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“Passing soy sauce?” Du Yuesheng heard this sentence and couldn’t help but smile.

This remark was in Earth, where his previous life was, and it can be said that all the streets knew it.

“Yes, Senior, I really passed soy sauce. Look at soy sauce!!” The man said as he pulled out a bottle from his arms.

“Hmph, give you a chance to live, take me to the treasure house of City Lord…”

“Yes, Senior!!!”

When the man heard Du Yuesheng spare his life, he quickly stood up and walked in front of Du Yuesheng, and took his treasure towards the moved Lord City away.

Less than a few minutes.

Under the leadership of the man, Du Yuesheng came to a hidden place in the innermost part of City Lord’s Mansion.

“Senior, this is the treasure trove of the City Lord’s House, but it is covered by a layer of prohibition and most people cannot enter it.”


Du Yuesheng could not help but stretch out a hand towards the front and erased it, feeling a layer of light curtain resisting his palm.

“Trifling prohibition may stop me, break for me …” Du Yuesheng loudly shouted, his palm slammed down with force.


Under the palm of a palm, the ban that originally blocked the road was shattered and turned into soot and disappeared.

“I’m falling into the sky, what realm is Senior?” The man on the side saw Du Yuesheng who broke the ban by flipping his hand, and he was completely surprised.

He knows the terrifying of this prohibition, even the powerhouse in the Heavenly God realm cannot break.

Is Senior a God King?

Thinking of this, Man 2’s eyes lit up, and it was an honor to be able to hug a God King powerhouse thigh.

Du Yuesheng didn’t know what the man thought.

He looked at breaking the restriction, then turned to look towards the man, and said, “Go and release all the criminals imprisoned in the City Lord’s Mansion.”

“Yes, Senior!!!” Although the man didn’t know why Du Yuesheng asked him to release the criminals.

But since Senior ordered it, just do it.

“Hehe, chaos will be more chaotic…” Du Yuesheng looked at the man who left with a brighter smile on his face.

“Let me see what treasures are there…” Du Yuesheng turned and moved towards and opened the entrance of the treasure house.

The treasure house has a large area and piles up like a mountain of materials. Du Yuesheng is drooling.

“This is released.”

“Yes, it looks like we will have to rob the City Lord Mansion in the future!”

Du Yuesheng is currently a poor man, although he does not need any cultivation resources.

But he can cultivation everyone in Divine Kingdom.

“Close~~” No matter what it is, Du Yuesheng will collect it in the Divine Kingdom space as soon as he shoots.

In the Divine Kingdom space, Ying Zheng also arranged Heavenly Hall to constantly clean up the treasures that descended from the sky.


“With these treasures, it should be able to make some breakthrough God realm, which can help the Heavenly Emperor.”

Ying Zheng looked at these treasures and thought, Heavenly Hall now has too little access to God realm.

Certainly it cannot be taken out by Du Yuesheng summon.

The condition to get out of Divine Kingdom is God realm, so as to be able to withstand the summon power of the 2 worlds.

“Come, give it to me!!” Du Yuesheng kept walking in the treasure house, quickly collecting treasure.

Treasure hunting rabbits are also welcome, seeing the huge treasure, holding a mouthful of the fairy sword that fills the sky with red clouds light, humming and gnawing, don’t mention how funny it is.


“It’s gone so soon…”

Du Yuesheng looked at the empty treasure house, but he only took a few minutes.

The entire treasure trove has been scraped thoroughly.

When Du Yuesheng collected the treasure house, the entire Duanmai City was in a mess.

The reason for all this is Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng asked the men to release the prisoners from the City Lord’s Mansion, all of them were fierce masters.

As soon as they came out, they found that the City Lord was missing from the entire Duanmai City, and a riot began and spread to the entire Duanmai City.

It is important to know that out of the ordinary in these prisoners, there is a powerhouse in the’Heavenly God environment’, and there is no such expert as the City Lord.

They still don’t bring a Heaven and Earth turning upside down from Duanmai City.

at the same time.

Digging 10,000 feet away from 3 li, to find the Heaven Sealing City Lord of the treasure hunting rabbit, but he browses tightly frowns, pay attention to every move below.

“It’s been 3 hours, since I haven’t found the treasure hunting rabbit yet.” Heaven Sealing was already very anxious.

“City Lord, major event is bad.”

Suddenly, a panicked God appeared from not far away. He galloped all the way, loudly shouting in his mouth.

“What’s going on, making you so flustered, how decent, you are not carrying with the City Lord, what are you doing here?”

Heaven Sealing was in a bad mood. Treasure hunting rabbits such as heaven defying existed, but finally found out. As a result, it disappeared without a trace. Can you not be angry?

It can be said that Heaven Sealing was full of anger at this time, and there was no way to vent it. Seeing his subordinates came like this, he used it as a punching bag on the spot and scolded it painfully.

This breathless God, it was the people from Broken Vessel City who came to inform the situation, and asked City Lord Sir to go back and sit down in person.

But after this, he immediately scolded him face-to-face. The bitterness in his heart was worse than no choice but to suffer in silence, and he dared not speak.

Heaven Sealing is in anger. If he interrupts, this God is worried that he will be killed or severely injured. The most important thing is that he will not be able to speak.

“Okay, City Lord, don’t be angry!” Yu Tian persuaded while moving towards the person and asked:

“It’s not for you to sit in the City Lord’s Mansion. Is there anything you have to come here in person?

Is there something that you can’t handle? “

The God who stood aside heard Yu Tian’s question and immediately knelt on the ground and said, “City Lord Sir, our City Lord’s mansion was attacked by a mysterious powerhouse. Not only killed us.

He also released the people from City Lord Mansion to catch everything in one net and even released the prisoners in the cell. Now the whole Broken Vessel City is in chaos…”


“pu! !”

Hearing this message, Heaven Sealing burst out with a gulp of anger, and he was about to stand unstable.

“How can it be!”

“I remember there are a few Captain guards from Heavenly God 9 Layer?”

Heaven Sealing has no Dharma Idol letter. This is true. Someone dared to break ground on the head of Duanmai City, as if slapped on the face. This is the territory of Jietianmen.

And there are several Heavenly God 9 Layer characters, and most people don’t dare to do it.

“City Lord, the great gods were directly killed by the mysterious powerhouse.”

“What, a spike!!!”

Heaven Sealing heard this sentence, he also knew the danger of broken veins city, he could kill God of Heavenly God 9 Layer in one move.

Then this mysterious person is at least a half-step God King environment.

“Could it be that other forces have started?” Heaven Sealing thought to himself.

Yu Tian, ​​who was standing next to Heaven Sealing, understood the situation and immediately said to Heaven Sealing:

“City Lord, now you should go back and sit, especially the treasure house. There must be no accident.

You know there are…”

PS: No. 2

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