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After the silver white streamer got closer, Du Yuesheng saw that in the streamer was a silver white carriage.

This carriage is not silver-white. The Tianma pulling the cart in front is also silver white. It has wings on its back, horns on its head, and fluttering mane. There is a streamer escaping backwards, which is gorgeous to the extreme.

It can be seen that the people in this carriage are either extremely high in cultivation base or extremely distinguished.

Du Yuesheng didn’t know someone and didn’t plan to cause trouble, so he gave way, and thoughts move, in the heart said: “system, help me find out where Long Wushuang is!”

“Ding, the system prompts that there is no Long Wushuang position within a radius of 200 li. If you need to continue to expand the search range, please pay 100 Unparalleled Value!”

“Expand the search!”

Du Yuesheng shouted immediately.

“Ding, the system prompts, the exploration is completed, and the position of Long Wushuang is 500 miles from the player’s west!”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng raised his brows, and didn’t expect Long Wushuang’s position to be so deep in the Demon Demon Plain, there must be a lot of experts in it.

But as long as he finds Long Wushuang, he immediately body moved and will fly towards Long Wushuang’s location.

But at this moment, there were bursts of light bursting around the silver carriage, as if 10000 arrows were fired, all moved towards the silver carriage and killed.

The silver-white carriage immediately lit up one after another light curtain, and the violent streamer hit the light curtain, and the silver-white carriage’s defensive light curtain trembled violently, and it seemed to be unable to hold it.

Surprisingly, Rao is so, not at all expert appears on the silver carriage.


Suddenly, there was an explosive sound, and the violent streamer on the ground directly smashed the defensive light curtain outside the silver carriage, and countless streamers instantly hit the silver carriage, and the silver carriage exploded instantly, turning into flying fragments.

At the same time, a white streamer suddenly rushed out of the sky fragments and flew straight towards Du Yuesheng.

This white streamer rushed out, and around the silver-white carriage, each and everyone’s two-headed Fiend immediately appeared in shape, holding up the scimitar in his hand and chasing it straight out.

“Don’t let her run!”

“Kill her!”

Upon seeing this, Du Yuesheng unable to bear looked back at Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit. Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit blushed and said: “These two-headed Fiends are very good hidden, and the distance is a bit far away. I didn’t even smell it. It’s normal, didn’t you find it.”

Du Yuesheng twitched his lips, took a look at the white streamer that moved towards himself rushing out: “Can’t you save?”

Nine Heavens Xuan Lingtu waved his hand: “Why did you save him? So many two-headed Fiend ambush him, which means that he must be a great actor. We saved him and was targeted by the two-headed Fiend. How can we save the dragon Wushuang in your mouth? “

Du Yuesheng sighed and said: “I am also a member of Immortal World anyway, and I can’t help the people who watch Demon Race chase and kill Immortal World indifferently.”

While speaking, he was body flashed, turned into a stream of light, and flew out directly. After a blink of an eye, he passed the white streamer, blocking the many double-headed Fiend and white streamers!

When the two-headed Fiends saw someone appear, they didn’t slow down at all, and yelled, “Boy, this has nothing to do with you. Get out of the way if you don’t want to die!”

Two-headed Fiends have seen more of this kind of thing. As long as they chase a certain Immortal World person, other Immortal World people will see it, and they will rarely stop it. Whoever dares to stop it and scare it will get away. .

The people of Immortal World are extremely selfish, this is the consensus of clansman!

But after they finished shouting, they found that Du Yuesheng was standing still motionless, and there seemed to be a slight sneer at the corner of his mouth.

“Courting death!” A double-headed Fiend’s eyes caught a cold, waving his machete straight towards Du Yuesheng and rushed to the scene.

“Destroy Ben Heavenly Emperor!”

Du Yuesheng glanced over, and directly activated the ability to watch and kill. The two-headed Fiend who rushed over instantly lost consciousness, and hit the ground with a black boom, disappearing aura.

“what happened!”

Seeing this scene, the other two-headed Fiend was shocked by the unable to bear in his heart and quickly looked up towards Du Yuesheng.

Their sight immediately caught Du Yuesheng’s arms, Du Yuesheng’s eyes swept in turn, and these two-headed Fiend instantly died in anger, crashing into the ground.

“Cultivation base such a low-headed two-end Fiend dare to run here to assassinate Immortal World people?”

Du Yuesheng is coldly snorted, these double-headed Fiends are at best the cultivation base of Great Encompassing Golden Immortal, so it is naturally the easiest to kill them.

The only pity is that the cultivation base of these people is too low, and the system does not even give EXP.

“Many thanks Sire life-saving grace, Bai Susu will be rewarded in the future!”

At this moment, a clear and celestial voice rang behind Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows and looked back, only to see a woman with white clothed Shengxue black hair as long as a waterfall and a white veil covering her face, who actually bowed behind him.

“Just go hand in hand, no need to repay.”

Du Yuesheng glanced at this Bai Susu, then turned around and the mysterious rabbit flew towards Nine Heavens. You can’t delay here, Long Wushuang is still waiting for him.

When Bai Susu saw that Du Yuesheng was going to leave casually in this way, his eyes could not help revealing a trace of surprise.

She quickly turned around to catch up with Du Yuesheng and said: “Can Sire help someone in the end, send me to a place, Bai Susu will definitely be rewarded!”

Du Yuesheng frowned, shook his head and said: “I’m busy!”

Bai Susu did not give up at all. In fact, she had no choice. This time she escaped from the house and came to the Devil’s Plain. She wanted to find her mother, but she didn’t expect to be ambushed by the clansman. This shows that her whereabouts have been leaked. Now whether it is going forward or going back is dangerous, if there is no one to protect her, she is in danger.

“If Sire feels that Bai Susu is speechless, he can accept this jade pendant first!”

With that said, Bai Susu just pulled out a gentle white jade jade pendant. This white jade jade pendant is shaped like a horse, about an inch long, and it flows beautifully!

Du Yuesheng didn’t even look at the white jade jade pendant. He just shook his head and said, “I told you, I’m very busy!”

With that said, he found out a space transfer spell and it was too slow to fly to Long Wushuang, or he used the space transfer spell directly!

But after he took out the Space Transfer Charm, he was about to use it, and he immediately heard a system prompt: “Ding, System Prompt, the space in front is extremely unstable, and the Space Transfer Charm cannot be used!”

Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows and could only clenched the teeth, put away the space spell and took out the Xianyingzhou.

Who knew that he had just got into the Xianying boat, and Bai Susu even stood on the Xianying boat uninvited.

“What are you doing?” Du Yuesheng frowned, he didn’t want to bring a tow oil bottle.

Bai Susu said helplessly: “If Sire doesn’t send me to where I want to go, Bai Susu only follows Sire, so at least safety is guaranteed!”



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