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Although with Du Yuesheng’s current cultivation base, it is not without a battle against God, but it is definitely easier to upgrade the level.

Moreover, at the moment, many Immortal Lords in Tianyuan Pavilion have lost a lot of blood essence in order to open the gate of God’s descent, and the decline in strength is also extremely serious.

In addition, they are plotting bad luck, if you don’t start early, I’m afraid it will be troublesome later!

After a stern shout, Du Yuesheng thoughts move turned into a stream of light and rushed directly in front of the many Immortal Lord experts in Tianyuan Pavilion.

“Boy, you can’t stop God from coming to the world if you kill us!”

An Immortal Lord expert in Tianyuan Pavilion laughed loudly, not afraid of Du Yuesheng rushing over.

“God comes to the world, kill him like the Heavenly Emperor!”

Du Yuesheng sneered and waved his hand, Executing Immortal Sword reached sword light 10,000 feet, and Divine Consciousness rushed out frantically, directly killing this Immortal Lord expert.

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for successfully killing Immortal Lord 3rd-layer expert and getting 1,000,000 immortal dao points!”

After killing an Immortal Lord, Du Yuesheng didn’t stay for a while, and the sword edge instantly fell on the second Immortal Lord expert.

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing Immortal Lord 4 times expert and getting 1,500,000 immortal dao points!”

At this time, the other Immortal Lord experts in Tianyuan Pavilion came back to his senses one after another: “Boy, you courting death!”

Du Yuesheng disdainful smile: “As far as your current state is, you dare to say that Heavenly Emperor courting death? 10000 cents sword array!”

He raised his hand with a wave, and suddenly a densely packed sword light appeared in the sky. After a blink of an eye, the sword light fell, and there was a scream.

And those experts at the Immortal Lord level cannot resist the 10000 sen sword array at the moment in a state where their strength is greatly reduced.

Hong long long !

With bursts of noise, 8 or 9 Immortal Lord level experts, with no resistance at all, were immediately killed by Du Yuesheng!

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing 5 Immortal Lord 3th layer experts and earning 720 30,000 immortal dao points!”

“Ding, system prompt, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing 6 Immortal Lord 4th-layer experts and getting 1000 immortal dao points and 1,000,000 points!”

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing Immortal Lord 7 and 2 experts, and getting immortal dao points 7,000,000 and ten 20,000 points!”

“Ding, system reminder, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for leveling up, the current level, Immortal Lord 8!”

Hearing this system prompt, Du Yuesheng was unable to bear frowned. After killing so many Immortal Lords, he only raised Level 1.

But at this moment, his eyes flashed and fell on the Tianyuan Pavilion Pavilion Lord who had been seriously injured in the field, leaving only a breath.

The Pavilion Lord of Tianyuan Pavilion with normally white hair and youthful face, at this moment, the wrinkles on his face are getting thicker, and the aura is getting more and more disordered.

But his face was full of smiles: “Hehe, Du Yuesheng, it’s useless if you kill me. God will definitely kill you when God comes, and will use the divine technique for all the dead in our Tianyuan Pavilion. resurrection!”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng said with a smile: “divine technique resurrection? Dream, this Heavenly Emperor killed you, even your Primordial Spirit was wiped out, who can resurrect you?”

“What?” The Pavilion Lord of Tianyuan Pavilion suddenly remembered that Du Yuesheng was someone with Divine Consciousness, and his heart panicked.

Du Yuesheng lifted the sword and swallowed Swallowing Heaven, and instantly chopped the Pavilion Lord fleshy body of Tianyuan Pavilion, then the Spiritual Consciousness rushed out, directly uncovering the Divine Consciousness of the Pavilion Lord of Tianyuan Pavilion, thoughts move, directly crushed. .

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing the Pavilion Lord of Tianyuan Pavilion and earning 720 30,000 immortal dao points!”

“Ding, system reminder, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for leveling up, the current level, Immortal Lord 9 Layer!”

“Immortal Lord 9 Layer is already!”

Du Yuesheng raised his brow, and Immortal Lord 9 Layer was already the Peak of Immortal World. Facing God, it was just a line of separation. At this moment, if he fights with God again, I am afraid he will not be afraid of anything.

But what surprised him was that at this moment, the system prompt did not stop:

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for getting the item card: the card for all beings!”

“All beings are willing to recard?”

Hearing this name, Du Yuesheng was taken aback for a moment, and quickly clicked on the card information to view it.

Prop name: All beings wish card

Item description: This card can gather the willingness of sentient beings, enhance the player’s strength, increase the strength, and increase with the amount of willingness.

Item remarks: Will power is the power for everyone to make a wish, but it is limited to the power of the player’s current location.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but eyes flashed, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes. Didn’t expect even this kind of card.

Only one It’s a pity that you can only use Immortal World’s aspiration power, otherwise, he will directly gather everyone in the remaining areas, the area occupied by Heavenly Hall, and make a wish at the same time.

When the time comes, let alone a little God, I am afraid that even God World can penetrate instantly!

But it’s not bad to have such a wish card at this moment.

Thoughts move, he shouted directly in the heart: “summon Qin Shihuang is here!”

A golden light fell from the sky and Qin Shihuang appeared in front of Du Yuesheng. Du Yuesheng raised his eyes and found that Qin Shihuang aura had changed.

He couldn’t help but said, “Did you shoot in the last 3 days?”

Qin Shihuang nodded and said: “Yesterday, in order to level a hidden Aristocratic Family in Immortal World, several Immortal Lord level experts were killed.”

When he said that, he looked up at the sky. After seeing the gate where God came to the world, he was frowned and said:

“It’s actually God. I knew that. I didn’t make a move yesterday. Today, I can kill God with one sword!”

Du Yuesheng didn’t plan to rely on Qin Shi Sovereign, so he just smiled faintly and said:

“It’s okay, there’s me here. What I want you to do is to go back immediately and let everyone under the control of Immortal World Heavenly Hall make a wish for me in this battle!”

Qin Shihuang frowned nodded and said: “God World is different from Immortal World. Their power is Divine Power. The random shot is heaven falls and earth rends. Heavenly Emperor. Do you really want to fight God? Is it better to wait after 2 days? , I’m going to kill this God?”

Du Yuesheng shook his head and smiled slightly, saying, “Why, I’m sure I have a battle!”

Hearing this, Qin Shihuang gritted his teeth and said:

“In this case, I immediately went back to let Heavenly Hall administer all people to pray for Heaven and Earth. During the time when Heavenly Emperor left Immortal World and entered Primal Chaos, 80% of Immortal World’s sites were already under the jurisdiction of Heavenly Hall! “

Du Yuesheng eyes shined, Heavenly Hall has now developed to such a point that the population may not be less than 100 100,000,000, when the time comes The power of prayer is definitely not weak!

After Qin Shihuang finished speaking, he left, and at this moment, above the sky, the door of God’s birth was suddenly opened, and a silhouette flashed directly out of the door.

At that moment, the wind and the clouds changed color, the lightning and thunder, the Primal Chaos fairy field were fiercely trembling, countless volcanic eruptions, a doomsday scene!


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God World is still open! !

And see how Du Yuesheng killed all directions and soared to God World.

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