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Chonglou, as the devil, is extremely respectful to Du Yuesheng.

But when the surrounding cultivator saw this scene, they couldn’t help but yelled:

“Ha, Du Yuesheng brought the Demon Race woman to Immortal World. Not to mention, he even brought a Demon Race man into Immortal World. This child is to blame!”

“Hmph, fortunately I waited to besiege Du Yuesheng today, otherwise I don’t know this will happen!”

While everyone was clamoring, the Immortal Venerable expert of Blood Fiend Sect sneered and said: “That clansman, come, if you kill Du Yuesheng by yourself today, I might consider letting you go!”

This Blood Fiend Sect Immortal Venerable is very good. Let Zhonglou and Du Yuesheng fight each other, and they will sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits.

Du Yuesheng grinned when he heard this, and pointed to the three Immortal Venerables of Blood Fiend Sect, and said: “Come on, bring their three people here first.”

The demon is nodded, body flashed, only a purple and black qi dissipates, and the whole person disappears in place.

Others saw a purple black rays of light flashing in the air, passing by the 3 Immortal Venerable of Blood Fiend Sect.

Then everyone was horrified to discover that the three Immortal Venerables of Blood Fiend Sect were all disappeared.

After a closer look, everyone saw that the three Immortal Venerables of Blood Fiend Sect, all on their knees, appeared in front of Du Yuesheng.

“what happened?”

Not only the others, but even the 3 Immortal Venerables of Blood Fiend Sect did not react. When they realized that they were kneeling in front of Du Yuesheng, they immediately tried to stand up.

“Heavenly Emperor didn’t let you get up, you just kneel for this seat!”

Upon seeing the Demon Respect Building shouted in a low voice, a sound wave visible from naked eye came out of his mouth and directly blasted on the 3 Immortal Venerables of Blood Fiend Sect.

Blood Fiend Sect 3 Immortal Venerable immediately took a big mouth, wow, a mouthful of blood was spit out mixed with internal organs.

At this moment, the three Immortal Venerables no longer have the strength to stand up, they can only hang their heads and kneel in front of Du Yuesheng with a pale face.

Du Yuesheng grinned slightly, turned his head and looked at the three people, indifferently said: “Since you considered letting me go, I also give you a chance and say, how do you want to die?”

Speaking of this, Du Yuesheng lifts the head again, his eyes turned, and one after another swept away from other people, saying: “But you guys, then there is no such good treatment!”

As soon as he said this, the eyes of the surrounding cultivator suddenly changed.

Those Immortal Venerable experts in the sky who had just been imposing manner and full of supercilious eyes had already put away their contempt at this moment.

None of them could catch 3 Immortal Venerables in one breath, and shouted in a low voice and let 3 Immortal Venerables be seriously injured!

At this moment, the three Immortal Venerables of Blood Fiend Sect finally took a sigh of relief, but they did not raise their noble heads, but lowered their heads:

“Heavenly Emperor, let’s… let’s put us on a horse, in the future we will be cattle and horses…I will wait, will not have a half complaint!”

“Begging for mercy?” Du Yuesheng raised his brow and said with a sneer: “Begging for mercy is useful, what’s the use of my sword?”

When the voice fell, the Executing Immortal Sword behind Du Yuesheng soared into the sky, drawing an arc in the air, flying past the 3 Immortal Venerable throats of Blood Fiend Sect!

After the muffled sound of whoosh sound, blood flew across, and three Immortal Venerable heads immediately rushed into the sky!

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing 3 Immortal Venerable one-time experts and getting 12010000 immortal dao points!”

After hearing the system’s prompt, Du Yuesheng raised his brows as unable to bear, muttered:

“The system did not prompt me to forge Paragon bones, which means that I can use EXP to upgrade, but this requires too much EXP, 1,200,000 did not let me upgrade to Immortal Venerable!”

After thinking of this, Du Yuesheng looked up at the nearly 30 Immortal Venerables above the sky, then grinned and said, “Here, take them all to me!”

There are more than 30 Immortal Venerables here, all of them are killed, don’t believe you can’t upgrade to Immortal Venerable!

The Immortal Venerable had already noticed the power of the heavy building, but they still had some fluke in their hearts.

When I saw the body flashed of the heavy building, there were 3 4 Immortal Venerable big waves, and an inescapable net was formed out of thin air, directly moved towards the heavy building.

But after seeing the inescapable net, Chonglou just extended the hand and pulled it at will. The extremely hard inescapable net was instantly torn apart, and the 4 Immortal Venerable cultivators that took out inescapable net immediately vomited blood!

Zhonglou raised his hand and waved at random, and a huge arm appeared above the sky. It held all the 4 people, fiercely squeezed it, and placed it in front of Du Yuesheng. The 4 people had only one last breath.

When other Immortal Venerable cultivators saw this scene, they frightened the soul flew away and scattered. This is a 4th enemy.

And it looks like there is more energy!

Seeing this, where would everyone dare to fight Chonglou? Not even think, these Immortal Venerables have stretched out their hands to tear open the space in front of them, stepped into it, and are ready to escape.

Chonglou frowned tightly. Although he had the strength of Heavenspan, he did not have the ability to confine space. If all these Immortal Venerable wanted to escape, he could not catch it.

Seeing that his Immortal Venerable expert has escaped, the rest of the cultivator below is the speed of each and everyone running, which is directly converted into a stream of light and shot into the distance, there is no meaning to stay.

Chonglou’s face suddenly became more ugly.

But at this time, Du Yuesheng took out a small array with a smile, and said in a hurry: “You come and want to go, if you want to go, do you look down on this Heavenly Emperor?”

As soon as he finished speaking, a beam of light lit up on the array in his hand.

As the rays of light turned on, a strange wave suddenly appeared between Heaven and Earth.

Immediately after 200 li, the 4 directions of East, South, West, and North also had the same fluctuations.

Then everyone saw the sky with a radius of 200 li. At this moment, a huge purple crack was born. This purple crack spreads from the sky to the ground, directly isolating the surrounding 200 li. Too.

“That’s…Primal Chaos?”

After seeing this scene, an experienced and knowledgeable Immortal Venerable expert suddenly became ugly.

Primal Chaos is completely different from the void. After the space is broken, it is the void, and after the void is broken, it is the Primal Chaos. The Immortal Venerable expert can crossed over the void, but has nothing to do with Primal Chaos!

Now there is a Primal Chaos crack between Heaven and Earth, that is to say, this piece of Heaven and Earth has been completely isolated!

At this time, Du Yuesheng grinned and said lightly: “Let you all laugh, at this time Great Array, everyone in this Array, don’t even want to go out. Now, they are all lined up for the Heavenly Emperor. one by one come and die!”

At the end of the day, Du Yuesheng’s voice suddenly became cold: “It made this Heavenly Emperor happy to kill, maybe you still have the life of your disciples and grandchildren!”

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