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The enchantress Race 2 Elder hearing this is ashen-faced.

He hurriedly said to Du Yuesheng: “Little friend Du, I did not approve of your marriage to Lingji Princess at the beginning, but because of the face of the ancient demon Elder, I didn’t say it.

Now, I saw that the old man was wrong. Please forgive me. As for the old man, Du Xiaoyou doesn’t need to save it. Take your friend and Elder away! “

After speaking, 2 Elder broke away from Du Yuesheng’s hand, with a face of resignation, bowed his head and prepared to continue breaking the formation.

And Shuzong laughed more at this scene, and was extremely satisfied with the ban on 2 Elder within the body.

But to his surprise, Du Yuesheng not at all left to save the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit. Instead, he stretched out his hand and hit 2 Elder on the neck with a Palm Blade. Suddenly, 2 Elder’s eyes went black and he passed out.

“En?” Shuzong was taken aback, wondering what Du Yuesheng was going to do.

In front of Du Yuesheng’s eyes, all the information about the prohibition of 2 Elder within the body appeared long ago. If you want to break this prohibition, you must stun 2 Elder.

Afterwards, Du Yuesheng transported within the body spirit strength to the fingertips. With the movement of the fingertips, the finger pierced directly into the abdomen of 2 Elder, and the blood burst out, but Du Yuesheng ignored it, 2 fingers in 2 Elder within the body Fumble.

Seeing this, Shu Zong’s face changed drastically: “Want to crack the ban? Dreaming, even if the old man kills him, he will not let you take him away!”

While speaking, Shu Zong directly thought about secret art and wanted to detonate the ban directly.

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng suddenly pulled out his fingers and threw fiercely outwards, and suddenly a stream of light turned into an arc in the sky. It hadn’t flown far, it was a blast, and it burst directly!

At this time, Du Yuesheng only exchanged a hemostatic medicine pill in the Unparalleled Value mall and directly fed it to 2 Elder. The spirit strength was urged. The injury of 2 Elder was recovered as usual, and others woke up leisurely.

“Just now…” 2 Elder didn’t know how he fainted, but soon he was stunned. He naturally felt that the ban on his within the body had been lifted.

“Boy, I’m going to kill you!” Of course Shu Zong knew that after the ban was lifted, 2 Elder would be able to leave at will. He insisted that standing here was naturally meaningless, so he didn’t hesitate to leave the formation eye and moved towards Du Yuesheng killed.

Shu Zong also has at least the cultivation base of Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal 3rd-layer, and at the moment Du Yuesheng has not pointed to the skill of invincible, so at this moment, Shu Zong is definitely a super strong enemy.

However, Du Yuesheng still took out the shadow cloak on the face of 2 Elder, and pushed it out with a palm: “Go to the big Elder, give it to me here!”

By the time he finished all this, Shu Zong had already rushed over and angered him. He concentrated his cultivation base on one palm, fiercely moved towards Du Yuesheng, and pressed down: “Dead to old man!”

Du Yuesheng hurriedly, no spell could be launched, but could only clenched the teeth, exhausted the whole body cultivation base, and raised his hand fiercely to shoot up with a palm.


2 The sound of the palm is like a thunderbolt exploding. The violent wave of light was followed by a circle for a long time without realizing it. The air wave burst directly, forming a huge storm, pulling up the surrounding grasses by the roots!

Du Yuesheng’s legs slammed deep into the ground for more than a foot, and a trace of blood came out of the corner of his mouth.

He, who hadn’t been injured for a long time, was finally injured again.

But what was more shocking at the moment was Shu Zong. He thought that Du Yuesheng’s cultivation base showed him enough to make it a powder, but didn’t expect Du Yuesheng to just forcibly take the palm at the cost of only There was a little blood at the corner of the mouth.

He can see clearly that the blood in Du Yuesheng’s mouth is black, which shows that it is congestion rather than blood, which proves that Du Yuesheng only hastily shot with the body concussion blood energy deposition, and now he spit out the congestion, can’t follow The difference in injuries is not that big!

This child is very difficult to deal with!

Shu Zong immediately put away all the contempt, and took off with a force of the palm and took off into the sky. One turned around, and his head and feet were upside down.

Immediately after his left hand was shrunk against his chest, the right hand was extended downwards, 5 fingers spread out, and between his fingers, the light flowing out of one after another green immediately continued.

Then, Shu Zong shouted and fell down suddenly, and the green light between his palms lingered, turning into a mountain.

The big mountain in the palm is imposing and has not fallen. The heavy pressure has already been applied to Du Yuesheng, causing the ground around him to slam and collapse a huge palm print!

This palm not only has 100% cultivation base of Shu Zong, but also one of his best spells. Even if the expert of the same level needs a strategic withdrawal, he is very confident.

Du Yuesheng looked up at the tree sect that had rushed towards him, his eyebrows sank, and his eyes were bright light glittering. He did not shirk, but he slowly raised his finger and pointed at the tree sect above the sky, thoughts move: ” Finger pointing!”

One of his strongest tricks right now is this clever finger, a spell that costs 500 Unparalleled Value at a time, I believe it will not disappoint him!

Sure enough, as this a finger pointed went, a little Yingying fire lit up at his fingertips.

Seeing this faint rays of light, Shuzong still saw disdain in his eyes: “Boy, want to fight old man with this trick? Dream!”

While speaking, the disdain in Shu Zong’s eyes grew stronger, as if he had already seen Du Yuesheng into a slushy scene when he saw him.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he found that the brightness of the rays of light at Du Yuesheng’s fingertips increased rapidly. After blinking, even when he glanced at the past, he felt that the rays of light at the fingertips were dazzling.

“Finger of Harmony! Out!” A shouted shout from Du Yuesheng’s throat.

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for using Lingshi Finger once, which cost 500 Unparalleled Value points!”

A loud explosion sound came, and a white finger was suddenly shot from Du Yuesheng’s fingertips, and rushed into the sky. The imposing manner seemed to go straight to the sky, the pillar of the sky!

Above the sky, the palm of the tree sect also ruthless fell, and in a blink of an eye, the two directly collided.

In an instant, between the explosion and the shock of the light waves, the Fingers of Harmony’s rays of light seemed to be dimmed a lot, but at first glance, the palm of the tree’s palm also became illusory, and both of them were damaged.

But Shu Zong laughed more than once: “Boy, you are dead, you Finger of Harmony will use up to 70% of my palm, and the remaining 30% will kill you like killing clay chickens and pottery dogs!”

“is it?”

Du Yuesheng saw this, unable to bear a corner of his mouth, revealing a sneer color: “One finger can exhaust 70% of your palm, if the Heavenly Emperor has 2 fingers?”

“2 fingers? How tall is your cultivation base, and you can be surprised to show an old man with a finger, 2 fingers? Dream!”

Shu Zong laughed again and again, rampant to the extreme!

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