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Yu Qiu was taken aback, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Those cultivators have just said that City Lord is an expert whose cultivation base has reached the level of God General.

Du Yuesheng is only God realm.

Among them, there are countless small levels, 2 big levels!

But on second thoughts, Yu Qiu would never secretly thought Du Yuesheng would be such a courting death, he must have his own way!

Thinking of this, she calmed down, followed Du Yuesheng and moved towards outside the city.

Immediately after the other experts behind the 2 people, when Du Yuesheng heard the words, they immediately sneered:

“This kid dares to kill as much as he says. Who does he think he is?”

“I’m afraid this kid has some tricks, but he doesn’t want to think, under the crush of absolute strength, what is his trick?”

“Hehe, everyone, don’t act blindly without thinking. After the City Lord and the others bring people to kill, we will do a little bit more effort. When the time comes, it will be considered a meritorious service. Vulcan Gold Coin is absolutely necessary!”

These cultivators thought very well, but they didn’t know that they were going to death step by step.

Not long after Du Yuesheng and Yu Qiu walked out of the city gate, they heard a sharp shout from inside the city: “Who is it! Dare kill my son!”

As this scream came, everyone looked up and saw that in the city, there was a stream of light rising into the sky, turning around in the air and moving towards Du Yuesheng.

The speed of coming is as fast as lightning, and the imposing manner makes all the people present are frightened!

At this time, everyone’s exclamation sounded:

“It is indeed Aoguang City Lord of God General cultivation base. With such an imposing imposing manner, when encountering ordinary opponents, I am afraid that it is just an imposing manner that can speak to the other party to get scared!”

“Hehe, this is an exaggeration. The opponents of Ao Guang City Lord are generally God General Experts, but today, his opponent is a God!”

“Come here, let’s talk about it, how long can the extremely arrogant Du Yuesheng be acquired under the hands of Ao Guang City Lord?”

When everyone was amazed, experts were constantly pouring out of the city. Moving towards Du Yuesheng, Du Yuesheng was surrounded by water.

Obviously, many people wanted to take this opportunity to kill Du Yuesheng in order to win Ao Guang’s reward.

Du Yuesheng sneered again and again, and looked around. There were at least 100 people here. In this way, he might have hope and rushed to the God Soldier cultivation base in one breath!

it is good! Come here the more the better!

In a blink of an eye, Ao Guang, with his foot on the divine light, appeared above the crowd.

I saw him dressed in Battle Armor, majestic and full of anger, as if he would explode at any time.

“It’s you, killed my child Aoxing?”

Ao Guangqiang suppressed the anger in his heart and asked slowly.

He did not believe that someone would dare to kill his son for no reason, and he did not run away quickly. Instead, he stayed here as if he was deliberately led him out.

Could it be your own old rivals?

After Du Yuesheng hearing this, he was nodded decisively and said: “It is the Heavenly Emperor!”

“A God 7 heavy waste, dare to say that he is Heavenly Emperor?”

Ao Guang narrowed his eyes and immediately waved his hand: “Who will help me to kill this child, reward 1000 Vulcan Gold Coin!”

1000 Vulcan Gold Coin?

Many experts present are eyes shined, which is not a small number.

Immediately there was a young man dressed in Tsing Yi, with a sword hanging from his waist, jumping out of the crowd, sneered and looked towards Du Yuesheng:

“Break Sword Peak Liu Xuan, God 8 heavy, come to ask for advice!”

“God 8 Chong dare to ask for advice in front of this Heavenly Emperor?” Du Yuesheng sneered, and the Divine Consciousness in his mind came out directly, moving towards Liu Xuan and attacked.

Liu Xuan had a feeling in his heart and couldn’t help showing a disdainful expression: “A God 7 who dares to attack me with Divine Consciousness? courting death!”

While speaking, his Divine Consciousness also came to mind like a gust of wind, attacking the past.

But at the moment when the two collided, Liu Xuan felt his Divine Consciousness, as if being crushed by a mountain, and instantly collapsed.


Divine Consciousness is damaged, Liu Xuan is directly a mouthful of blood spurted, and has taken several steps back and forth.

How could Du Yuesheng let go of this good opportunity, his body burst, and he immediately drew away from Liu Xuan, Executing Immortal Sword took a stab in his hand, and passed directly through his chest!

“You…” Liu Xuanlian didn’t have a chance to react, and he was seriously injured in an instant. He couldn’t be surprised, he hurried Primordial Spirit away from the body, ready to escape.

But Du Yuesheng had already prepared for a long time, thoughts move, Divine Consciousness turned into a big hand, grabbed Liu Xuan’s Divine Consciousness, and squeezed directly.

Liu Xuan die!

It’s a pity that Liu Xuan didn’t understand until his death. How can Du Yuesheng’s Divine Consciousness be stronger than the cultivation base?

How could he know that Du Yuesheng’s Divine Consciousness was born before God realm, so it is far higher than the cultivation base!

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing Liu Xuan and gaining 560 Shinto points!”

Hearing the system prompt, Du Yuesheng shook his head for a while, and EXP was too few.

At the same time, his eyes swept all around, and his eyes seemed to be happy when he saw Gold Coin.

The one who was caught by the eyes, took a step back from Unable to Bear, and was shocked secretly in his heart.

There are many of them, why is imposing manner not enough to resist Du Yuesheng alone?

Ao Guang above the sky saw Du Yuesheng shot and suddenly thought he had seen everything through. He couldn’t bear to let out a sneer:

“It turns out that Divine Consciousness is better than ordinary people, so I dare to deal with me. Since I was seen through, you will die!”

The reason why Ao Guang didn’t take the first shot was because he wanted to see if there was any trump card or reinforcements for Du Yuesheng.

Now it seems that there is no reinforcements, and the so-called trump card is nothing in his eyes.

“hehe ……”

Who would have known that the smile on Du Yuesheng’s face not only did not diminish, but also became more intense: “Kill this Heavenly Emperor, you are not qualified!”

While speaking, Du Yuesheng raised hand and beckoned, a black card with a skull drawn on it, appeared on his hand.

This is the destruction card!

“This is Divine Artifact?” Ao Guang froze.

And the surrounding experts laughed again and again: “Boy, even if you have Divine Artifact, it is impossible to cross so many levels to fight the City Lord, even more how, and us!”

“Really?” Du Yuesheng disdainful smile, indifferently said: “Don’t ask for mercy!”

With that said, Du Yuesheng thoughts move: “system, use the destruction card to protect Yuqiu!”

Suddenly, a trace of black light flashed directly from the destruction card, and in a blink of an eye, it completely covered Fangyuan 10 li.

After black light flashed, it is disappeared, as if everything just happened was just an illusion.

And after the black light flashed, the destruction card was under the eyes of everyone, turned into a spot of light, and drifted in the air with the wind, disappeared.

For a moment, there was a big laughter around: “Boy, this is your Divine Artifact? Is it broken before it is used?”

“Is there a problem with this kid’s head? With such a broken thing, dare to challenge the Aoguang City Lord?”

Ao Guang was even more angry. When Du Yuesheng took out the Destruction Card, he was still a little frightened. Didn’t expect this to be the case.

He didn’t want to talk nonsense immediately, preparing to kill Du Yuesheng in one fell swoop.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a trace of coolness, which came from his heart…

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