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Yan Chao’s Immortal Venerable was just a random shot, just a test, didn’t expect Heavenly Dao 8 Pole Great Array to shake.

This gave Yan Chao Immortal Venerable a lot of confidence. Side Breaking Wind Immortal Venerable and Yancheng Immortal Venerable are also nodded again and again, without negotiation. The three people immediately flashed their bodies and rushed forward. They wanted to attack Heavenly with this Venerable. Dao 3 Great Array!

Seeing this scene, Du Yuesheng just stood quietly in the Array, still smiling.

Unparalleled Value Mall says that Heavenly Dao 8 can withstand the attacks of everyone below the Immortal Lord. There is nothing wrong with it, and it will never break even if it shakes harder.

As for these three people, if Du Yuesheng could fight them at the peak period, but since the strategy was to wait for Drunk Mo to leave the gate and kill them all at once, Du Yuesheng naturally didn’t bother to do it now.

Yan Chao Immortal Venerable 3 people certainly don’t know what Du Yuesheng is thinking, only when Du Yuesheng has been shocked at the moment.

In a blink of an eye, the three people rushed to Array, and Yan Chao Immortal Venerable raised his hand and punched out. A layer of silver-gray brilliance was directly enveloped on the fist. The power of Grand Dao contained in the silver-gray brilliance evoked bursts of light. Heaven and Earth fluctuates, changing its colors!

And the broken wind Immortal Venerable slapped the waist, took out a feather fan, raised his hand, and waved, a gust of 5 Caixia wind flew out of the feather fan, and it also contained the power of Grand Dao. The color has changed!

Yancheng Immortal Venerable is a mouth, with a burst of red clouds light gushing out from the mouth, and it directly condenses into a huge mountain, and the moved towards Array is pressed down.

Three Immortal Venerables attacked an Array together, which was dazzling. The 3-pole Great Array shook at this brief moment, like a thatched house in howling wind and torrential rain. It seems to be about to Fragmented.

3 Big Immortal Venerable also showed a disdainful smile in his eyes: “You still want to use this Array to protect yourself?”

But after they finished speaking, the wavering 8-pole Great Array gradually stopped shaking, and finally gradually stabilized.


For an instant, the 3 Immortal Venerable was stunned.

Obviously it is a weak array, why will it remain indestructible even under the combined attack of 3 people?

Standing in the Array, Du Yuesheng had anticipated this scene earlier. He came to the impossible to bear lifts the head, grinned, and said indifferently, “Did the three of you not eat today?”

“You!” The three Immortal Venerable raised their brows, and one blow was unsuccessful and that’s all. Right now, Du Yuesheng would still be so mocked by Du Yuesheng. How could the three of them stand it?

3 people shouted immediately: “Asshole, don’t be arrogant!”

While speaking, Breaking Wind Immortal Venerable is first disabled to bear, raises his hand and waved the feather fan, one after another 5 Caixia Feng flew out of his feather fan continuously, moving towards Array strikes up.

A burst of rumbling sound continued to sound, the Huaguang continued to bloom, and the Array was unsteady, but after a long time, the Xiafeng dissipated, but it was still extremely stable, and was not affected at all!

“impossible !”

Seeing this scene, Pofeng Immortal Venerable’s face suddenly became gloomy to the extreme. Repeated and repeated attacks did not break a weak array, which has exceeded the acceptable bottom line of Pofeng Immortal Venerable!

Du Yuesheng smiled more and more happily: “It’s a big battle, but unfortunately, it’s useless!”

Hearing Du Yuesheng’s ridicule, Pofeng Immortal Venerable’s complexion turned gloomy and flushed red, but he couldn’t refute it. As an Immortal Venerable, when did he experience this sullenness?

All of a sudden, the angry breaking wind Immortal Venerable wanted to take out his trump card and fight Du Yuesheng to the death.

