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As Barranji screamed, the spirit strength of almost all the surrounding cultivators and within the body surged crazily.

This is Immortal World, and there is a Demon Race woman here, how can you stand by?

“Kill the Demon Race girl first!”

I don’t know who made a scream, and then, several streams of light moved towards Inn rushing forward, the target was the drunk ink in the Inn.

They are all nearby a Small Sect disciple named South Spiritual Mountain!

What makes people feel a little surprised is that, because of this, Zuimo doesn’t seem to worry at all, and is still enjoying the food on the table leisurely.

On the contrary, Du Yuesheng turned his body and moved towards the Inn. When several southern Spiritual Mountain disciple rushed to the edge of the Inn, they took a closer look and discovered that Du Yuesheng moved back, but he was already blocking them!

The Southern Spiritual Mountain disciple quickly stabilized his figure, stretched out his hand and pointed to Du Yuesheng, shouted: “Du Yuesheng, we are going to kill the Demon Race girl, you get out of it!”

Du Yuesheng raised his brows and sneered again and again: “If the Heavenly Emperor won’t let it!”

“No? Not letting you is an enemy of the Immortal World cultivator!” Southern Spiritual Mountain disciple looked at each other in blank dismay, and then gritted his teeth coldly said: “We know that you are good, but you are an enemy of the cultivator. I’m afraid you can’t afford it!”

Enemy with the world cultivator?

Du Yuesheng smiled, with contempt in his eyes. Du Yuesheng always followed his heart in doing things, and never flinched even though he was in front of him.

The world’s cultivator wants to go against his instincts, how about being an enemy of them?

With this in mind, Du Yuesheng raised his hand to cut out with a sword, a sword light flashed, and the southern Spiritual Mountain disciple in front of him was instantly smashed in two stages: “In this case, the Heavenly Emperor will be the enemy of the world cultivator. !”

It’s a pity that the discipline cultivation base of these Southern Spiritual Mountain is so low that it doesn’t even have EXP.

But when Du Yuesheng killed these disciplines, the surrounding cultivator face changed, and the surrounding atmosphere changed suddenly!

“This Du Yuesheng dared to say such rants! He is the enemy of the world cultivator, where did he get such courage!”

“Hmph, I have notified the teacher, they will send someone over soon, this Du Yuesheng will definitely die here today with the Demon Race woman!”

“Arrogant! Extremely arrogant! Du Yuesheng is immortal, Immortal World restless!”

each and everyone cultivator in this brief moment, but the same enemy is upset.

On the other hand, I glanced at Barranji in the sky and saw that everyone’s attention was focused on Du Yuesheng, but the body was flashed and I wanted to escape!

“Want to escape?” Du Yuesheng didn’t forget the people here, sneered, raised his hand and threw the Executing Immortal Sword: “Sword Spirit, go!”

Executing Immortal Sword has Sword Spirit. Under the control of Sword Spirit, the formidable power that Executing Immortal Sword can issue is only a little weaker than Du Yuesheng’s own control.

Executing Immortal Sword immediately turned into a long rainbow thread and went through the air. In a blink of an eye, I caught up with Barranji who wanted to escape: “10000 fairy sword array!”

With Du Yuesheng shouted in a low voice, the Executing Immortal Sword burst out incomparably dazzling rays of light. Countless sword lights condensed from the top of Barranji’s head, falling down like a thunderbolt, and they would be injured in an instant. Barranji is completely wrapped!

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for successfully killing Baranji and obtaining Spirit Points 100,000 6000 points!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for successfully killing Barranji and getting 100 Unparalleled Value points!”

After killing Baranji, Du Yuesheng’s gaze turned and fell directly on the two brothers, Xiao 10000 and Zodiac 1000.

Xiao Family 2 brother I saw, and my whole body trembled. Du Yuesheng can kill even Barranji, even more how they both?

Hardly any thoughts, the two people knelt on the ground with a plop, shouting loudly: “Heavenly Emperor, I had eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai before, and please let Heavenly Emperor spare my 2 lives. I will be a cow and a horse in the future, neither of me…”


Before the words of these two people were finished, a sword light flashed from them, and the heads of the two people instantly rolled aside.

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for successfully killing Xiao 1000 Sheng, getting Spirit Points 60,000 9000 800 32 and getting Unparalleled Value 20 points!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for successfully killing Xiao 10000 Sheng, getting Spirit Points 80000 3000 6,000,000 30 and getting Unparalleled Value 30 points!”

After beheading the Xiao Family 2 brother, Du Yuesheng turned his eyes and fell on many cultivators who glare like a tiger watching his prey.

Many cultivators were chilled by his gaze. Even though they were crowded at the moment, they were also unable to bear. They took a step back. Du Yuesheng was only one person, and his imposing manner had completely overwhelmed the presence of so many. The cultivator!

“This Du Yuesheng is really rampant to the extreme. When the reinforcements of my Sect arrive, I will swear I will not be a man if I don’t kill him!”

“Yes, I dared to be so arrogant when I brought the Demon Race woman to the land of my Immortal World!”

“You can’t be righteous if you don’t kill!”

Many cultivators talked to their companions in a low voice, but they didn’t seem to want to avoid Du Yuesheng, so Du Yuesheng heard all these words without fail.

Du Yuesheng unable to bear narrowed his eyes and said: “Since you have a killing intent for this Heavenly Emperor, then go to death!”

“Let us all die? Do you think you are an Immortal Venerable expert? You can suppress the entire Cloud Sea City by flipping your hands?” Someone immediately laughed and said.

“Immortal Venerable expert?” Du Yuesheng sneered. He doesn’t have an Immortal Venerable expert, but he has a lot of experts that are better than Immortal Venerable. Then, his heart moved: “system, use a character lottery card!”

“Ding, system prompt, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for successfully obtaining the Qin Shihuang Summon Card!”

Qin Shihuang?

Hearing this name, Du Yuesheng raised his brow slightly. Qin Shihuang was the first emperor and the first emperor in the history of Earth China to dominate the whole country. He didn’t expect even he could come out. This time There is something good!

Without hesitation, he directly shouted in the heart: “Use Qin Shihuang Summon Card!”

A distinctive golden-yellow brilliance ran through Heaven and Earth in an instant, and a burst of dragon roar sounded from all directions, as if there was a True Dragon coming into the world. Upon closer inspection, there seemed to be Golden Dragon faintly discernible in the clouds in the sky.

There were many cultivators who were imposing manner fierce and unafraid of death. Somehow, in this brief moment, there was a fear in my heart.

At this moment, among the golden brilliance, there was a middle-aged man wearing a golden dragon robe, holding a sword of emperor, dashing eyebrows, and exuding a shiver coldly majestic atmosphere. Is there!

It is Qin Shihuang Yingzheng!

“Who is this person!”

“Is this person here to help us kill Du Yuesheng?”

Under the surrounding cultivator looked at each other in blank dismay, impossible to bear whispered.

But at this moment, Ying Zheng turned around, facing Du Yuesheng, he also lowered his arrogant head, bowed his waist and bowed in salute:

“I have seen the Heavenly Emperor, dare to ask the Heavenly Emperor to call me to come, why!”


Happy New Year everyone

Thank you for accompanying the turtle all the way…

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