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In Immortal World, there has always been an unwritten rule that the better the medicine pill, the better the box.

But in fact, those good boxes do not benefit medicine pill at all. All medicine pill boxes cannot suppress the dispersion of medicine pill medicinal power unless the layout prohibits it.

But the layout prohibition does not require the box, so the box containing the medicine pill has always been a flashy thing, but no one wants to change it, except Bai Sigu.

So these medicine pills given to Du Yuesheng by Bai Sigu, all medicine pill boxes are very common.

Du Yuesheng didn’t pay attention to this at all before, and didn’t expect one day, he would be despised because of the medicine pill box.

He couldn’t help but grinned, looked at the back of the medicine pill hall, and said: “You’re just a young man, I don’t care about you, ask your master to come out!”

“How can you see me Master? Hurry up!”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng grinned and looked towards this guy, saying word by word: “I’ll give you a chance, you don’t cherish it!”

The dude was stunned and was about to say some ridiculous words, but suddenly saw Du Yuesheng suddenly lift his leg and fiercely stepped on the ground.

A loud bang came out, followed by a sudden tremor on the ground.

What is shocking is that at the same time, this is built on Array, the extremely solid ground, even fiercely trembling.

The most incredible thing is that the whole street, only this Dantang was affected, and the rest of the street had no idea what was happening here!

The fiercely tremble on the ground directly let the shelf of medicine pill in this dan hall, the rustling sound fell to the ground.

The guy’s face suddenly turned pale, Du Yuesheng’s imposing manner bloomed, and he also felt that Du Yuesheng’s strength was impressive. The most important thing was that that many medicine pill fell on the ground and I wonder if it can still be used.

After he screamed, he hurriedly extended Spirit Qi to hold up all the medicine pill. After seeing the medicine pill, he was relaxed. When he was about to yell, suddenly there was a stern shout from the back hall. :

“What happened outside!”

At the same time, a fatty, wearing a purple robe, red light across the whole face, walked out of the back hall. When he saw medicine pill all over the floor, he raised his brows:

“what happened!”

Although this fatty looks stupid, he is very savvy. He will know when you see it that his own discipline must have offended Du Yuesheng, so he did not rush to call Du Yuesheng or the discipline, but wanted to make things clear. the whole sequence of events.

The guy immediately opened his mouth to prepare for the wicked to complain first, but Du Yuesheng smiled, but the eyes in his eyes were cold, making the guy subconsciously close his mouth and dare not say a word.

At this time, Du Yuesheng put the box in his hand on the counter and said: “I want to sell medicine pills, but Sire’s discipline will not be accepted. I think he doesn’t know the goods, so he wants to see Sire, but he doesn’t inform him. I can only do this!”

“Oh?” Fatty Boss naturally understood his disciplinary character and immediately frowned and took over the wooden box.

Upon seeing this, the man quickly said: “Master, don’t look at it. What good medicine pill can be installed in this broken wooden box? This is just stigmatizing your eyes!”

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and did not speak, just waiting for the boss to open the box.

Boss frowns glanced at the buddy without speaking, and gently opened the wooden box.

At the same time, there was a sudden explosion of thunder outside, ka-cha, this sound came quickly, and it went faster, if it is accidental, I am afraid it will still be regarded as his own illusion.

But the buddy knew that this was not an illusion, and his whole person had stayed in place as if he had been hit by the thunderstorm just now.

When Boss heard the thunder, he directly covered the box, slapped his face with a slap up his hand, with an angry expression on his face: “You idiot, almost made Laozi lose a big deal. !”

Having said that, Boss turned his head to look towards Du Yuesheng, and his face had been replaced with a grinning smile: “This guest, I was just the fault of my discipline. Look, how do you punish me for this discipline?”

The dude was stunned. Even if his Master beat him for an outsider, he still felt that it was not enough, and he wanted the outsider to punish him.

How big is this business?

There was a thunderstorm just outside. It was a Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon caused by the top grade medicine pill.

But it’s not that his Master has never seen a top grade medicine pill, how could he lose self-control like this?

He was about to speak, but he saw Du Yuesheng laughed and said, “Sire can do the punishment, but if Sire does not satisfy me, I will have to sell this medicine pill in another place! I think this There are many medicine pill halls in the city!”

When the fatty Boss heard it, his face suddenly changed color.

And his side buddy turned his lips somewhat puzzled and said: “Master, let him sell it in a different place. Isn’t it just a top grade medicine pill? We still have 4 or 5 medicine pill!”


Another loud slap hit the man’s face. This slap is actually a practical cultivation base. The whole man was directly beaten up and then fell fiercely on the ground, his face swollen like an instant Pig head, nosebleeds, several teeth dropped!

“Master you…” But when the guy got up, he was still puzzled and grieved to the extreme.

“You idiot, is this an ordinary top grade medicine pill? This is the handwriting of Bai Sigu, the king of medicine. Compared with the average top grade medicine pill, I don’t know how valuable it is. You know, in Cloud Sea City, there are Is it the second one?

If this medicine pill falls into the hands of other medicine pill halls, can my reputation as the first medicine pill hall be maintained? “

Fatty Boss pointed at the man and burst into a curse: “Roll me to the mountain outside the city for ten years, and I will lose your discipline without a day!”

Dude was stunned, what? The broken wooden box contained not only the top grade medicine pill, but also the top grade medicine pill made by the king of medicine Bai Sigu?

Suddenly he remembered his mockery of Du Yuesheng, but didn’t expect a word!

All of a sudden, the man’s heart was ashamed. After ten years of thinking, he was just in his youth. After ten years, World may have changed his appearance.

The most important thing is that his Master pill refining often needs assistants. Without him in the past ten years, his Master will definitely find a new recipe. Whether he can inherit the Legacy of the Master will be a problem.

But when he thought of his mistake this time, he also knew that there was no room for it. So he could only bear a pig’s head, and he got up and flew out of the city.

And at this moment, fatty Boss looked towards Du Yuesheng with a smile: “This guest can feel that this treatment is still satisfactory?”

Du Yuesheng nodded, he can see the advantages and disadvantages at a glance. Knowing that this man was punished badly, he naturally got mad, so he said, “Get a price!”

In his mind, this medicine pill should be around 100,000 immortal spirit stone.

But to his surprise, fatty Boss raised three fingers directly, laughed and said: “3 immortal spirit stone, what do you think?”

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