They will kill people first, and it will not be too late to fight for the key when the time comes.

Especially when they saw that Du Yuesheng was nothing but Heavenly God realm, they didn’t pay much attention to Du Yuesheng.


“The Secret of War!”

“The secret of travel!”


In an instant, Du Yuesheng turned on all skill blessings, allowing him to directly increase his strength to the realm of God King.

The Executing Immortal Sword in his hand burst out with a super sword glow tearing the surrounding Space-Time.


Du Yuesheng loudly shouted, raising the Executing Immortal Sword high and slashing down at the attacking crowd.

“hong long long !!”

With one sword, the earth shook, Space-Time shattered, and even the clouds were divided into two and a half by sword glow.



A scream was resounded from the attacking crowd, leaving one after another sword marks on their throats.

Du Yuesheng’s sword directly cut through their’Essence, Qi, and Spirit’.

“Crash-bang ~~” In the sky, at least 100 people fell, blood dripping down the sky, blood-reeking qi all around.


An absolute spike! !

“Ding, congratulations to the player for slaying the God King monster in half a step and earning 1000000010000 Shinto Points.”

“Ding, congratulations to the player for beheading the Heavenly God realm monster and earning 500000010000 Shinto Points.”

“Ding, congratulations to the player for beheading the God monster and earning 1000 Shinto Points.”

“Ding, congratulations to the player for beheading the God General monster and earning 10000010000 Shinto points.”


“too strong!!”

“What Sword Art is this?”

The people behind who have not yet come to attack, each and everyone stood in the sky dumbfounded.

One sword kills 100 people in a second, which is too powerful! !

Never before have they seen such a terrifying scene.

Over 100 people were killed in seconds, and the deaths were confused.

Among them, there are many half-step God King-level experts, and they were also killed by a single sword.

Du Yuesheng pointed his sword at everyone, his eyes glowing with red rays of light, and he screamed: “Who else?”


“The move just now must be his life-saving killing move!”

“Don’t be scared by him!”

“There are so many of us, are you still afraid that he won’t succeed? Everyone kills!!”

One person may be afraid, ten may be afraid, but more than 100 people are fearless.

At this moment, everyone was agitated, and they all forgot the horror of Du Yuesheng’s sword just now.


In an instant, 100 people who were originally staying in the air exploded with Heavenly God power, and one after another broke out the strongest blow to Du Yuesheng.

“courting death !!”

Du Yuesheng lifts the head, looking at the black and crushing crowd coming down,’Come more, this Emperor is still afraid that it won’t be enough to kill. ‘


“The Secret of War!”

“The secret of travel!”

Du Yuesheng did it the same way, the silhouette quickly flashed among the crowd, Executing Immortal Sword one after another sword glow cut through Space-Time and fell on everyone.

At this moment, Du Yuesheng was like a wolf entering the sheep pen, constantly killing a god.

Under the God King, Du Yuesheng simply cannot stop Du Yuesheng’s sword!

In just a few seconds, the 20-30 people who rushed to the front all fell and died.

Endless blood spilled from the sky to the earth, and bloody aura filled all around Heaven and Earth.

All of a sudden, everyone in the back stepped back, afraid to take a step forward.

Too cruel! !

They could see everything that happened just now, Du Yuesheng’s speed was too fast.

They couldn’t catch Du Yuesheng’s track at all, it was the fate of being beheaded.

“too strong.”

“Fortunately, Laozi is protected by the top grade god armor, but he was still blown away…”

“It’s cruel, what’s the origin of this man?”

“Shenfa, Sword Art, are so powerful that they are not something a God of Heavenly God can possess?”

Everyone began to keep talking.

But none of them dared to take a step forward, they were scared.

too strong!

They dare not regard Du Yuesheng as an ant in the Heavenly God realm.

Can casually kill half God King in seconds, is this still Heavenly God?

I am afraid that even an ordinary God King can’t do it easily.

There is no God King expert in the crowd. Ask yourself, they can’t do it.

They can’t kill the God King with a single sword like Du Yuesheng.

For an instant, everyone couldn’t figure out the origin of this kid, and they were afraid to go up.

They don’t want to die in vain!

In the front, they think there is an opportunity to take advantage of it, and naturally they will not miss a great opportunity.

But once you know that the opponent is stronger than them, naturally choose to stand by.

The key is no longer what they can ask for.

“roar! !”

Suddenly, when everyone was thinking about what to do, a loud roar resounded through Heaven and Earth.

“Look, are those from Paragon Academy?” Someone reacted, loudly said.

“Seems to be!”

“More than that, people from Azure Dragon Empire are also here!”

“The ruthless Young Master is here too!!”



When seeing one after another rays of light appearing in the distance, everyone exclaimed.

These talents are true experts!

These appeared silhouettes, all of them were experts from Great Sect, Empire, Academy, and some were masters of Tianyuan Key.

As these people appeared, a Tianyuan key was suspended above their heads.

Du Yuesheng heard the exclamation of everyone, he also looked at the silhouette that came from a distance.

‘expert! ‘

Du Yuesheng felt a slight threat from the silhouettes who came here.

However, he didn’t look at the Tianyuan Key floating above their heads, but instead looked at their feet.

Under their feet, each and everyone aperture appeared, including white, blue, purple… and so on.

“I have made a fortune, a lot of BOSS!!”

Du Yuesheng’s mouth was drooling.

He has been in God World for a long time, but none of the bosses found it.

I encountered so many BOSSs this time.

Don’t know if they exploded?

What good things will burst out!


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