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A corner of a mountain emerged from Space Crack.

All the people present, including those Immortal Venerable experts who usually aloof and remote, think they have been used to the big scenes, all stood blankly in place, at a loss.

But Bai Qi is expressionless continuing to pull outwards. As time goes by, the Space Crack gets bigger and bigger, and the mountain that is pulled out gets bigger and bigger.

Along with the mountain being pulled out of the void crack, a mournful scream was also heard, a flowing light spell, and it continued to rise from the mountain, moved towards a stone with an egg, but it was no different from striking towards a stone with an egg , The attack dissipated in the air automatically before it reached Bai Qi.

After just a few breaths, the mountain that was pulled out from in the sky was a few hundred miles in size, covering the sky and the sun. If it were placed on the ground, it would be a huge mountain range.

And the sharp-eyed cultivator, after seeing the huge mountain, the disabled to bear screamed: “This…isn’t this the Holy Mountain of the tree-heart tribe?”

Someone next to him immediately said tremblingly: “Yes, it is the Holy Mountain of the Tree Heart Clan. The foundation of the Tree Heart Clan lineage is this Holy Mountain. If there is a problem with the Holy Mountain, the Tree Heart Clan will have to finish it!”

“This… isn’t something wrong, it’s just being pulled up by the roots…” Someone kept widening his eyes and muttered.

The Immortal Venerable expert of the tree heart tribe is even more dumbfounded.

Let’s not talk about how huge the Holy Mountain of the tree-heart tribe is, just say that the powerful tree-heart tribe Senior who is countless among the books in Holy Mountain should not just watch the Holy Mountain of the tree-heart tribe being pulled up by the roots. what!


There was a loud noise, and the tree-hearted Holy Mountain was completely pulled out of the void, and then Bai Qi was casually hit on the ground.

“He Fang Xiaoxiao dare to attack my Shuxin Clan…”

Above the Holy Mountain, a great shout full of anger immediately sounded. These voices seemed to have come from ancient times. They were long and long. After people heard this sound, there was a sense of awe in Unable to Bear. Feelings.

But just after shouting this sentence, Bai Qi was photographed with a palm volley, the huge mountain range of several hundred miles in vertical and horizontal directions, was so directly and instantly photographed to pieces, as if this huge mountain range was just paper. The same.

And the expert who just uttered awe-inspiring awe, there was no chance to utter the second sound, and it was directly photographed as fleshy.

At this time, Bai Qicai said lightly: “Bai Qi is not Xiaoxiao.”

Du Yuesheng was also laughed, looking towards the already dumbstruck Immortal Venerable expert in the sky, indifferently said: “Now Sire still thinks that the Heavenly Emperor can’t destroy your Treeheart Clan?”

The Immortal Venerable expert of the tree-heart tribe trembles all over, and instantly came back to his senses, stretches out his hand to tear the void, and wants to escape.

In front of Bai Qi, where can he escape? Bai Qi flicked out the war sword, and a blood red sword light went through the air. After a short while, it was cut from the Immortal Venerable expert of the tree heart clan.

Although it was only cut out with a single sword, the Immortal Venerable expert of the Tree Heart Clan turned into fragments in the sky at the moment of the sword, and the dead can no longer die!

All the Immortal Venerables present face changed. Bai Qi was able to uproot the Holy Mountain of the Treeheart Tribe at a distance of 1,000,000 li, and slay the Immortal Venerable of the Treeheart Tribe with a single sword. If they were to be killed, it was not much harder than a breath.

At exactly this moment, they also heard the discipline of grand disciples tell what happened just now, so each and everyone Immortal Venerable quickly stood up and said:

“I have misunderstood Du Yuesheng Fellow Daoist before, and I am extremely ashamed!”

“Yes, we didn’t expect Du Yuesheng Fellow Daoist to really get the monument back!”

“We didn’t expect Du Fellow Daoist to kill so many Demon Race experts!”

“And I think what Du Yuesheng Fellow Daoist said is right. The Heavenly Immortal country is no longer qualified to manage this complete monument. It is best to leave it to Dragon Race to manage it!”

In a blink of an eye, each and everyone imposing manner of Immortal Venerable experts who killed them all turned into very good talking neighbors. They praised Du Yuesheng again and again, and waited for Du Yuesheng to worship him!

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly. He didn’t know any of the Immortal Venerable present. He didn’t have any big grudges at first, and it just happened that the other party was so acquainted, so you don’t need to worry about them.

So Du Yuesheng waved his hand and said, “Bai Qi, send the monument to Dragon Race!”

Bai Qi was nodded, did not tear open the void at all, but slammed into the void directly, lifting the sky stele disappeared!

The matter was almost solved, Du Yuesheng still looked calm, but Bai Susu spit out a mouthful of impure air for a long time.

The psychological pressure that betrayed Immortal World brought her is really too great. Now the matter is completely resolved. There are more than a dozen Immortal Venerables to speak for Du Yuesheng, plus Du Yuesheng did not give the monument to Demon Race, betraying Immortal World Naturally, he was not convicted!

Although Bai Qi had already left, the dozen or so Heavenly Venerates still felt uncomfortable standing here, and quickly moved towards Du Yuesheng to say goodbye, and soon all left.

But also at this time, Du Yuesheng’s ear suddenly sounded the system prompt:

“Ding, system prompts, system has detected 8 Divine Artifacts appearing near the player, please go to collect it!”

“8 Divine Artifact?” Du Yuesheng raised his brows. Since he took the task of 8 Divine Artifact, he has only collected one Divine Artifact. Didn’t expect to encounter another Divine Artifact here. Must not be missed.

He hurriedly took a look at the direction indicated by moved towards system, and then suddenly realized that the direction indicated by system was in the depths of the Demon-Splitting Plain!

The place where Du Yuesheng is standing is almost the midline of Immortal World and Demon Race. If you go deeper, the front is purely the domain of clansman.

Today I killed so many clansman and took away the complete sky stele. I am afraid that Demon Race is sending a large army to here. At this time, it is too dangerous to go deep into Demon Race.

However, danger belongs to danger. In order to collect 8 Divine Artifacts, I have to go anyway.

So he turned his head and said to Bai Susu: “You go home first, I want to go to the depths of Demon Race!”

Bai Susu hearing this shook his head for a while and said, “I didn’t leave when you wanted to betray Immortal World. Now you have to go to the depths of Demon Race to do things, why did I leave?”

Du Yuesheng was taken aback for a moment, and so did secretly said in one’s heart. People still depend on life and death even when you were cast aside by the whole world. What reason is there to drive them away now?

Sighed in his heart, Du Yuesheng said: “If this is the case, then you follow me, but if you encounter danger, I will let you go, you must not say two things!”

Bai Susu was nodded with joy and walked to Du Yuesheng’s side, as if he was afraid that Du Yuesheng would throw her away.

And Nine Heavens Xuan Ling Rabbit thought for a while, looked towards Du Yuesheng and said: “Boss…it’s too dangerous to enter Demon Race like this, we better prepare!”

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