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The heart of the condensed Immortal Emperor turned out to be the last moment at this time, and it had to be meditated.

But after an hour, the second wave enemy is about to strike.

Du Yuesheng unable to bear raised his eyebrows and pondered for a moment, then lifted his feet and walked to the side of Drunk Ink. With a wave of his hand, a spirit strength hit him.

Suddenly, the drunk aura began to grow rapidly at the speed visible with naked eyes, and at the same time, the sky thundered and roared.

But after a few breathing hours, the drunken cultivation base is completely restored, reaching the Immortal Emperor 5th layer.

Intoxicated, he looked towards Du Yuesheng in a puzzled way: “Why should I get rid of the prohibition of my within the body and let me recover my cultivation base?”

Du Yuesheng laughed, saying: “I will retreat next, but after a maximum of one hour, someone will come to kill me. If you don’t have a cultivation base, how can you protect yourself?”

Hearing this, drunk ink brows tightly knit, said: “so that’s how it is, all the trouble I brought you, I will go back to Demon Race immediately, so that these people will not come to kill you !”

Du Yuesheng hearing this is a slight smile, saying: “No matter, this Heavenly Emperor takes you to Immortal World, it will not send you back because someone hunts me down, but instead they chase this Heavenly Emperor, this Heavenly Emperor The more I want to keep you in Immortal World, this Heavenly Emperor wants to see, who can bear me!”

Drunk ink eyes flashed, a strange color flashed in his eyes, somehow in his heart, even as restless as a jump.

“Okay, this is not a place of war. When I came here before, I saw a plain. We went there to wait for these people to strike!”

Du Yuesheng didn’t find the strange brilliance in the eyes of drunk ink, still grabbed the delicate hands of drunk ink as before, and sword light turned around and turned into a stream of light. After blinking, he flew out of immortal spirit city.

immortal spirit There is a broad plain outside the city, which was originally a large mountain, because it contains rich Spirit Stone Mine veins, and later was removed by many powerful cultivators, leaving a plain, so this plain has The name of the vicissitudes of the earth means the blue sea turned into mulberry fields.

After coming to the vicissitudes of life, Du Yuesheng immediately sit cross-legged, thoughts move, and opened the Unparalleled Value mall.

I don’t know. I was taken aback. At this time, he found out that he had recently accumulated 50,000 1000 818 Unparalleled Value. He is a super rich!

At the moment, the products in the Unparalleled Value mall are becoming more and more abundant, and it will take a long time to reach the bottom.

“Destroy World Symbol!”

“Heaven Destroying Formation!”

“Slashing God Blade!”

Each and everyone can be called Magic Treasure and item of destroying heaven extinguishing earth appeared in Du Yuesheng’s eyes, let Du Yuesheng unable to bear frown, these items are all worth 50,000 Unparalleled Value, just take out one, I am afraid they can Let most Immortal World be destroyed!

Du Yuesheng unable to bear a bitter smile, although these items have huge formidable power, but he is not indiscriminately killing the innocent devil. Impossible kills 100,000,000 absolutely innocent creatures between hands.

He could only sighed, and with his finger, he pulled the item bar to the middle.

Then his eyes were frozen on an array, and the information of this array also appeared in front of him immediately!

Product Name: 100,000 Absolute Killing Formation

Commodity type: array

Commodity price: 10,000 Unparalleled Value

Product description: Excellent Killing Formation, you can instantly kill any cultivator of any level below Immortal Venerable. Even Immortal Venerable cultivator will be burnt. Note that there is a limit of 100,000 Killing Formation kills. If 100,000 people are hit Killed here, it will immediately collapse!

“Can only kill 100,000 people?” Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows, but then he was relieved.

The first wave of attacks was only dozens of people. The second wave attack broke through the sky and there were only 100 cultivators. It was absolutely impossible that this 100,000 absolutely Killing Formation collapsed.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng very simply shouted in the heart: “Buy 100,000 absolutely Killing Formation!”

“Ding, system reminds, congratulations players to get 100,000 absolutely Killing Formation, consume Unparalleled Value 10,000 points, currently Unparalleled Value 40,000 1000 818 points!”

Du Yuesheng opened his eyes, the expression in front of him was drunk and slightly anxious: “I feel that you are within the body Spirit Qi becoming more and more manic. If you don’t meditate again, concentrate attention completely and condense the heart of Immortal Emperor, I am afraid you will be Spirit Qi backlash and die!”

Du Yuesheng grinned and said, “It’s okay, I will start to condense Immortal Emperor’s heart immediately!”

“Here?” Drunk ink stunned, looked up at four places, not only did the color of worry not decrease, but became more intense: “You said that someone will come to kill you later, although I have the cultivation of Immortal Emperor 4th layer base, but if there are too many people, how can I protect you?”

Drunk Mo was still worried about Du Yuesheng at this time, and Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but warm his heart. He laughed at Unable to Bear and directly found out 100,000 Killing Formation!

The 100,000 Killing Formation array is a blood red, with a blood red mist surging continuously, and a baleful aura spreads out immediately. The strong killing intent makes people impossible to bear a strategic withdrawal!

“Really strong formation!”

Seeing this scene, Drunk Mo Unable to Bear raised her brows, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes. This is one of the strongest Killing Formation she has ever seen in her life!

After Du Yuesheng waved, Suddenly 100,000 Killing Formation flew up into the sky, rising in the wind, and the red light emitted became more and more fascinating. In a blink of an eye, Du Yuesheng was enveloped in it.

At this time, Du Yuesheng laughed and said: “Now you can rest assured?”

Zuimo looked at the extremely powerful 100,000 Killing Formation formation above his head. This was nodded, said: “Didn’t expect you still have this formation, no wonder you are so unhurried!”

Du Yuesheng laughed and said: “Well, I immediately meditate and condense the heart of Immortal Emperor. I guess it will take at least one day to get out!”

“I’ll wait for you!” Zuimo smiled slightly, and simply sat beside Du Yuesheng, and began to meditate on Qi Refining to kill time.

On the other hand, Du Yuesheng was directly absorbed into his mind, 2 he did not hear the outside world, and he had completely entered the state of condensing the heart of the Immortal Emperor.

An hour’s time passed quickly, as the system said, at this time, far away, each and everyone silhouette suddenly appeared, a flowing light galloping in, the speed is so fast that people can’t help but look at it.

And in this flowing light, a middle-aged cultivator’s face turned pale, as if he was shocked. He said to a burly cultivator next to him who was wearing a short and big costume:

“Bull Bull Immortal Venerable, fortunately I didn’t enter the 10000 Stone Garden at the time. If not, I am afraid that even I will be killed by Du Yuesheng!”

The burly cultivator, called Immortal Venerable, smeared a hint of disdain at the corners of his mouth, and said: “The Terran cultivator is really timid like a mouse. I was so scared by a Du Yuesheng. Don’t worry, I have my Immortal Venerable and I. The warrior of the clan is here, and Du Yuesheng can’t escape him!”

As he said, Immortal Venerable looked up at the vicissitudes of immortal spirit outside the city. When he saw the blood-red 100,000 Killing Formation, his eyes lit up and said, “He’s out of the city, right there!”

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