But at this moment, Yancheng Immortal Venerable stood up and said in a low voice: “Don’t worry about breaking Fellow Daoist Feng, this kid Array is weird, I don’t have to spend vigorous air breaking the formation… “

“En?” Hearing this, Bro Feng Immortal Venerable and Yan Chao Immortal Venerable unable to bear raised their eyelids and looked towards Yancheng Immortal Venerable.

Yancheng Immortal Venerable said in one word: “When this Venerable traveled around the world, I met an expert who was quite knowledgeable about Array. This person is a bit better than Elder of the enchantress Race…this Venerable only needs to This expert summon is here, and he should break the battle!”

For an instant, both Pofeng Immortal Venerable and Yan Chao Immortal Venerable flashed a light in their eyes: “What Yancheng Fellow Daoist said, could it be the legendary Immortal Venerable Array Number One Person…Ghost Willow Immortal Venerable?”

“Exactly!” Yancheng Immortal Venerable said with a sneer: “Although the ghost willow Immortal Venerable has not been born for a long time, this Venerable and him can be regarded as close friendship!”

While speaking, Yancheng Immortal Venerable directly draws out a sound transmission jade slip, and directly crushes the sound transmission jade slip after a quick sentence.

After that, Yancheng Immortal Venerable looked at Du Yuesheng coldly, saying word by word: “Arrogant boy, when the ghost Liu Immortal Venerable arrives, I think you can still be so rampant!”

Du Yuesheng clicked the corner of his mouth, and the other party looked for an Array expert to crack Heavenly Dao 8’s in-goal array. It was not unexpected, but can this Array expert break the Array produced by Unparalleled Value Mall?

Not long after, a huge vortex suddenly appeared above the sky that had gradually calmed down, and there was a burst of space fluctuations in the vortex.

Then, a Sloppy Old Man wearing a yellow-brown robe, messy hair and dry skin like a dead tree, walked out of the vortex step by step.

Old fogey’s small dark eyes swept 4 places, and finally fell on Yancheng Immortal Venerable, and the sharp voice like the old Court Eunuch also rang:

“Yancheng, we said yes, if I help you break the Array once, I will charge you once!”

Yancheng Immortal Venerable grinned when he heard the sound, and said: “Ghost Fellow Daoist Liu, do you know Du Yuesheng? Do you know Demon Race Sacred Demon Cult Demoness?”

“Du Yuesheng? The kid who made Immortal World into Heaven and Earth turning upside down recently? I have no interest in him.”

Halfway through the conversation, Guiliu Immortal Venerable’s conversation suddenly changed, saying: “However, Demo Sect Demoness is the top grade of Dual Cultivation. I heard that Du Yuesheng is with him…”


Speaking of this, the smile on Yancheng Immortal Venerable’s face is becoming more and more obvious: “The kid in the Array is Du Yuesheng, and the Saint Demoness of Sacred Demon Cult is in Heavenly Fire Mountain. Come breaking the formation, Saint Demoness. Here you are, Du Yuesheng to us!”

Ghost Liu Immortal Venerable raised his brows and looked towards Du Yuesheng with a serious look. Then, he grinned suddenly and said: “so that’s how it is, this proposal, this Venerable agrees!”

Hearing this, the three major Immortal Venerables are all long and relaxed. In their eyes, the entire Immortal World does not have an unbreakable array of Immortal Venerables. Now there is Immortal Venerable to help breaking the formation. Du Yuesheng is just a turtle in the urn. Up!

Ghost Willow Immortal Venerable is not a procrastinator. After speaking, he surrendered from the sky and landed in front of Heavenly Dao 8 in-goal. He began to observe Heavenly Dao 8 in-goal and wanted to break the formation.

At the same time, he also said to Du Yuesheng, “Boy, I really don’t know how to thank you. Normally Saint Demoness won’t leave the place of Demon Race. You didn’t expect this time to be here. I’ll wait.” After breaking the formation, this Venerable will help you intercede and make your death easier!”

Du Yuesheng hearing this also grinned and said, “Many thanks, but no need, because when this Heavenly Emperor kills you, it will definitely make you dead and ugly!”

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