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Seeing that Dan Jie was dead, Du Yuesheng turned to glance at Drunk Ink, and said, “If you don’t follow us with confidence, you can turn around and leave now. I will compensate you for an Immortal Pill.”

I never thought that drunk ink was just looking at the head. Although there was a trace of regret in his eyes, there was no flinch.

“I would kill him as well, but it’s a pity. I originally thought he was different from other Demon Race cultivators!” Zui Mo murmured, “So continue to take me to see 8 Wild Divine Artifact! “

Du Yuesheng is nodded, he also knows the feeling that this kind of dream has been broken.

So the entire group continued to move forward, but what they didn’t know was that in a huge black castle 10,000 li away, a roar suddenly came from the deepest part of the castle:

“Who dare kill my son, demon commander, immediately order 10,000 soldiers and target Huangfeng Valley!”

With this roar, the entire castle immediately shivered coldly, and the cultivators outside the castle moved and formed a line, and then under the leadership of a Demon Race cultivator with Battle Armor rays of light shining all directions, The imposing manner moved towards Huangfenggu aggressively.

At the same time, in several other places of Demon Race, when someone heard that there was a Demon Race army heading to Yellow Wind Valley, each and everyone panicked immediately.

“What? Dan Old Demon actually launched an army to the Yellow Wind Valley? Does he want to break the rules and grab the 8 Wild Divine Artifacts in the Yellow Wind Valley? Can’t let him take advantage! We have to set off!”

“Yes, without further ado, let’s go now!”

“However, you cannot send an Immortal Venerable expert, otherwise it will be dead end when you enter the Yellow Wind Valley. I heard that Dan Old Demon is only sending an Immortal Emperor 9 Layer magician!”

In less than an hour, on the entire Demon Race land, almost all the powers that can be counted at this time directly sent their own demon army.

If someone can stand high and overlook the entire Demon Race land, they will see 100 demons and 1,000,000 high-level cultivators, all moved towards the Yellow Wind Valley.

And the last time so many demons were mobilized, or the last time the fairy demons battled, it made people clicking one’s tongue in wonder.

However, Du Yuesheng, the culprit responsible for all this, did not know it at all.

At the moment they are standing in front of a cliff. There have been a lot of Demon Race cultivators gathered here. The Yellow Wind Valley seems to have come to an end here, but not at all 8 Divine Artifact traces.

“How could this happen? Isn’t 8 Huang Divine Artifact not at all here?” Demon Race cultivator unable to bear frowned and said, disappointed.

Hearing this, there was a Demon Race cultivator said with a big smile: “It’s silly, do you think this is the end of Yellow Wind Valley? Tell you, you have to keep going. This cliff is the first level. You have to pass this cliff. To move on!”

Upon hearing this, Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit unable to bear raised his brows, took a closer look at the cliff, and then frowned and said:

“Boss, if you fly directly over this cliff, it seems you will leave Yellow Wind Valley directly!”

Bai Susu stepped forward and took a closer look at the cliff before he said with certainty: “This cliff is an imaginary formation. If you want to pass, you must go straight through!”

Drunk Mo was stunned, and pointed to the cliff that was 100 feet high and covered with rugged rocks, and said, “You mean…we are going to hit the wall and enter?”

It seems that the Demon Race cultivator has the same idea. When Drunk Mo said that he hit the wall and entered, immediately two Demon Race cultivators jumped, body flashed, and turned into a stream of light fiercely moved towards the stone wall.

These two Demon Race cultivators are all experts of the Immortal Monarch 2th layer, and it is not a problem even if they hit a mountain range with one head.

But this time, when they bumped their heads on the cliff, there was a buzzing sound on the cliff, and a beam of light was directly lit up. The two Demon Race cultivators immediately hit their heads, but the cliff was intact!

The other Demon Race cultivator immediately took a breath, knowing that it would be unrealistic to use brute force.

So each and everyone Demon Race cultivator immediately sat cross-legged, scanning the cliff constantly, trying to see through the mysterious part of the cliff.

“It’s a bit similar to the last fairy ruins in Xianxu!” Du Yuesheng unable to bear grinned, and at the same time, he called out in his heart: “system, help me explore this cliff and see how to get in!”

“Ding, system prompts, the target of this exploration is extraordinary, it will cost 100 Unparalleled Value, are you sure to explore!”

Du Yuesheng raised his brow. Such a cliff actually costs 100 Unparalleled Value? It seems that this cliff is very unusual!

After a slight movement in his heart, he said, “OK!”

“Ding, the system prompts, the investigation is complete, this cliff is called God Qiya, which is left over from the True God lower realm that year, and the cracking method has been shown to the player!”

It was actually a legacy of True God’s lower realm. Du Yuesheng flashed a surprised look in his heart, but soon, he came back to his senses, moved towards Shenqiya, and before his eyes, Shenqiya’s cracked Law, has been listed one after another.

He then smiled slightly, turned his head and looked towards Drunk Mo, and was about to talk, only to find a Demon Race cultivator moved towards this side. He actually stopped in front of Du Yuesheng without saying anything. He leaned over and said, “This girl, but Saint Demoness?”

“Holy Demoness?”

When Du Yuesheng heard this name, Du Yuesheng raised his brows and glanced at side Zui Mo in a little surprise.

Drunk Mo eyes flashed and said: “yes and how?”

“I am a believer of Sacred Demon Cult. Seeing the Holy Demoness here, naturally must be in order to his loyalty!”

The voice here also attracted the attention of a lot of Demon Race cultivator. When they heard the 3 words “S. Demoness”, their complexion changed suddenly. When they saw the Demon Race cultivator who was talking to Drunk Mo, their complexion changed. It became more exciting.

“Isn’t this the Demon Dragon child!”

“It’s him. I heard that although the Demon Dragon only has the Immortal Monarch 5th layer cultivation base, he has killed the Immortal Emperor level expert of the Immortal World cultivator!”

“Yes, this is not a fictional thing. I saw it with my own eyes that the innate talent of Demon Dragon is probably one of the best in my Demon Race cultivator!”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng unable to bear raised his brow slightly. It seemed that Demon Dragon was a truly tyrannical character.

It’s just that after seeing the Demon Dragon son, Zui Mo is frowned and said: “I have my own companion, and I don’t need your loyalty!”

Demon Dragon hearing this eyes flashed and fell on Du Yuesheng’s body, and his voice gradually became colder: “This person is Saint Demoness talking about?”

“Yes and how?” Zuimo asked, frowning.

After experiencing Du Yuesheng’s aura, Demon Dragon found that Du Yuesheng was just a cultivator of the Immortal Monarch 5th layer, and he said one word at a time:

“Let him protect you, Your Highness, Saint Demoness. This is irresponsible to His Highness and Sacred Demon Cult. As a believer of Sacred Demon Cult, I will never allow this to happen!”

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